Chapter Twenty Three

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Valkeri PoV:

I growl and snap my teeth in his direction, daring him to come closer. His body standing in the corner beside a small, cracked shelf holding a blue flamed lantern above it. The encounters we've had, many a day. I've been starved, ridiculed and embarrassed...

Days... I've been in here. I only know that as he's told me. Telling me about the outside world as if I'm his child whose too terrified to go outside into the light and socialise with others my age.

I've seen nothing but the sinister intent hidden in those orbs though. Taunting me... Every moment he appears through the door that leads to freedom. Sometimes he'll keep us in the dark. Sometimes he'll bring others with him. Sometimes he'll just watch me. Sometimes he'll kick me like a ragdoll.

My left thigh bone fractured enough, the pain still lodged in my mind like it happened hours ago... Maybe it did... I can't even figure out the concept of time anymore... My aching body... nothing but a numb pile of bones, ligaments, muscles and organs.

My pain? His gain. He must hate light guilds... or Fairy Tail... because I can't figure out why I'm here otherwise...

Yet I don't care about any of that. My broken body, the torture, pain and magicless sense giving me no purpose or chance of escape.

Rogue. My heart burning for him. To feel his baron red orbs on me once again.

He keeps me strong... yet... Rogue will feel like I've abandoned him for a second time... He won't believe me if I ever get out... I can feel it, in the left side of my chest, despite the numbness corrupting me, I sense him. My magic bonded us... So while he can't feel me... I can feel him.

These magic restraining cuffs may halt all my magic... Yet a bond cannot be stopped – only death can do that.

I can't contact him... I've tried... I keep trying... But I'm a failure.

However... right now... he's sitting in Sabertooth, watch the door awaiting me to march through those doors. Awaiting me to jump into his arms and hold him close. He's slowly beginning to think I won't turn up...

I'm weak... I've not able to give him that... The numbness has even erased the feel of his lips against mine. I feel the tears pool at my eyes at the thought. A sob escaping my throat as I shift slightly, the metal cuffs rubbed my skin raw.

With the sound of him getting closer, I keep my head bowed. "S-tay... Bac-k..." I snap weakly, my weakened resolve showing on my tone. My arms chained up above my body and held there. The animalistic side of me starving to be shown and wreak havoc.

Rogue moves from his position. He's talking to someone...

My throat parched as a shiver plummets down my spine. "Come'on Darling, look at me." I don't raise my head. I know what happens... He laughs mockingly. His boot covered foot slamming down onto my right ankle – the shattering crack of it breaking should cause me to cry out, it should cause physical pain beyond belief...

I can't...

Emotional is all I feel... All I care about, is Rogue.

The clinking of chains echoes in the small room as my arms are tugged and pulled up – my body following suit. With my head lowered and eyes narrowed, I catch sight of the slick, blade he's pressing against my bare stomach. I ignore it and close my eyes.

Soft memories fluttering into my half-numbed mind.

"Come'on... Ri. Let me see your eyes." That's Rogue's voice... Is he talking to someone about me... But then again I shouldn't be able to-... Wait...

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