Chapter One - The Beginning

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Tapping my finger on the little rabbit's nose, the ears perking up before jumping in and weaving around my short legs. Slowly placing a few pieces of vegetables on the green grass the small rabbit scurries out and begins to nibble on the veg, faint crunches reaching my ears as I crouch down. Myself giggling as the fluffed tail wiggles each bite the rabbit takes.

Standing up, I slowly take once last glance at the rabbit before it's only a smudge of brown. The tree's above covering up and their branches swaying lightly as I track through the shrubbery. The wind whistling and calling out my name as I swirl around, my deep blue skirt and jumper covering up most of my body. A shoulder bag hanging off my left side which nearly reaches the ground. The jewels from that simple job about helping out with a bakery is Clover was fun. I even got Strawberry Cheesecake for Erza!

Humming lightly as I break free of the forest, I continuously swirl around, the wind whipping around me. The grass flashing a bright green, each step I take. Swirling a finger through my shoulder length green hair, I bobble my head side to side. The nature around me singing out as I skip down the hill towards Magnolia which is straight ahead.

I'm a member of the best guild out there. Master took me in after he found me starving with Cia around three years ago. Although Cia returned to the forest, I'm still in her dept. I was still scarred, but their silliness, cheers and encouragement, I finally joined in. Gaining my mark which is on the left side of my neck underneath my ear.

They all made me smile, Natsu, Erza, Grey, Mirajane, Levy, Cana, Elfman and Lisanna, they were all there for me. I felt alive again after a year of silence. They are my family. I've joined Erza and Mirajane as an S class, although I never go on the jobs. Not yet, the whole guild is slightly nervous about letting me go on such jobs.

Skipping through the bustling streets of Magnolia, I grin as I stare at all the stalls and people greeting me as I pass by. I love this town. My old home was in the middle of no-where, surrounded by nature, but I guess that's good, as I found out my magic there. My straight streak up towards the guildhall now that is different than it was years ago.

Oh! I should explain, over the past year, we've had so much fun, trouble, damage reports and extra fights with jobs and dark guilds. Lucy joined thanks to Natsu, and she's almost like a big sister, next to Erza, Mirajane, Cana and Levy. We've had a forbidden magic named Lullaby where Erza, Natsu, Grey, Lucy, Happy and myself had to fight a dark guild. It was fun!

Then you have the trouble when a S class job was stolen. Galuna Island, although I was meant to join Erza, I was away with Levy's team on a job. Then Phantom Lord where I helped throughout, helping Natsu defeat their fire mage. Although, we gained two new members, Gajeel and Juvia! They are kind, just brought up wrongly.

Tower of Heaven, Fairytail's Fighting Festival were I got injured by Laxus's harsh lightning. I may be a S class, but I'm not that strong. Laxus leaving the guild was even a downfall for us all. He was there with Master when he found me. Oracion Seis was defeated by a combination of guilds. Except, myself and Erza will always be scared by that man... I even met Wendy and Carla! New members to the family!

Something about Edolas... although I never heard exactly what happened. I left for the bakery job as I needed jewels for my room in Fairy Hills. I have to ask about that... Pushing open the guild doors. I giggle, noticing the brawl between multiple members in the centre. My eyes scanning the crowd. "I'm back, Minna!" I wave my hand above my head.

Everyone freezes, including the spar, all eyes darting towards me. I give a closed eye grin. "WELCOME BACK!" Choruses throughout the hall before the spar begins again. Edging my way around it towards the table containing Levy, Erza, Lucy and Wendy. I slide my bag off before placing it in front of Erza. "I got you something!" Her eyes narrow slightly. Her mouth opens before I clasp my hands together. "Go on! Open it! Open it!"

Her hands slowly unclasp the button before pulling out a white box. I watch her eyes sparkle, her eyes literally becoming hearts as she stares down at the Strawberry Cheesecake. "I was going to get you three something, but I didn't know what to get you three." I frown. Twirling a strand of my hair around my index finger. "You don't have to. You save up. Alright?"

I grin, Nodding. "Alri-..." I release a yelp as something rough smacks onto my back. The force causing my body the slam forward onto the table top, the object pushing me down causing the tables' legs to crack beneath the force. Myself grunting as it connects to the floor. The cold aura radiating off it... or should I say he, gives me a simple guess.

Twirling my head to the side, my eyes widening at the mushed cheesecake. It's toppled over and within an instant, I feel a demonic aura lingering above us. Taking deep breathes the body is lifted off me, Levy and Lucy both helping me up as we retreat towards a further back table. "They're in trouble... Aren't they?" They both sweat-drop.

"Worse than trouble." Lucy mumbles, rubbing her temples. "YOU RUINED THE CHEESCAKE VALKERI BOUGHT ME!" I giggle, muffling it with my hands as she joins in, beating the senses out of half the brawlers. Natsu and Grey left and pulling at each-others hair. "Have you got used to it yet, Wendy-san, Carla-san?" They both shake their heads. Wendy's eyes stuck on the fight. "Will they never get hurt?" She asks timidly.

I may be younger, but I know how it feels, I felt the same way when I first joined. Tilting my head as Erza grabs both Natsu's and Naked Gray's heads. Smashing them together. I roll my eyes. "How was the job, Valkeri-chan?" I glance towards her, Lucy and Levy both over at the bar. "It was good. She gave me all the remaining sweets and treats. They are all in that bag-..." Eying the broken table, I quickly scurry over, grab my unharmed bag. THANKFULLY, and scurry back to her.

Sliding the treats out. Well... A few are mushed. Damn... Placing one in front of her. She smiles, us both taking a bite out of it in sync. Her eyes becoming stars. "So yummy!" I exclaim. Taking a few more bites. Pure bliss. Noticing Juvia standing nearby, behind a pillar. I tilt my head. "Juvia-san!" The third person water mage glances towards us. I motion her over. "Did Juvia do something wrong?" She questions.

I shake my head, holding up a plate of a few treats. "Want one? Juvia-san." She smiles, "Can Gray-sama have one too?!" her eyes widening as I nod, grabbing the plate she sprints off towards the recently scolded Gray. "Erza-san. Treats over here!"

With Erza now in happy world over at the table with my remaining treats. I make my wait towards the bar. "Mirajane-san... Can I have a milkshake?" She white haired wizard turns around. Grinning towards me. "Sure!" Pulling myself up on the bar, well, struggling. Warm arms wrap around me as I'm lifted up and placed on the counter. "Natsu-san!" I grin as I turn around, gripping his torso into a hug. "Yo Keri!" I lean back, grinning at the nickname.

"Miss me, Natsu-san?" He rolls his eyes, grinning a closed eye smile. Natsu was the one who would stop at nothing to make me talk and open up to them years ago. Constantly. "I'm gonna become S class this year!" I tilt my head. "Oh... The trail, that's coming up." He nods eagerly. "YUP! And I'm gonna win it!" I tap his noggin.

"They are difficult Natsu-san. I only passed mine as I... I guess luck?" Happy plunks down on my side, Mirajane wandering up with a chocolate milkshake in hand. "Here you go, Valkeri." I grin, taking a large gulp. "Thanks Mira-san!" She heads towards Cana after a curt nod. Her smile plastered on her lips.

"Flame-brain. You won't get S class before me!" I peek around Natsu to see Gray with a love-stuck Juvia behind him. "What was that Ice Popsicle?!" Gray's fists light up a chilling blue, the corners of my eyes catching Natsu's burning ember. "I'll beat you!" Taking a large sip from my milkshake, I kick my legs back and forth. Happy watching from above, "You can do it Natsu!"

I slowly glance towards Cana, a barrel of beer in her wrath. Nodding in sync, we slowly tick our heads towards the brawl. "Gray your clothes!" We yell out.

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