Chapter 28 {You Ruined It}

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Kendall ran up to the stage in order to shut down the party. As he grabbed the mic, everyone cheered. Everyone loved him since orientation. Krista smiled wide at how popular her boyfriend was. Bella and Max walked in, hand in hand just in time to hear the speech.

Kendall looked out into the crowd and suddenly had a loss of words. He had to tell them the truth.

"A few months ago I was so upset that I didn't get accepted anywhere that I did something rash. I... I..." Kendall looked out into the crowd for Sam's support. She nodded. "I created a fake acceptance letter to a college called North Sharpe Institute of Technology. Originally, it was just to get my parents off my back, but while me and my friends were trying to make it look legitimate it got out of hand and you guys ended up getting accepted too. Really, this is all one big fat lie. Some guys from Redcliffe want to reveal us. So this needs to be shut down before it tears down any of our reputations. I... I'm so sorry."

There was an awkward silence as Kendall walked off the stage. Sam saw the tears in his eyes as he left the room. Krista followed him outside.

"Kendall!" the distressed blonde called as the door shut.

Kendall turned around, the tears streaming down his cheeks. He wiped them away and took a deep breath. "I really fucked up this time, baby." he laughed.

Krista stared at the boy she once knew in front of her. "Why didn't you tell me? We are supposed to be a team."

"I'd rather have you stay out of criminal activity than say that we are a team." Kendall sniffed. "If anyone asks, you didn't know me." Kendall began walking away, but Krista ran up to him and grabbed his hand. She faced him.

"Look I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I don't care if I can't get back into Redcliffe or if I go to jail. But I will care if I continue living just ignoring the love that we had. I've spent two years without you and no matter how happy they look in pictures, it was so empty without you. I never believed in soul mates or whatever crap that you see in a Drew Barrymore movie, but I think the universe keeps pushing us back together for a reason. We belong together. Criminal, or college graduate I will love you. Nothing can change that now." she smiled sweetly at him.

Kendall pulled his girlfriend into a hug. He suddenly didn't care about North Sharpe anymore. He had her.


Nathan walked up to the stage and grabbed the mic. "We will try to refund as much of the tuition as we can. Most of it was spent on housing and food, so it may not be in full. For right now, will everyone return to their dorms and pack their stuff. We have to ask everyone to move out in the morning. We really are sorry."

Nathan stood there as the students started walking out. Some were crying, others were angry.

Noesha walked up on stage and faced Nathan. Nathan smiled at her, raising his eyebrows. "I guess this means we're done now, huh?"

A slap across the face confirmed Nathan's question.

Andraya watched as Noesha left the building with all the others. She slowly walked up on stage. They sat on the edge as the watched the people leave. She rested her head on his shoulder. This gesture said a million things that words could never say.

Sam watched as the students left.

"This is so wrong," a blonde bimbo said.

She rolled her eyes and walked out. She folded her arms to shield himself from the cold.

"Sam," a tired male voice said then groaned.

Sam looked around the dark campus, completely creeped out. She looked on the ground and saw Zander in the grass beaten and bloody. She quickly ran up to him. "Holy shit! Are you okay? Is anything broken?"

Zander smiled at the fact that she was actually concerned. He shook his head. "No nothing is broken. It just hurts."

"Good!" she exclaimed and hit his arm. "You're a fucking liar!" she screamed at him.

Zander narrowed his eyes at her. She knew. "Who told you?"

"I heard you talking to Chris King, dumb ass." she stood up and put her hands through her hair. "I can't believe I fell for your shit."

"Sam, after we got together I told them I couldn't do it anymore. That I was done with them." Zander tried to sit up, but it hurt too much.

"It doesn't matter Zander," Sam was done yelling. She was tried to hold back her sobs. "It's over. It's all over."

"It doesn't have to be. No matter what I will always be here for you." Zander looked up at her from the ground.

Sam looked down at him. He was so helpless. "I don't think I can say the same thing." the tears started falling from her eyes. "You ruined it. You ruined the island of misfit toys."

With these stinging words, Sam left him there. With the last ounce of love she had for him, she found some random girl and told her to help the bleeding nerd in the grass. And just like that, she vowed to be done with him for good.

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