Chapter 17 {A Chance to Be Together}

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Andraya ran into the music room calling Nathan's name. She stopped in her tracts when he saw Nathan and Noesha laughing together. She pursed her lips out of jealousy. "Nathan," she called one more time.

Nathan looked up at her. "What is it, Andraya?"

"We have to go. Zander's hurt," she said simply and turned fast, flipping her hair and walking out of the room.


Zander smiled at Andraya as she dabbed his wound with a wet towel. Nathan shook his head as he looked down at Zander. "I told you not to go, man. You will definitely have one nasty bruise."

"Better me than Sam," Zander mumbled.

Andraya heard, but she decided to act as if she didn't. "Where is Sam?"

Zander shrugged. "I don't know. She just dropped me off here and said she had to go do something."

Andraya nodded. "Well you better be getting back to your dorm. I'm going to go see if Sam's in ours."


Zander was walking to his dorm until he heard a familiar giggle. Sam came stumbling out of a dorm room, waving goodbye to a group of guys. Zander quickly walked up to her. "Sam?"

Sam smiled wide when she saw Zander. "Zander!" she squealed and hugged him, but then fell to his feet because she lost balance.

Zander helped her up. "Who were those guys?"

Sam shrugged. "I don't know!" she giggled. "But they had a whole keg in there so they are my new best friends!"

Zander sighed. "You're drunk."

Sam pouted. "And your grumpy," she laughed.

"Come, on," Zander said, dragging Sam away. "Let's get you to your dorm room."


Zander smiled as they finally reached Sam's door. Sam leaned on it a turned to Zander. She touched his head. "Thank you, Zander!" she slurred, giggling.

"Yeah, yeah," Zander said, reaching for the door knob, but Sam stopped him.

"Wait!" she said, stumbling. "There is something I should tell you."

"Well I'm sure you can tell me later," Zander said, reaching for the door knob again.

"No, no, no!" Sam said, hitting his chest lightly with every no. She bit her lip as she looked up into his eyes. Zander became shocked by how big and beautiful Sam's eyes could become just by looking at him. "I have something to tell you now while I still have the nerve," she said quietly.

Zander suddenly became very interested in what she had to say. Sam played with his collar as she continued. "It's not easy to say this to you. I know how bad I've treated you, but now I want you to know how I really feel."

Zander lightly gripped her shoulders, already having a feeling what she was going to tell him. It shocked him, but he knew he felt the same way. All she had to do was say it and they could have a chance together. He tried his best to keep himself from smiling. "What is it, Sam?"

Sam smiled wide, seeing his enthusiasm. "Zander," she giggled the touched his face. "I lo-"

At that moment, Andraya opened the door. "God Sam! I was just about to look for you!" she yelled.

"Andraya!" Sam squealed, throwing her arms up, hugging Andraya.

"Uh, Sam?" Zander tried to get her attention, but it was already focused on Andrya. "You wanted to tell me something!" he tried to get to her.

Andraya grew disgusted. "Ugh! You're drunk! Sam!"

"I may have had just a little bit," Sam said, squinting his fingers to emphasize that it was a little bit.

Andraya rolled her eyes then looked at Zander. "Thanks, Zander. You're a gem, but I got it from here,"

"Wait!" he tried to say, but Sam's squealing when she saw her bed over powered his calls to get either Andraya or Sam's attention. Andraya said one more thank you before closing the door in Zander's face. Zander sighed, stepping away from the door. He gripped his hair in frustration and hit the wall. He stated walking away, looking back at the door with every step.  

A/N: So this is where it gets NEW! :D The rest of the episodes I'm going to upload are not on Youtube, they will be specifically for Wattpad. And there will be much more romance involved, I know there hasn't been much lately so I'm sorry for that :/ I just needed to get all the back stories out of the way. So I hope you enjoy them :)

An (extra)Ordinary LieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora