Chapter 25 {Makeover}

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Sam smirked as she looked at Andraya. "Well Cinderella, ready to meet you Prince Charming?"

Andraya started standing up out of the chair, a look of uncertainty clearly present on her face. "Maybe this was a bad idea-"

Sam pushed her lightly so Andraya would sit back down. She then turned the chair around. Now facing the mirror, shock overwhelmed the shy girl.

"Bipiddy Bopiddy Boo."

///2 year's ago-Sam's Flashback///

Sam took a deep breath and exhaled, smiling. She then rang the doorbell. A few moments passed until Nathan quickly opened the door with his morning robe on. "Sam..." he said staring at her, shocked she was here.

"Hi," she smiled. "I just really wanted to tell you something so I thought I'd surprise you! Surprise!" she giggled. She tried to look in his house. "Can I come in?"

Nathan looked back into his house. "Uh, you know what," he said and turned back to her, forcing a smile. "It's a beautiful night, why don't you just tell me out here?"

Sam nodded, smiling. She then walked over and sat on the porch couch. Nathan quickly sat next to her and looked through his window for a second. "So what did you want to tell me?" Nathan asked, looking at her.

Sam took another deep breath. "Wow, this is not easy to say," she giggled once more. She turned to Nathan and took his hands in her. "Nathan... You have been one of my best friends since kindergarten. But the way I feel about you has... changed," she smiled, looking into his eyes. "Nathan, I-"

A slim figure appeared in the door frame. "Nathan are you coming back to bed?" A blonde girl asked, looking at him, twirling her hair. She was dressed in Nathan's hockey jersey and nothing else.

"What's going on here?" Sam forced a laugh.

Nathan quickly turned to her. "You see, ever since the guys found out about me losing my virginity, I became really popular. This girl actually talked to me today! And now look where we are!" he laughed.

Sam quickly took her hands out of his. "I thought popularity didn't matter to you?" she asked, looking at him with sad eyes.

Nathan shook his head. "It didn't... but Sam it's so much fun!" he smiled wide.

Sam nodded, about to cry. "Wow... um. I really don't know you anymore do I?" she snarled, standing up.

Nathan looked up at her. "Sam, what are you talking about?"

Sam shook her head. "Goodbye, Nathan," she simply said and walked down the steps of his porch, into the night streets on of his neighborhood.


Kendall smiled wide as he walked Krista into the room, his hands over her eyes. "Ready?"

Krista smiled wide and nodded.

"One.. Two.. Three!" he yelled before taking his hands off of her eyes.

Krista opened her eyes and smiled instantly. "Happy Birthday!" everyone shouted in unison. The whole school was there. Lily walked up to her and put a tiara on her head. Krista smiled wide and covered her mouth as the tears whelmed up in her eyes. She laughed as she wiped them away. She ran up to Kendall and jumped into his arms. She could not stop saying 'Thank you' over and over again.

Nathan threw his fist in the air. "Let's party!" he yelled at the top of his lungs and everybody cheered.


Nathan smiled wide as he was dancing with Noesha. But as he looked up, his smile faded and his eyes widened. It was Andraya. Her natural brown hair was now red, she had on dark eye make-up and she was wearing a short, sequined and feathered, black dress. 

Andraya smirked at Nathan, it was almost like she was about to walk up to him. Sam walked over to her and pulled her away. She introduced her to some hot guy that Nathan didn't know. He touched Noesha's shoulder. "I'll be right back," he yelled over the music and walked straight up to Sam. "What the hell did you do to her?!" he yelled, angrily.

Sam rolled her eyes. "I didn't do anything, asshole!"

"Oh yeah?! Dyed hair, dramatic make-up, and a slutty outfit. Sound familiar?" he yelled.

Sam gulped her guilt as she looked up at Nathan.

///1 year ago-Sam's flashback///

"I haven't seen Sam all summer. She never responded my calls or anything. Do you think she's okay?" Krista looked around the school, Kendall's hand tightly holding on to hers.

Kendall sighed. "I'm sure she's fine. You know how she was going on that big trip with her mom. Maybe they finally got to spend some quality time together and actually like each other now!" he smiled.

"Never going to happen," a familiar voice said from behind them.

Krista quickly turned around, smiling. "Sam!" she squealed and hugged her, but quickly pulled away. She looked Sam up and down. Sam's messy braids of blonde hair turned to pin-straight hair with many purple streaks in it. The plain face that never dared touch make-up had dark eye shadow and eye liner. The country hick shirts that included nice, floral blouses and plaid shirts had changed to dark, thin crop tops and had a clever logo or slogan on it. He flower necklace that she wore all the time had changed to a skull necklace with a heart around it. From the waist down was a studded belt, ripped jeans, and high heeled studded black shoes which showed off her black painted toe nails. "Sup, bitches," she said, smirking.

Krista's eyes widened. This was the first swear word she's ever heard Sam say. "Oh my God... Sam... what happened to you?"

"The trip... it was fun," Sam laughed.

Kendall's eyes widened. "I would say so." What did she do? Rob Hot Topic? Kendall thought.

"Hey guys!" Nathan said walking up, happily to Kendall and Krista. "Varsity hockey team this year! Go Bulldogs!" he shouted.

Kendall and Krista pointed to Sam and Nathan turned around fast. "Nice to meet you, I'm Nathan," he said, smiling politely then turned back to Kendall and Krista. It took Nathan a moment, but once he fully processed it he quickly turned around and pointed at Sam, his mouth wide open.

The bell rang and Sam gripped her book. "If you all would excuse me I have an algebra class to attend to," she smiled and left.


Sam shook her head. "You know what? Fuck you Nathan! She loves you. And you're just too much of an asshole to see that," with this, Sam stormed away.

Nathan sighed as he looked at Andraya. He could tell she was getting uncomfortable. The guy that Sam introduced her to was touching her. He was trying to persuade her to do something that she didn't want to do. Nathan suddenly got really angry. He quickly ran up to them, his fist clenched.

{Photo: Andraya's Makeover}

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