Chapter 1 {Kendall's Talent}

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"Say cheese!" Kendall's voice echoed in the room. The girl sitting in front of the camera smiled in reaction to his command.

It was the last day of high school for Kendall and Samantha (aka Sam) and they decided to spend it making and selling fake IDs. They had been in this business for months. They had been best friends for years.

"Perfect," Kendall smiled, looking at the photo.
"Really?" the girl said blushing at Kendall's comment. She started nervously touching her hair. "The picture was really perfect?" she asked him, biting her lip.

Kendall was known as the hot stoner with no direction in life. But these assumptions that everyone made were not at all true. Except the part about no direction in life... and being hot. He had blonde hair and thick eyebrows that shielded his captivating green eyes.

"Beautiful," interrupted Sam. She walked up to the girl and held out her hand. "That will be 350 dollars," she smiled sweetly and cocked her head to the side, mocking the girl.

The girl scoffed, rolling her eyes as she handed Sam the money. Her freckled face moved closer to Sam's. "This better be good."

"It will be, sweetheart. I'll be doing it," Kendall smiled, looking up at her from under his eyebrows.

The girl blushed as she stood up, smiling like an idiot. She played with her hair again as she giggled. "Kay," she said and left the room before turning and waving at Kendall.

Kendall smirked as Sam walked up to him. She had blonde hair with streaks of purple in them, dark eye makeup and black nails. She too had no direction in life. It was rather sad, she was a different person in the past. She leaned on the counter, handing Kendall the money. She began imitating the girl. "Oh, Kendall! You're so hot. I'll pay for a fake ID just because you'll make it."

Kendall smirked at her. "What? Jealous?"

Sam scoffed. "Heck yeah! Why can't my boobs be big enough so guys would do that for me?"

Kendall laughed, shaking his head at his best friend. He smiled wide as he took the money in his hands. "Now aren't you happy I got you into this business?" she asked him, smiling proudly.

Kendall shrugged looking at the money. "I can't complain."

Sam smiled at Kendall sincerely. She knew it was wrong for her to bring Kendall into her juvenile schemes, but she couldn't help it. He was all she had.


6th period. Nathan had just finished presenting his end of the year project. Nathan was known as the former hockey star with amazing looks. He has sweet brown eyes, defined smooth lips, and amazingly soft hair. After an injury last hockey season, he can't get away with much anymore. When girls see him on his crutches, they automatically baby him. He doesn't mind much.

"And so that, everyone is the rule of 'Dibs!'" Nathan finished. He smiled, showing off his final project to the class.

"Okay..." the teacher groaned, taking off her glasses. "Any comments?"

Immediately, Andraya raised her hand in one sharp move. The teacher sighed seeing that she was the only person to raise her hand for the 7th time.

Andraya was known as the girl who doesn't shut up and has too big of an opinion. But, she was the smartest kid in the whole school. She dressed appropriately with sweaters and conservative skirts and her straight brown hair was always pulled back with a headband. No makeup had ever touched her doll-like face. She carried herself with dignity and respect even though no one in the school gave that to her. But Nathan did.

"Yes, Andraya?"

"I thought it was very creative. I mean, one never truly understands the basic demographic of the meaning of Dibs or else there would never be whole sitcom episodes surrounding the troubles of it. What seems to be childish and a joke to some people is actually based in our everyday life. It's even seen through the ten commandments!" the class groaned with Andraya bringing up her religious views again.  "I mean, 'thou shall not steal,' that person has already claimed dibs, you can't take away their rightful possession! 'Thou shall not commit adultery,' the man or woman has called dibs on their spouse by marrying them, they can't be given up to someone else! Am I right?" she smiled wide, looking at the classmates.

The class looked at Andraya with confused, scornful looks. Seeing their faces, Andraya's smile quickly disappeared as she looked down.

"Thanks..." Nathan said as he walked to his seat awkwardly, taking his poster with him.

With that, the bell rang. "Oh thank God!" the teacher exclaimed as the class poured out, all to excited that their high school lives have now ended.

Andraya walked up to Nathan, putting an arm on his shoulder. "It was a really good presentation, Nathan. Don't let the quiet applause and yawning students make you think otherwise," Andraya smiled.

Nathan put on a fake smile and nodded. He liked Andraya... most of the time. She was there for him when he was injured. The annoying girl next door was his only real friend for 2 months. She liked him even when he wasn't the school's hockey star. "Thanks, Andraya. Too bad I wont have you to tutor me anymore now that school's out."

Andraya smiled sadly as Nathan leaned on his crutches and started walking out.

*Hey! So this story was originally a story on YouTube {BTW the trailer is in that side area thingy}. It will be the same exact plot, just some editing differences and name changes. The cast is still the same just because it's easier. The reason why I'm uploading this story to wattpad is because I will be finishing the story on wattpad!!! It is not finished on YouTube and I think it will just be easier for me to finish it here. So I hope you guys enjoy it and please, if you have a story you'd like me to read, just tell me! :D

{Photo: Kendall, Video: Trailer}

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