Chapter 27 {The Double Agent}

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Krista smiled wide as Kendall spun her around. The happy blonde turned and danced with her brown-haired friend. Lily treated the party as a great way to get rid of all her stress. She happily held her red cup in the air and bounced to the sound.

Sam laughed as she crossed her arms, looking at the crowed. Here were all these crazy messed up people just letting loose and being themselves. Her smile faded when she saw Chris King and Louis walking out of the party. She knew just by his personality that Chris was going to ruin the party. "Oh no you don't," she whispered evily. She followed the two Redcliffe students out of the building. She noticed Zander walking up to the party. He noticed the two students and tried to walk past them, but Chris and Louis stopped him. Sam found this odd so she hid behind the wall to listen to what they were saying.

"Evans," Chris smirked. "Where have you been?" 

Zander looked around and tried to pass them. When they pushed him back, he sighed. "Look, this isn't the time or the place."

"Its a perfect time. Its the perfect place," Chris glared at him. "Any new reports?" 

Sam narrowed her eyes at this question. 

"I told you, I'm done with that. I'm done with Redcliffe." Zander said and tried leaving once again. 

Chris grabbed Zander's collar and made Zander face him. "You will never be done with Redcliffe. For God sake's you are Dean Evan's son. How would dear daddy feel if you left an ivy league school for a fake college full of weirdos?" 

Sam's eyes widened. She covered her mouth to keep her rage from coming out. Zander was a spy. She was right in the beginning, yet she still fell for him like an idiot. She quickly ran back into the party to warn Kendall. 

Zander noticed the girl run into the school. All he saw was a rush of purple and blonde hair. "Sam?" he questioned. He realized it was, in fact his girlfriend. "Sam!" he tried calling after her. 

The nerd was going to call after his girlfriend again, but a sudden pain and a loss of breath Chris punched him in his stomach to make him shut up. "You are going to tell us everything." Chris snarled. 

"Fuck off," Zander's hoarse voice said. 

At the sound of this insult and with his opponent being so weak, Chris kicked him in the shin. Zander fell to the ground. Chris and Louis continued beating the pathetic double agent. 


Sam pulled Kendall away from Krista despite his protests. "God, Sam! What the hell?" he exclaimed over the loud music. 

"Zander is a spy!" she yelled. 

Kendall narrowed his eyes at her. "What the hell are you talking about?" 

"Zander was outside and he was talking to Chris King. Zander is the fucking son of some Dean at Redcliffe!" she looked up at him with wide eyes. Kendall looked down, processing what she said. "Chris knows its a fake college. Kendall, we need to shut this down. Tonight!

Kendall pulled his hair. Zander was telling his father all along. Him, Sam, Nathan, and Andraya would all go to jail. He cursed himself for ever doing something so stupid. Game over. 

*A/N sorry it's short! I need to leave it off on a cliffhanger ;) Anyway, if you have been reading the whole story, you know that Zander's dad died, so of course I had to change it to his mom dying instead. Thanks -JT

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