Chapter 8 {The Boy On The Bike}

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Sam shook her head. "Sorry, I can't."

Kendall groaned. "Sam! We were in this together!"

Sam shrugged. "My mom said she needed me around the house."

Kendall shook his head, looking at her. "What's the real reason, Sam?" he asked her sincerely.

Sam bit her lip. All their life Kendall and Sam have had friends that have told them nothing but lies. She didn't want to be like them. She didn't want to lie to her best friend. "My mom can't afford the ten thousand dollar tuition."

"What about the emergency money?" Kendall asked, knowing the amount they have in there. Before Sam's dad abandoned the family, he left them a large amount of money to Sam and Sam only.

Sam shrugged. "She used it all to get her last boyfriend out of jail."

Kendall sighed looking down. He then looked up at her. "I shouldn't of asked you to spend money on a fake college anyway..."

Sam smiled a little. "It's okay. I can still help."

Kendall shook his head, smirking. "I think I have an idea."


Ms. Tyler looked at Sam up and down. "Full scholarship?"

Sam nodded shrugging. "Yeah, I guess they just like me."

Ms. Tyler laughed. "Sure, whatever. Have fun being a priss," she said, putting out her cigarette in the full scholarship letter. Sam nodded. As she left the house, she realized she really didn't want to end up like her mom. But it was probably too late now.

////2 Weeks Later////

As Sam walked up to the college she watched as Nathan and Andraya were painting the front. Andraya kept on looking at him and smiling. Sam laughed to herself. It was too obvious that Andraya liked him. Sam's attention changed focus when a young guy, about her age, passed on a bicycle. He had short dark hair and blue eyes that were covered by glasses. They shared a brief moment of eye contact until he looked at what Nathan and Andraya were doing. He soon rode away, disappearing. Kendall walked up and put a reassuring hand on Sam's shoulder. "He wont say anything..."

Sam nodded, looking down. "Right," she didn't believe it, but she was too tired to argue.


The dark haired, brown eyed, baby face beauty put her magazine down as her father told her the news. She gave him a skeptical look and prayed it wasn't true. "Really? They're still accepting people this late?"

Mr. Monroe nodded, patting her leg. "I knew you could do it, sweetheart! You're going to college!" he then happily walked out of the room.

Bella looked down, shocked. She threw her head back and groaned.


Anthony looked at the letter and smiled. He quickly read over the words until he realized he had been accepted. He smiled wide and ran into the house.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" he yelled repeatedly.

Anthony's mother sighed as she turned to him. "What, Anthony?!"

Anthony quickly showed the letter to her smiling wide. "I got accepted!"

Mrs. Harrison's eyes widened as she read the letter. She quickly said a prayer and kissed Anthony's forehead. "Anthony!" she called Anthony's father. "You're baby boy is going to college!"

Mr. Harrison walked in, shocked. Mrs. Harrison kissed Anthony's forehead as she cried tears of joy. "I'm so proud of you!"

Anthony smiled a little. His mother had never said that before...

///1 week later///

"Hey..." Nathan said, walking up to Sam with a football in his hands. "You want to throw a few?"

Sam raised her eyebrows. "You mean like... old times?"

Nathan shrugged. "I guess... come on."

Sam sighed, giving in. "Your leg better not mess you up," she said, aiming the football in her hands as Nathan walked back some feet.

Nathan smiled, looking down. He then put down his crutches. "I think my injury is getting better, thank you."

Sam shrugged and threw the football. Andraya walked out with the fertilizer in her hands. She narrowed her eyes at Sam and Nathan throwing the football. She didn't like the fact that they could possibly reconnect. So she took a glass of lemonade, and began tanning. It was the perfect place to spy on them.

Nathan sighed as he saw the boy ride by on his bike for the seventh time in the last week. As Sam caught the football Nathan threw, she looked back to see what was making him upset. She pursed her lips, seeing the boy on the bike. She aimed the football and threw it at him. It hit his shoulder hard and he fell, his bike crashing on top of him.

"Sam!" Nathan yelled. "What the hell did you just do!?"

Sam ignored Nathan's calls as she walked up to the young guy on the ground. She rolled her eyes and held out her hand. The guy hesitantly took it and Sam helped him up. "Okay dude, what's your deal? You've been riding that gay ass bike here every day! What are you, a cop?" she yelled at him.

"Uhh-d-uhh," the guy stuttered as he adjusted his glasses.

"Ohhhhh," Sam exclaimed, touching his shoulder. "This is no longer a mental hospital!" she said really loud and really slow.

The guy instantly shrugged off her hand. "My brain functions perfectly fine, thank you!"

Sam smirked, crossing her arms. "Hey guys!" she called to the group behind her. She turned to face the guy as she spoke her last sentence. "Bike Boy's got a vocabulary."

The guy sighed as Andraya, Kendall, and Nathan walked up to him.

"Hey, man. Sorry about Sam," Kendall said, putting an arm around her. "She lost her manners a long time ago," he then held out his hand. "I'm Kendall."

Sam's eyes widened. "Don't tell him your name! He could be a spy!"

The guy laughed at Sam and shook Kendall's hand. "I'm Zander. I promise, I'm not spying on you, by the way. I was just curious on what was happening to this place."

"It's going to be a college!" Andraya said, smiling.

"He doesn't need to know that!" Sam snapped at her.

"Not a real college... We're making this movie and we needed a place to lease," Kendall immediately explained.

"So you resorted to breaking and entering into an old mental hospital and making it over?" Zander asked with a hint of cockiness.

Nathan narrowed his eyes at Zander. "Why do you think it's breaking and entering?"

"The lease holder... he's my uncle. He always complains about how much of a dump this place is. I asked him about you guys, and he said he's never met you," Zander explained.

"Ha!" Sam yelled, pointing a finger at Zander. "He is a spy!"

"So, Zander. Can you keep a secret?" Kendall asked, narrowing his eyes at him.

*A/N a picture of Zander is in the side bar thingy!*

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