Chapter 12 {A Case of S-L-U-T}

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"You know what, I didn't either. No matter how many colleges I applied to they all said the same thing: rejected. And you know what, it sucked! Like I wasn't good enough for them!. Oh I'm sorry, you didn't play enough sports. Oh I'm sorry, you didn't do enough charity events, your grades weren't good enough. It sucks to be said no to! But here at North Sharpe I promise you we will always say yes! We say yes to your hopes! We say yes to your dreams! Because you know what... we just hope we're good enough for you. Welcome to North Sharpe Institute of Technology!" Kendall yelled.

The room was filled with sudden cheers and applause. Max's eyes widened as he looked at Kendall up on stage. He turned to Bella and un like everyone else she just sat there with her arms crossed, rolling her eyes. Meanwhile Brenna sat amongst the crowd, cheering along. She finally found a place she could call home. She knew she belonged here.

Kendall walked back stage smiling wide. Zander and Andraya stood there with their mouths wide open. Sam smiled as she walked up to Kendall. "Congrats, Kendall. You just said 'Fuck you.'" she smirked.

Kendall laughed and hugged her. As he pulled away, a plan popped into his head. "You guys get the rooms organized. We'll re-group in the morning and figure this whole thing out," he smiled happily and left.


As Kendall's family walked out, Kendall walked up to them. "So?" he asked. "How was it?" he smiled.

"Well he certainly is a... colorful character," Mrs. Jacobs smiled.

"He was a nut job!" Catherine exclaimed.

"Catherine, that was a man of education. Come now. Kendall, walk us to the car," Mr. Jacobs ordered.

As Kendall's family got in the car his mother waved happily. Catherine pointed two fingers to her eyes then pointed one at Kendall as a sign of 'I'm watching you.'

Kendall sighed and looked down once they were out of sight.


Anthony smiled wide as he saw the girl he swooned over earlier. He adjusted his tie and then walked up to her. "Hi!" he smiled wide. "I'm Anthony Nathaniel Harrison Jr."

The girl smiled at him. He was a quirky kind of cute. "Hi. I'm Brenna."

"Will you go on a date with me?" Anthony asked, almost immediately.

The girl looked around as she laughed. "You're kidding, right?"

Anthony shook his head no. "Any guy would lucky to go on a date with someone as beautiful as you."

Brenna laughed as she grabbed Anthony's hand, to calm him down. Anthony's eyebrows raised as her hands touched his. "Look, let's slow this down. How about we just hang out as friends."

Anthony looked into her eyes. "Whatever makes you happy."

Brenna was lost in Anthony's eyes for a second. She then realized she was still holding his hands. She blushed and let go. "Um, great. I'll see you around, Anthony," with this, she left.

Anthony smiled to himself. It was already official, he was in love with Brenna.


Krista smiled as she walked up to Lily, Mikayla, and Alison.

"Hey, Kris!" Lily smiled. "Meet any worthy pledges out there today?"

Krista immediately nodded. "Yeah, there was this girl. Her name was Alexa."

Lily looked down as Alison laughed. "Great joke, Krista! Like we'd ever accept Alexa!" Lily immediately hit Alison's arm and she looked down.

Krista furrowed her eyebrows. "Why? What's wrong with her?"

Mikayla's eyes widened. "You don't get it, do you? Sweetie, she has a case of S-L-U-T!"

Alison's eyes widened. "Oh my God! Is that curable?"

Lily rolled her eyes at Alison's comment. "Mikki means she's a slut, Ali!"

Alison nodded, happy that she understands. Krista shook her head. "Well I think she's nice."

Lily sighed. "Fine. We'll let her in for you," she said, annoyed and left the room.

Krista grew confused. "Why is she so mad?"

Mikayla sighed. "This Alexa girl you want in so badly used to date Diego. He was in love with her, but she was just using him to get into the sorority. The reason why Diego can't say 'I love you' to Lily is because he's afraid of her leaving him. And everyone can tell a part of him still loves Alexa."

With that, Mikayla and Alison left, leaving Krista to think if Alexa really was a bad idea.


Kendall sighed as he looked at all the people partying and jumping in the pool.

"We need a plan, Kendall and we need a plan now!" Nathan said as he stood behind him.

"Yeah, yeah. I-I just need to figure this whole college thing out," Kendall stated. "You're in charge until I get back," he said and quickly left.

Nathan smiled to himself and popped his collar. "I'm in charge."


Krista sighed as she adjusted her back pack.

"Hi, Krista." the familiar voice rang in her ear.

Krista looked at Alexa and forced a smile. "Hi, Alexa," she said, almost afraid of socializing with her. Krista sped up her pace as if she was in a hurry to get somewhere.

Alex tried to keep up with her. "I'm so excited. I can't wait until they announce the pledges. The ball will be absolutely beautiful."

Krista faked another smile and nodded. In her mind, she was praying for a reason to get rid of Alexa.

"Hey, Krista," a male voice said behind her.

Alexa raised her eyebrows and smiled. Krista hesitantly turned around. She smiled almost instantly. "Hey, Kendall."

Kendall smiled. "I was wondering if you could grab a coffee with me. I just have some questions, nothing too personal," he smiled, scared of rejection.

Krista immediately nodded. "Yeah, sure. Just one second," she turned to Alexa as Kendall waited.

"Oh my gosh," Alexa exclaimed. "He is so cute!"

Krista's eyes immediately widened. "You like Kendall?"

Alexa smirked and shook her head no. "No, I can tell you have some feelings for him."

Krista playfully rolled her eyes. "Um, I am actually seeing someone else."

Alexa smirked. "Seeing someone else while flirting with another. I knew you were cool, Krista," she smiled, nudging her arm and left.

First sign that the girls might be right, Krista noted. She then turned to Kendall and smiled. "Let's go."

{Photo: Alexa}

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