Chapter 13 {Krista's Dream}

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Bella was walking around North Sharpe when Max spotted her. He quickly walked up to his new friend. "Hey, Bella! What's up?"

Bella sighed looking at him. "Did you know that this school doesn't have a map?"

Max forced a smile and a chuckle then looked at the paper in her hand. "And that would be?" his voice trailed off.

Bella held it up so he could see. "My map," she said as if it were obvious. "See, there are the trash cans, and the pool, and the front office."

Max squinted his eyes. "We have a front office?"

Bella shrugged. "I don't know... this map isn't very helpful."

Max laughed at her cuteness and Bella blushed. "Wanna go to the pool?" she asked.

Max looked at his watch and instantly frowned. "I have to go- I have... a job," he lied.

Bella nodded, kind of disappointed. She still put on a bright smile for him. "All right. Have fun," she smiled, waved, and walked off.

Max sighed sadly and then quickly went to his dorm to get his back pack. He put it on, walked to the front of North Sharpe and rode his bike all the way to Redcliffe.


Anthony smiled as he sat down at the same table as Brenna. "Hi Brenna!" he said energetically and started unpacking his lunch.

Brenna giggled. "Hi, Anthony. Whatchya doing?"

"Eating," he smiled. "My mom still worries about me so she dropped off my lunch five minutes ago. I don't understand why people turn down their mothers so easily. You can still be a man while you eat her great cooking. But one time I had this friend, his mother didn't cook stuff too well. But he still ate her lunch so that her feelings weren't hurt. And that's when I realized he's more of a man than anyone I've known. The only thing is, we were in the second grade."

Brenna smiled wide at Anthony's story. "I like hanging out with you, Anthony."

Anthony instantly smiled wide. "I like hanging out with you, too."


Max sighed as he looked up at Redcliffe. He had been waiting his whole life to get into this college and he finally made it. He smiled to himself, then looked at his schedule. He took a note of the room number and started riding around to find it. While he was looking around, a girl spotted his eye. It wasn't just any girl, though. It was the hottest girl he had ever seen. Hotter than Mikayla even. It didn't make it better that she was wearing a skin-tight tank top and the shortest shorts in the world. Before Max knew it, he lost his balance and ran into the flag poll. A bunch of people passed him and laughed but only one walked up to him and helped him up. It was that same girl that made him lose his concentration.

"Are you okay?" she asked him.

"Y-Yeah," his voice cracked and he quickly cleared his throat out of embarrassment. The girl giggled. "Thank you for helping me," Max managed to say.

"No problem," the girl said. "It looked like a pretty bad fall," she held out her hand. "I'm Alexa."

Max smiled as he shook it. "Max."

"Well um, I should be getting to my class. I don't want to make a bad first impression on Professor Walker. I heard he's really scary," she smiled at him.

"Oh! I have him too," Max smiled wide, happy that he has an excuse to keep talking to Alexa.

"Well then, it's fate, Max," she giggled. "Come on," she waved.

Max smiled wide as he picked up his bike. He then started eagerly following Alexa to the class.


"So," Kendall smiled at Krista casually. "How's Redcliffe?"

"Oh, um. Good I guess. I'm taking a lot of classes I don't really care about, but I guess whatever helps my future, right?" she forced a smile and took a sip of her coffee.

"Well, that all depends. Are these classes that you're taking help you become what you want to be?" Kendall asked, concerned.

Krista politely laughed at his comment. "Um, I don't really know what I want to be."

"That doesn't sound like you," Kendall narrowed his eyes at her.

Krista furrowed her eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

"Well, I just remember how you couldn't shut up about becoming a photographer," Kendall smiled.

Krista covered her mouth and laughed. "Oh God, I was so stupid."

"No," Kendall said kind of harshly. "You were never stupid. You had a dream and you were going to chase it."

"But, Kendall a photographer isn't a solid job in the real world," Krista shrugged.

Kendall rolled his eyes. "So? It's what you wanted to be. Krista, with your ambition, you can be anything you want in the world."

Krista smiled and looked down. Kendall furrowed his eyebrows at this gesture. "What?"

Krista smiled as she looked up at him. "It's been a long time since anyone has had such faith in me."

Kendall shook his head. "That's not true. I've never stopped having faith in you."

Krista smiled and nodded, looking at him. "Thank you, Kendall."

Kendall smiled back at her. For a second, it seemed as if he was looking at the old Krista and nothing had ever changed.


Kendall smiled as he walked into North Sharpe. Immediately, he was ambushed by Sam.

"Dude! What the hell?! You put Nathan in charge, but not me?!" she yelled at him.

Kendall just smiled, his facial expression wasn't changing. "I have a plan."

Sam raised her eyebrows. "And by that you mean...?"

Kendall locked his arm with Sam's as he began walking down the hallway. "Sam, I think it's time the North Sharpe students finally sign up for their classes."


After class was over, Alexa said goodbye to Max and began walking to her dorm. On the way there, she passed the sorority house. She sighed as she thought about Lily. She decided that she would apologize to her. Alexa looked around as she stood out on the steps of the Kappa house. Suddenly a tall handsome guy with stubble on his face walked up to her. He smirked. "What are you doing out here all by your lone some?" he asked.

"Oh, um. I'm just waiting for Lily. I wanted to talk to her about something," Alexa nodded, rubbing her hands together.

Chris smirked at her. "Oh, she won't be around for a long time."

Alexa smirked back, looking Chris up and down. "Really now?"

Chris shrugged as he put an arm around her shoulder. "I'll keep you company."

{Photo: Brenna}

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