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A Long Time Ago...

"Now, now Wendy. You're going to get lost" Arthur pestered as he held the small girl by her tiny hand, she giggled.
"There's so many people in England, Arthur." She walked alongside the man, looking up at him as she spoke. He smiled.
"Yes there is love. Now, we need to get moving if we wanna head back home. Your family is waiting, you don't wanna miss your flight tomorrow to Australia, do you?" Arthur looked down at the girl, who furiously shook her head. They were walking the busy streets of England in broad daylight, heading to Arthur's house to meet up with the family. Tomorrow was their flight back home to Australia as they were only in England to sightsee. Except Arthur of course, he lived here.

Wendy waddled along the path, she was probably the only child in the crowd as many of the people were either tourists or people trying to get to work. She looked up at the sky as she walked, staring at the blue and fluffy sky. It always rained in England, Arthur told her all about the adventures he had in the rain. Suddenly, Wendy felt the cold ground of England's streets.

She sat there for awhile staring at the ground and examining it only to finally look up. The girl was met with the blue eyes of a small blonde boy probably her age. He held his tiny hand out as to help her up, but all she could do was stare.
"Wendy!" Arthur called, she saw him bustling through the crowd as he probably didn't notice she was gone. He quickly took her hand, glanced at the boy and shooed him off. They began walking again, the boy of course had began walking too in the other direction. But for some reason, she looked back.

And so did he.

W|N Welcome to the start of my story. Hope you have a great time, please make sure you hold on though, it will be a bumpy ride anyway.

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