Chapter 30 {Accredidation}

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Kendall rubbed his face as he woke up. His phone was ringing. He looked at the time. It was 12:30 pm. It was way too early for him.

North Sharpe had been closed for a little less than a month now. The building was going to be refurbished into a Redcliffe science building and extra room assignments. Kendall sighed when he saw it was Sam who was calling him. He pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" he groggily said.

"Kendall! Check your mailbox!" She yelled.

Kendall groaned and got up out of bed. He slouched to the mailbox and found an official letter addressed to him. He opened it and began reading. His eyes widened. "Oh my God." he exclaimed.

Sam laughed loudly. "I know, right!"

"Who did this?" he asked her.

He heard Sam sigh. "I really don't know. Andraya was the first one to find out. It wasn't any of us, Kendall."

"I have to tell Krista," he smiled wide.

Kendall hung up the phone and ran over to Krista's house. He knocked on the door repeatedly. He excused himself from Krista's confused mother and ran into the house.

"Krista!" he called loudly.

The blonde beauty came running down the stairs. "Kendall? What is it?"

Kendall held up the letter. "North Sharpe is going on trial for accreditation. This is our chance to make North Sharpe legitimate!

Krista laughed happily and ran into Kendall's arms, hugging him tightly. As Kendall held her, he asked, "Do you know who filed for accreditation?"

Krista pulled away and shook her head, no. "It could have been just a random student at North Sharpe. People can surprise you, Kendall."

Kendall looked up and nodded. Krista looked at the letter and her eyes widened. "Kendall the hearing is Tuesday. That's in three days!"

Kendall quickly turned to Krista. "We have to get ready."


Kendall arrived to the hearing in his best suit. He saw Sam there, wearing one of Andraya's dresses. Andraya and Nathan were still in each other's arms. Krista was there, waiting for him, looking beautiful as ever. What really surprised him was Max's uncle, Dean Lewis was standing there with his arms folded.

As they all greeted each other, the door swung open. Kendall turned around to see Dean Evans, Chris King, Logan Greene, and Zander walking in.

Sam raised an eyebrow. Zander's thin, lifeless brown hair was gelled up, pointing to the cieling. He was wearing a dark blue suit and his familiar glasses sat on his pale face. He almost looked taller. He was so... hot. But she couldn't admit that. She rolled her eyes as he caught her looking at him.

A smirk formed on Zander's lips when he realized Sam was checking him out. He lifted his head high as he and his father's group entered the court room.

"So... that's who we're facing." Nathan said uneasily.

"Fuck them, we totally have a case here." Sam said, reassuringly.

After the group tried to agree with her, they decided to go in. As they walked in, people stood up and cheered. Kendall looked into the cheering crowd and realized they were all North Sharpe students. He quickly turned to Krista, asking her with the look on his face.

Krista smiled and shrugged. "Anthony called them all."

Kendall looked back out into the crowd and saw Anthony waving happily. He was smiling so wide Kendall thought he could count all of his white teeth. He waved back and took his seat.

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