Chapter Fifteen

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Cheering wildly within Bar Sun, Fairytail continued to rage on, partying to their hearts content at their success within the third day of the games. Merchandise with their symbol on it being sold at a rapid pace, putting more pressure on the other guilds, mainly Sabertooth.

Yet Minerva isn't worried, but has something devious planned. Something life threatening planned, yet her life won't be the one hanging on a thread the following day.

Gurgling down beer in gallons, the employees of the bar drop to the ground as magic and mugs begin to get thrown around. Natsu leaping off the table top and begins a harmless battle with Grey and Gajeel. Then again, the 'harmless' part of that statement was false. The wooden floorboards will be smashed and shattered before the sun rises the following day.

Erza growls, standing up from her place beside Mira, her body still wrapped up firmly in bandages from her battle against the one hundred moments within the event earlier that day, still, she had a magnificent cheesecake for her victory which thankfully wasn't squished.

Heaving a deep sigh, Lucy keeps herself sat at one of the far tables with Levy, Wendy and Carla, tapping her fingers on the table her eyes glancing around as Levy keeps her nose stuck in a book, Wendy and Carla drinking juice casually. "Huh." Lucy mutters, catching the attention of the three girls with her.

"Valkeri's not here." Lucy mumbles, raising her hands from the table as she intertwines her hands. The three girls at Lucy's side then look up, scanning the room as Lucy continues. "She had an amazing victory today as well as Erza... I thought she would've been here celebrating too. I have yet to speak with her about her magic. It was incredible."

Levy nods, heaving a sigh as she folds the corner of the page to keep her place, closing the book over and setting it down. "I don't know Lu-chan... She wasn't injured during the battle, so I would've thought she was here. Shall we go out looking for her? Maybe at the hotel?" Levy concurs, standing up followed by the other three as they walk swiftly, dodging the fight towards the door.

"I can't even smell her scent... So she hasn't even been here." Wendy speaks softly, glancing around as she holds Carla in her arms. Worry gripping the exceed after seeing her visions earlier in the week. "But, she is S class after-all, Lucy-san, Levy-san." Wendy finishes timidly.

"Yeah... But I have a bad feeling about her absence..." Carla mumbles, more to herself. The three humans speaking between themselves so her mutter wasn't caught.


Valkeri groans, her body sitting on nothing. Her body still floating in the void for a while. Minerva's laugh echoing through her ears constantly as Valkeri pulls her legs up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them to hold them in place as she rocks back and forth.

The spectral magic that surrounds her swirled up and wrapped firmly around her stomach and chest, keeping her magic down, stopping her from using it to break from the void Minerva had forced her in. Yet the tendrils that wrap around her body are not able to drain her magic, transferring it to Minerva for power, Valkeri's magic is just too strong to be stolen.

"Minerva... I know you can hear me... I swear when I escape... I'll sink my claws, and my fangs into you." Valkeri snarls, seeing flashes of white energy swipe past her, showing Valkeri that her captor is using her magic, yet she doesn't know what for, or who against.

"I hope whoever you're against, or whatever you're against beats you to the ground." Valkeri continues, trying to coax Minerva into panic internally, yet it doesn't seem to work, she can just feel her hatred for Fairytail rising also instantly like a volcano.

Explosive and Deadly.

Valkeri's eyes widen as Minerva taunts her, the swirling mass of white forming in front of her face to show a globe of water, attempting to scream yet the whips and tendrils of magic covers her mouth as she watches the onslaught of her guilds Celestial Mage.

Someone she calls sister.

Trying her best to fight against the tendrils, it proves futile. Different flashes of white appearing around her as she watches multiple angles and areas of the games appear before her eyes, yet, she knows no-one can see her. Nor does Fairytail even notice her absence...

Yet it's Sabertooth's stands that stick out. Sting grinning wildly, Rufus tilting his hat, Orga shrugging his shoulders as if to say, 'what?' and Rogue. Standing with his arms crossed almost like he doesn't care or is thinking of something. A scream ripples through the void as all the white flashes of screens vanish.

"I swear... If Rogue has anything to do with this... I know I should've never trusted him..."


Rogue stands with his legs parted, his head bowed in defeat as his face and body is covered by thick bandages that cover the bruises and wounds that was given to him during his tag-team battle. Sting at his side with his eyes narrowed in agony at the thought of his promise being shattered.

Their tag team battle a failure, being beaten purely by Natsu's flames cloaked in lightning. His emotions fuelling his drive to beat Sabertooth who nearly killed Lucy during the event earlier that day.

Rogue hasn't seen Valkeri at all that day, not during the Naval Battle, or during the tag team battles as she was supposed to be within the stands. Yet, her carefree comrades gave him the thoughts that she is alright and just watching from a distance or possibly recovering.

She was never able to complete that spell, yet yesterday, she nailed it perfectly.

Jiemma growls, a dark aura surrounding him as he slams Rogue to the wall who yells out, his protesting muscles aching even move as Sting is flown the opposite direction and slams into the ground. Frosche running to Rogue. Lector running to Sting. Both of them calling out their partners names.

Frosche holding tears in her eyes as Lector stands up for them. Stands up for his partner catching all the members of Sabertooth off guard, yet it all happened too fast.

Lector vanished under Jiemma's wrath. Sting striking him down with tears strolling down his cheeks in heaps at the loss of his partner, yet Minerva smirks with joy. Rogue holding Frosche closely as he slowly stands, eyes wide as Minerva sways forward.

"Now, I've waited this day for ages." Minerva coos, evilly glaring at her father who struggles to move on the ground. "We don't need losers in this guild. For we are Sabertooth. Natsu has the powers of feeling... Losing Lector is your strength. Don't worry. He is alive, but I won't give him back, until you show your strength."

With persuasion, Sting agrees, determination, emotions and a deathly calmness around him as he stands fists clenched at sides. "New master Sting, show the world you're emotions that can transfer into power." Minerva then turns around swiftly towards Rogue who's eyes stay wide and locked on her. Frosche crying in his arms yet it's more like sobs now.

"Same goes for you Rogue." Rogue tilts his bandaged head, confusion lining his gaze. Minerva raises her hands, clicking her fingers as the spectral light appears.

"MINERVA! I KNOW YOU CAN BLOODY HEAR ME!" Valkeri screams, thrashing in her hold as she growls, the tendrils struggling to hold her down as she fights against it, getting sick of the void that she's been trapped within. Rogue's panic set in at the fact his childhood love is at her wrath.

"I swear to the goddess of Nature! I'll-... Rogue?" Valkeri ends up muttering, her eyes flashing a dangerous orange as the animal instincts of her fight for control.

Before she can say any words she vanishes again. Minerva got a sly look on her lips. "Oh, I've seen that you, and Sting know her well. I don't care how, but I've had her in there for a day at least. If you and Sting don't win for Sabertooth. I won't give those two back."

"Valkeri's life is in my hands. As is Lectors."


Long wait... I know. Whoooooops!

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