Chapter 5 {A Fake College}

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Kendall slipped the Redcliffe application into the copier he uses to make his fake I.D.'s. He copied the Redcliffe logo and changed the color and letter. He the typed across the top of the paper, North Sharpe Institute of Technology. He smiled to himself as it came out of the printer. He then thanked God for making picture editing soft wares.

///The Next Day///

Max looked at the acceptance letter and laughed. "You've got to be kidding me! A fake college? Really? Kendall, I thought you were better than that."

Kendall sighed as he pulled his hair. "I know. I just didn't know what else to do!"

Nathan smirked as he walked in. "Another one of you genius plans Kendall?"

A look was exchanged between Kendall and Max. "What is he doing here?" Kendall asked.

Max shrugged. "My mom and his mom thought we would like each other."

Kendall sighed. "Is there anybody's mom that your mother does not like?!"

"She can't stand Sam's mom."

Kendall shrugged. "Makes sense."

"Now..." Nathan said walking up to Kendall. "I want you to make me one."

Kendall raised his eyebrows. "An acceptance letter? To my fake college?"

Nathan nodded. "You see, ever since I lost my scholarship my dad has been nagging me about jobs. You know me, Kendall. I don't like jobs."

Kendall held up a finger. "One, I don't know you anymore. And two, NEVER. GOING. TO. HAPPEN!"

"Okay, don't do it. I'll just tell your parents your forged an acceptance letter." Nathan smirked.

Kendall smirked back at him. "Then I'll tell them I was just bored an playing around on my equipment."

Nathan layed down on the bed. "Then I'll tell them that the equipment is really for making fake I.D's!"

Kendall glared at Nathan. "Fine..."

///That night///

Sam and Kendall were walking down the street. The night's darkness was lit up by clothing stores, restaurants, and convient stores' neon lights. "So you just made a fake college?" she asked, looking at him, confused.

Kendall nodded. "The sad thing is, I'm actually thinking about telling my parent's it's real."

Sam smiled wide. "You should so do that! It's a perfect idea, Kendall!"

Kendall laughed. "What are you, crazy? It's criminal!"

Sam grabbed Kendall's shoulders which made him stop walking. "Kendall... this is for every college that's ever turned you down. Every kid that's ever been rejected. Every parent that has forced the importance of college on their kid. This is your chance to say... FUCK YOU!" she yelled the last part, stretching her arms out wide and turning her head up to the sky. All the people passing starred at her. Some smiled and laughed, some grew appalled. Sam looked at him and smiled, putting her arms down.

Kendall sighed. "You really believe I should do this?"

Sam nodded, smiling. "God has blessed you with the ability to edit photo's miraculously on a computer! Use it!"

Kendall raised his eyebrows by Sam mentioning God. When she mentioned God, she had to be serious. She only believes in him for miracles. And miracles don't happen to Sam too often. Kendall sighed as he kept walking. "Okay... I'll do it."

Sam squealed as she ran up to him and hugged him. Kendall laughed as she hugged him. "But you have to do it with me..." he smirked at her.

Sam instantly let go. She bit her lip, not knowing what to do. But something in her made her nod her head 'yes.' Something in her made her believe this was the right choice.

{Photo: Nathan}

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