Chapter 11 {What's The Plan?}

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Max and Bella sat down in the crowded room. When Max looked up, he saw Sam run across the stage. "I'll be right back," he smiled down at her and Bella smiled back. Max ran up to the stage, behind the curtain. "Sam!" he called.

Sam turned around, her hair whipping harshly. "What?!" Sam snapped at him, annoyed.

"What's the plan?" he asked frantically.

Sam looked around, trying to think. "Uhh, get your uncle! I have an idea!" Sam loudly whispered, then ran away.

Max sighed, pulling his hair. He then ran and got his uncle. Max told him to go behind the curtain of the stage. Lewis grunted and did as told. Max sat back down, next to Bella.

"Hey," she smiled, looking at him.

Max smiled wide, looking at her. "Hi," Max's attention was torn away as Sam walked up on stage. She motioned behind everyone and Max looked back, seeing Zander operating the microphone equipment.

Sam tapped the microphone to make sure it was working and then began talking. "Excuse me, can I get everyone's attention please?"

No one really bothered to listen to Sam. Maybe it was because she looked as old as them or maybe because they had better things to do.

"Hey! You better listen up you little mother fuckers before I kick ever single one of you out. You know what will happen then? You grow up to be living on the streets sleeping in a box! Then you'll have to fight pigeons for stale bread that old ladies throw!" Sam yelled at the top of her lungs. The crowd became dead silent and Sam smiled. "Good dogs. Now I need all of you to come up to the stage and sign this paper," she said holding up a clipboard with some blank paper on it. "This gentleman right here," she motioned and Lewis walked out, "will be handling it. Don't sign, and you will be immediately be kicked out and we'll keep your first semester's tuition money. Sign it, and have a bright future. And write neatly you little bastards! And don't crowd to get at it or else we're calling the cops. Good? Good," she forced a smile and got down from the stage. 

Sam sighed as she walked up to Zander in the microphone booth. "That should hold them off for like maybe an hour or two, right?" she said looking at him.

Zander nodded. "Yeah... good plan," Zander tried not to show much emotion to her. He was supposed to hate her.

Sam nodded smiling and then began taking off her shirt. "Woah! What are you doing?" Zander asked, immediately covering his eyes.

"Calm down! I just have to change into Andraya's stupid ass clothes so her parents are pleased," she said and walked to the corner and finished changing. "Ugh, I look disgusting," she said, looking at herself.

Zander looked at her, his eyes widened slightly. Her hair was pulled back in a bun to hide her purple streaks, yet her bangs still fell in her face. The yellow floral dress accentuated her curves, yet still made her look very modest. She had very little eye makeup on and a light pink lip gloss made her lips even more noticeable. Zander quickly shook his head. "You look beautiful," Zander didn't understand why he said it, but he did.

Sam immediately looked up at his comment. "Shut up..." she blushed and ran out.

Zander laughed as he looked down and kept on working the mic for Max's uncle.


"Here she is, mom!" Andraya smiled, pointing to Sam, walking in the room.

Sage smiled. "Hello, nice to finally meet you, Samantha."

Sam forced a smile. "It's so nice to meet you, too. Andraya has told me so much about you!"

Sage smiled wide and looked at Andraya and Sam. "Really? Like what?"

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