Chapter 21 {A New Student}

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Krista sighed as she walked up to the dorm room. She knocked on the door. A girl with bright brown eyes, plump lips, and wavy dark hair opened the door. "Hi," she smiled at her.  "You must be Krista."

Krista nodded and smiled. "Yeah," was all Krista managed to say. 

The girl held out her hand. "I'm Bella."

Krista shook Bella's hand. "Nice to meet you."

Bella smiled wide and grabbed some of Krista's stuff, helping her into the room. "I've never had a roommate before. Where did you transfer from again?"

"Redcliffe," Krista smiled as she layed the stuff on her bed.

"Woah, that's an awesome school. Why would you ever leave there?" Bella asked.

Krista shrugged. "It just wasn't the right place for me. Besides, isn't this the place where dreams come true?"

Bella laughed. "You make it sound like it's Disney World."

Bella's comment made Krista laugh. "I just thought I could actually become a photagrapher here."

Bella smiled wide. "Perfect! I'll show you where to sign up for classes."

Krista followed the energetic Bella to a main room. The windows brought in light to the blue room. Bean bags were spread across the tile floor. Displayed in the front of the room was a large white board filled with creative, colorful writing.

Kendall's eyes widened slightly at the sight of Krista signing up for classes on the curriculum board. He quickly turned to Nathan. "What is she doing here?!"

Nathan looked up at Krista, the back down at his camera. "She transferred here yesterday."

"What? When?!" Kendall asked frantically.

"Before the party," Nathan told Kendall calmly. Nathan then held up a the camera and took a picture of Kendall. He smiled wide as he looked at it. "That's great! Terribly shocked is the one emotion I didn't have. Thanks for helping me with my homework, buddy." Nathan smiled as he patted Kendall's back and walked away.


Krista narrowed her eyes at what Bella was doing on her Facebook page. She was looking at a picture of Alexa kissing a boy. "How do you know her?"

Bella looked at Krista and shrugged. "Oh, I don't really. It's just a long story."

Krista narrowed her eyes at the picture again. "Is that Max?!"

Bella raised her eyebrows. "You know him?"

Krista looked at Bella, then back at the picture. "We used to go to the same high school together. He was such a dork."

Bella smiled and looked down. "Yeah, he is."

"Can you tell me the story?" Krista asked.

Bella shrugged. "It's just.. Max and I had feelings for each other but this girl snatched him up before I could get the chance. He used to go here, but then he transferred over to Redcliffe. Do you know her?"

Krista sighed. "She used to be my friend. Until her and my boyfriend had a fling behind my back."

Bella frowned. "I'm so sorry."

Krista shrugged. "I should have seen it coming."

Bella sighed and then looked back at the picture. Krista started walking to the door. "Do you wanna go get some lunch or something?" Bella nodded. "Yeah, be right there." she called and Krista left the room.

Bella smiled slightly at the picture. "Be good to him." she whispered before closing her computer and walking out of the room.

///2 weeks later///

Krista waved good bye to Bella as she left. She then looked down and continued eating her breakfast.

"Can I sit down?"

Krista looked up and met Kendall's green eyes. She looked away as she nodded. As Kendall took his seat Krista leaned back in her chair and pushed away her food like she had lost her appetite.

Kendall sighed and pushed the food closer to her. Krista rolled her eyes. "What do you want, Kendall?"

"I have a confession to make," Kendall told her. "I can't stop thinking about the night of the party. And you being around campus all the time does not help it. Whenever I see you I just can't help but want to run up to you and kiss you and hug you."

"Kendall you made it very clear that we weren't ready for that," Krista said, trying not to cry.

"I was wrong. I was jealous. I thought you still had feelings for Chris, and you were just using me to get back at him," Kendall looked at her sincerely.

Krista shook her head. "I was actually relieved when I caught him cheating on me. He was never a good boyfriend like you were, Kendall. And I would never use you like that," she confessed.

Kendall smiled slightly. "I still love you, Krista."

Krista smiled slightly and stood up. She walked over to him, bent down, grabbed his face and kissed him. When she pulled away, Kendall stood up and hugged her tightly which caused her to giggle. "I love you, too," Krista smiled through her happy tears. Kendall leaned down and kissed her one more time before hugging her again.


Krista smiled wide as she walked up to Kendall and his friends playing poker. "Hey, guys. This is my roommate, Bella."

Nathan and Andraya said hi to them, while Sam looked away. She shuffled the cards. "Are we going to play or what?"

Krista sighed, looking at Sam as she dealt the cards.

After an hour of everyone goofing off, Sam got a text. "You guys I should get going," she said and was about to get up.

Nathan smiled as he held her back. "Hold on, hold on. Look," he said pointing to the parking lot.

They all looked up where Nathan was pointing. A car pulled up, honking. Everyone ran up except Sam ran up as they saw Zander step out with a duffel bag. He high fived Nathan and Kendall and gave a hug to Andraya. He looked up at Sam who just stood there with her hands in her back pockets. Zander took off his sunglasses and smiled at her. She gave him a small smile when she realized he was wearing contacts. She waved, but instead of hugging him, she just turned around and walked off. He narrowed his eyes in confusion and started walking after her. Nathan quickly grabbed his arm. As Zander looked at him, Alex shook his head. "You don't want to do that."

"Why?" Zander asked, looking at him.

Nathan shrugged. "Sam, she's uh..." Nathan tried to find the right words as he looked down.

Zander shook his head and took his arm out of Nathan's grip. He quickly ran up to the front of the school. He stopped when he saw Sam on the back of David's motorcycle.

She turned around and looked at him. She then put on her helmet and David drove off.

"She's dating David again?! What the hell is wrong with her?!" Zander yelled as he ran back to the group.

"Zander!" Kendall forced a smile. "This is Krista, my girlfriend, and her roommate, Bella."

"Nice to meet you." Zander said calmly. "I mean what the hell! Out of all the people in the world, David! Why didn't you do anything Kendall?"

Kendall sighed. "I have to stop babying her, Zander."

Zander shook his head. "This is all just so fucked up."

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