Chapter 6 {Acceptance is Just a Click Away}

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Kendall grabbed the paper from the printer and handed it to Nathan. Nathan smirked as he looked at it. He then patted Kendall's shoulder and left. Once Nathan was gone, Sam came out of the closet.

"Is that little bastard gone?" she asked, fixing her hair.

Kendall laughed. "Yeah, he's gone," he said as he continued working on her acceptance letter. Sam sighed as she plopped down on the bed. "What I don't get," Kendall began, "Is that you hate him so much, you have to hide in my closet just to avoid him."

Sam shrugged. "You're closet's not that bad. Besides, I kept myself entertained with your Playboy magazines."

Kendall quickly turned and looked at her, eyes wide. Sam laughed in reaction. "I'm kidding. Gosh! You act like you really have them!"

Kendall forced a laugh and turned around. "Let's just say I was a very curious thirteen year old."

Sam laughed so hard at this confession that she fell off the bed. Kendall turned around and shook his head, smiling as he looked at Sam on the ground. "Loser."

"Hey guys," Max said, walking into the room. "I finished the website," he stated, setting his laptop on Kendall's computer desk so he could see it.

"Awesome!" Kendall said, looking at it. "It looks so real."

Max smiled wide. "I know, right!"

Sam looked up at the two guys in front of the computers. She lifted herself up from the ground. "Dorks," she whispered and left the room to get something to drink.

///A Few Days Later///

Kendall smiled as he walked up to his parents. "A letter came in the mail today. The last college I applied to... the best one!" he said, smiling.

Catherine gave him a look. She was utterly confused. Kendall told her every college rejected him. What confused her more was when he said the name of it.

"North Sharpe Institute of Technology," Kendall smiled.

"I've never heard of it..." Catherine said, narrowing her eyes at him.

Kendall leaned down. "That's because it's new. They had to change locations from North Carolina because of the... air..."

Mr. Jacobs smiled as he looked at the acceptance letter. "You did it, kid! You're a college boy!"

Kendall nodded, smiling.

Mrs. Jacobs ran up and kissed his cheek. "And here I was, worrying you would never get in anywhere!"

Kendall smiled and shrugged as Catherine looked him up and down. She knew something wasn't right. Her brother was a failure and she knew it.

{Photo: Catherine}

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