Chapter 2 {Max Is So Cool}

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Kendall and Sam walked out of the school for the last time. Kendall turned around and took a picture of it, then turned and took a picture of Sam while she counted the money. Sam rolled her eyes once she realized Kendall took the picture. "You're such a loser," she told him.

This comment led to meaningless banter between the two. They began play fighting. The shoved each other and Sam would hit Kendall in the back of the head. Sam accidently shoved Kendall too hard. He stumbled backwards and bumped into somebody. He quickly turned around. "I'm so sorry!" he quickly exclaimed, but his worry soon faded as he realized he bumped into Krista.

Krista Schaller was beautiful with her soft blonde hair and her flawless pale skin. Eyeliner surrounded her baby blue eyes which were placed under her thin eyebrows.

Krista adjusted her backpack strap. "Horse playing you guys? Really?"

Sam smiled politely then gave her the middle finger.

Krista nodded, looking down. "Good to see you, too," she said and left.

Kendall and Sam watched her as she ran up to her boyfriend's car. When they were in 11th grade, Krista dumped Kendall for Chris King, the hot senior. After having gone out for two years, she dumped him on prom night. Sam could never forgive her.

Sam put a hand on Kendall's shoulder. "Hey... it's been a year. You need to get over her."

Kendall looked down and nodded. "I am," he said, turning his head to look at her. "Hey, Max's graduation party is next week, you going?"

Sam scoffed. "And listen to his dad talk about how exciting it is to go to college? No thank you," she said and began to walk foward.

Kendall quickly caught up to her. "Come on, Sam! He's one of our best friends!"

"Uhh, he's your best friend and he's a loser," Sam said, still walking with her arms crossed.

"Oh, no he's not. He's the coolest guy I know!" Kendall exclaimed which made Sam stop walking and look at him. Kendall sighed. "Okay, fine. But he's really fun at parties! Just come and you'll see," Kendall smiled, raising his eyebrows at her in persuasion.

Sam rolled her eyes smiling, giving in. Kendall smiled wide. "Yes!"

1 Week Later:

Max opened the door frantically and held up a wooden spoon with some kind of light orange sauce on it to Kendall's mouth. His light brown eyes were full of distress. "Quick! Taste my sauce! Is it too tart?"

Kendall leaned down hesitently and tasted it. As Kendall tasted the sauce, Max opened his mouth like he was feeding a baby. "It's fine, Max," Kendall said as he stood up strait.

Sam looked Max up and down. He wasn't completely ugly. In fact, he was rather cute with his evenly groomed brown hair and the quirkiest smile in the whole school. He would of been rather popular if his personality wasn't so obnoxious and his time wasn't spent on just grades.

Max smiled wide then walked back into the house. Kendall looked down at Sam and forced a smile. Sam gave him two thumbs up. "Gee willigers, Kendall! He's the coolest!" she exclaimed, mockingly.

Kendall sighed and him and Sam walked into Max's kitchen where he was frantically cooking. "So... what's with the cooking?" Kendall asked Max.

Max quickly turned around. "You'll never guess who my mom invited!" he exclaimed.

"Bozo the Clown?" Sam asked, in a high pitched voice while smiling wide.

Max glared at her. "No!" he said then turned to Kendall, raising his eyebrows. "Mikayla Vargas!" he yelled, smiling wide.

{Photo: Max}

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