Chapter Nineteen

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When I was younger... I lost most things, including my trust for the world. All I cared for was the animals. Animals and nature. Despite my un-ability to properly control my magic, it still soothed me. It felt like home.

Just like when I lived with my parents... We stayed secluded in the forests far from towns and civilisation.

Makarov, Laxus and even Gildarts when he was here would often find me within the closest forests of Magnolia and bring me back. They always said I was cold, tired and drenched. Sometimes found barely alive. I'd be gone for weeks on end... Yet they never gave up on looking for me.

Even the younger members would constantly look, pushing aside their lives for my own...

Fairytail fixed me, yet I still always felt like a part of me was missing.

A part of my heart that felt empty, dark and untouched... Yet that changed when I met Rogue.

A young adult with deep raven hair that hangs ragged around his face and down to the tip of his spine. Red jewelled irises that always seem to amaze me and capture my attention.

The guy who I now remember. The guy I bonded spiritually and magically with. The guy who filled the remainder of my heart.

Rogue; the guy I whole-heartedly love.

Shaking my head, my eyes wonder over the sharply furnished and beautifully decorated hallway. Chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling, pillars structured symmetrically on either side. I guess I should've expected it from the castle of Crocus.

Halting in front of one of the few doors, I push my back against the door. Hoisting the large navy coaxed box in my arms further up to ensure it doesn't fall. White ribbon wrapping around it tightly, intricate designs coaxing the corners of the box.

"Valkeri!" Multiple voices call out. My eyes widening to see Lucy, Lisanna, Mira, Wendy and surprisingly Yukino. All of them dressed up in fancy, puffy dresses with a range of colours. Hair done up and makeup coaxing their faces softly. Yet, you could barely even tell.

"Where have you been Keri?" Mira asks softly, taking the box from my arms and setting it aside. Her hands clasping on my shoulders before pushing me behind a curtain, blocking my sight of them all.

"I had to obtain something... Mira-san." I murmur in reply, slowly striping myself of my clothes, a cold chill nipping my now bare skin. A mirror hung on my left and a small table on my right. "I thought you'd all be gone by now..." My ears twitch at the laughs, or slight chuckles.

A dress is shoved through the curtain and my eyes widen. Definitely not something I would wear on a daily basis... Yet, I don't question their judgement; my fingers wrap around the material and shove the hand out of my view. "Keri, we're going to head on towards the ball. Alright?" Lucy calls out.

I give her a simple 'humph' in reply. "Do you want any of us to stay and help?" I shake my head, yet my brain click as they can't see me.

"No... Go... I'll be there soon."

The door opening, and closing, leaving no sound yet their fleeting voices that get quieter, and quieter. Yet they forgot to take my painful nerves with them. "Deep breathes Valkeri." I soothe myself. Toes curling till they ache.

With gentle grace, I slide the dress over my head. Pulling my hair out and adjusting the material that acts as straps. Eyes glazing over to the mirror. A beautiful silver and grey silken gown adorning my figure. Different shades along sparkles and designs.

Druidess of Fairy Tail ( Rogue Cheney x OC Fanfic )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora