Chapter 30: He Totally Loves Me

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  "Alex Michaels, please report to the principals office", the nasally voice on the intercom spoke in the middle of third period.

All heads in the class turned to me.

I sighed and stood up, then left without a pass or anything.

I had actually been quite good, if I do say so myself.

I mean, beside the occasional disruption or small prank, I was doing fine.

So why the hell was I called up?

I walked straight into Mr. Parkins office without knocking.

His head snapped up in my direction as I shut the door and plopped down in front of him.

"What did I do now?", I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

"Actually, I think you'll be happy to hear what I have to say", Mr. Parkins said, flashing me a toothy grin.

"And why is that?", I questioned, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Well, as you know, school ends next Friday", he said.

Speaking of Friday, today was a friday and I needed to make plans for the weekend.

"And in order to be legible to graduate, you need a certain amount of credits", he continued.

"What are you getting at?", I asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Well, there are some students who passed with an extra amount of credits, due to extracurricular activities", he said.

"And what does this have to do with me?", I asked.

"Most students who passed with extra credits did because they chose to gain them. However, in your case, you were assigned to them as a consequence. Remember how when detention didn't seem to be enough for you, we put you in extra classes?", he asked.

"Yeah, that's was so damn annoying by the way", I muttered.

"Well that eventually paid off for you in the long run", he smiled at me.

"How did wasting my time in useless classes pay off?", I asked.

"Because although you may not have known, those paid off in credits", he said.

"Okay and why should I care?", I asked.

  So I got a few credits, whatever.

"You happen to be one of the students whom we are going to recognize for having extra credits at the graduation ceremony.  Like an honerable mention, sort of", Mr. Parkins told me, grinning.

"Wait-I'm getting an award?", I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yes. Congratulations. This is to notify your parents on your achievements. See you at the ceremony", he said, handing me an envelope with my name on it.

"So being bad technically got me an award?", I asked.

"Not exactly, the consequences did", Mr. Parkins explained.

"Ahh but I wouldn't have had those consequences if it weren't for my actions", I pointed out.

"Yes but that doesn't justify your behavior", he replied, acting sternly.

"You know it was a good year. Can't deny I made it interesting", I smirked at him.

The corner of Mr. Parkins lips tugged up and he covered it with a fake cough.

"Go back to class, Alex. You still have a week left of school. No fooling around in the hallways", he ordered.

I shook my head at him but sent him a knowing grin and walked towards the door.

"PEACE BABY!", I yelled, showing the peace sign and closing the door as I walked out.

I caught a glimpse of Mr. Parkins Stern face dropping and heard him chuckle as I walked away.

See? I knew he loves me.


  "I heard your name on the intercom", Tony mentioned.

We were sat in the gym. It was lunchtime and coming here had sort of become our thing.

"Yeah. Mr. Parkins wanted to see me", I replied.

I was sprawled across one of the bleachers while Tony sat one underneath me so I was facing him.

"What did he want?", he asked.

"He told me I was getting some award at the graduation ceremony", I shrugged.

"Really? That's great", Tony grinned at me.

I flashed him a smile and examined his face.

"What are you doing this weekend?", I asked.

"Um..I don't think I have any plans", Tony said.

"Wanna hang out with me?", I asked.

"Yes", he blurted out immediately.

  I smirked at him and his face flushed in embarrassment.

"I mean...sure", he cleared his throat.

"You're cute", I winked, leaning forward and planting my lips on his quickly.

As I pulled away, I noticed a huge grin on his face.

"So what are we gonna do?", he asked.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?", I replied.

"I don't mind", he shrugged.

I thought for a second.

"We could go see a movie", I suggested.

Tony nodded and shot me a grin.

"A scary movie?", he asked.

"You know it", I winked.

The bell rang right then and I sighed. Tony and I walked towards out next class, which we shared.

Before we left the gym, I took his hand in mine.

Then we waked through the sea of teenagers to our next class, together.


"No", I said, stubbornly.


"No. Not a chance in hell", I muttered.

"Please, Alex?".

"No", I repeated myself.

"Come on".

"I will never. And I repeat Never go to the beauty salon with you", I told Sarah.

  And that's how I ended up in a beauty salon, refraining from choking the woman who was basically torturing my poor face.

Yeah, I definitely hate Sarah.

The Bad Girl And The Shy Boy: Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now