Chapter 7 - The reunion

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Up on the hill, no-where close to the old guild hall, the new shack like guild hall stands. Fairytail the laughing stock of Fiore with barely any members. Although, they no-longer will suffer. Over a month ago, the Tenrou team returned. Everyone has come home. After seven long years of waiting. Joy spread throughout.

Rejoicing, drinking and partying harder in a few days than they've done in years combined. Barrels of beer emptied each hour. With the stories of their return reaching all over Fiore, it hasn't changed a thing. Even the trouble with Zentopia have pushed their reputation further down the gutter.

Although, their return has only just reached a certain girl's ears. After being brought back to the guild hall by Lamia Scale two years ago. She never gave up, still with her goal. Leaving on tougher jobs, yet she's changed. Five years can change so much, and it has.

Her power is increased, and she even opened up to the guild members. But it's been six months, and she's finally walking back through Magnolia, straight towards them. Her thoughts jumbled up into a pile of mess. Her legs tingling from the long walk from northern Fiore's coastline, dealing with large sea slugs and monsters lurking in the shallow waters.

With a tall figure, she strides slowly through the bustling streets. For once, her eyes never meeting any members of Twilight Ogre. Her ears have pointed out more, sticking out of her hair with three leaf earrings dangling down her right ear. Her eyes are now a lighter purple, lined with thick eyelashes, her nose still stayed small, with thin pink lips.

Her hair, deeper in colour, falls gracefully down her back towards her waist in thick waves. Her bangs curling down and framing her face, the right side's bangs are longer and slide over her right eye.

Adorning her hair, sitting along the hairline, a golden headband, on the right side, six long, fluffed up sky blue feathers raise up and curl over, then on the left side, with more golden material like to create butterfly and leaf patterns. These are holding a small branch, with five mini branches, growing leaves and flowers lining it, along with blue ribbon falling down the side of her face and throughout her hair.

Her body has fully matured, now holding up a strapless dress which is brown in colour and reaches her mid-thigh at the front. The top is lined with white cotton. From both sides, long, light green leaves expand out over the front of the arms. Down the centre of the dress are gems, before having a belt made of thin flowers.

The skirt is longer at the back towards her ankles. Made from multicolour flowers that move on their own and leaves of different shapes and forms for the back of the skirt. Her shoes are nothing more than vines, wrapping around her toes, and up to her knee's.

All her clothing, besides the flowers is the deeper colours of nature like deep browns and deep greens, all contrasting with her light skin tone. The flowers all bright colours, purples, oranges, yellows, reds, pinks.

Firmly grasped in her hand, is a large staff. With an oak handle, ending with a curve that lands on the ground with each step she takes. The movements following her strides. Blue ribbon wrapping up and around, getting thicker before reaching the top. The top is lined in the same oak as the handle, with a bright green filling it, the design of a bird's expanded wingspan.

"Let the rumours be true..." She mutters quietly to herself.


I remember the day when the news came flooding in. Taking a few jobs. Then I remember waking up in Lamia Scale's infirmary and they explained that they found me south of their guild hall, unconscious. Yet, I can never remember it. Mhm. Must not have been important.

But, It's strange. I feel like I've lost something, yet I haven't. Trying to pinpoint what my mind is trying to remember. Yet there is nothing. Blank. Empty. A headache forming every time I try. My heart burning from something I have yet to discover. Then again, it could be the sadness from having the Tenrou team's vanish-ment.

Walking through Magnolia has never been the same. But, my excitement has risen from rumours travelling around Fiore. That they've returned. All of them. Master... Erza... Everyone. The whispering of townsfolk, along with the pointing, doesn't faze me. It no longer does. Whistling faintly, keeping my eyes ahead. I feel the air shift around.

Glancing up, my eyes catching sight of the six birds hovering overhead. Their blue feathers all the same shade. My body now pulling me up the pathway towards the windmill guild hall.

"You six, go. Alert Kinina of my arrival. Seeming she's the only know who knows you."

These delicate six birds hand around Magnolia's parks. Always waiting for my arrival, and every time of my return, they swoop off to alert Kinina. Beautiful and smart. The voices inside their hearts pure.

The twittering and the happiness the birds feel causes my heart to warm slightly as they fly off. Kinina has been the one who's helped me a lot during the years when Lamia Scale brought me back, yet, sadly, I haven't been able to help her. Her attacks... I'm useless.

With the guild hall now in view, I take a few deep breathes. My nerves on edge in case the rumours are false. In case they never were real to begin with. In case my mind made them up. Glancing to the left, I'm met with Kinina, her smile standing as she waves at me.

The birds must have flown back into the surrounding forests. "Welcome back." Her voice chirpy slightly. I downcast my eyes, stopping a few feet in front of her.

"Is it true?" Keeping my head tilted down, I move my eyes to look towards her, my hair sliding over my shoulders.

"About their return?" I nod faintly. I tilt my head upwards as I notice the smile increase.

"Yes... They have. Want to-..." The large explosion causes our heads to jerk towards the guild hall. You can literally see it shake, the yells and cheers following. Grabbing Kinina's hand, we slowly begin to walk towards the shifting guild hall.

"We'll be lucky if it survives this..."

Stopping metres from the door. I shake slightly. Nervous of this being fake. A dream. A nightmare. Deep breathes wracking my lungs as Kinina places a hand safely on my arm, her spare pushing open the mossy door.

A full spar in the centre, causing the slight shake of the shaky guildhall. Salmon, Raven, White. Three of the main swashes that elope out from the pile of smoke consuming them. My eyes catching the white haired bartender. My eyes brimming with crystal clear tears.

"Who's this Kinina?" Her kind voice is almost real. Twitching my fingers lightly. I slowly reach out. Gripping her shoulders quickly before yanking her into a hug.

"M-Mira-san..." My fingers firmly gripping onto the material of her dress. Too afraid that the moment I let go, she'll vanish.

She pushes me back faintly. My cheeks damp with tears that continue to fall like a turned on tap. Her hands cupping my cheeks lightly.

"You've grown so much... Valkeri." Raising my hands, I wipe away the tears. "You look... So real Mira-san... You look exactly the same..." She smiles faintly.

"Keri?" I glance over Mira's shoulder to see many pairs of eyes on me. Eyes that I haven't seen in seven long years. Lucy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Elfman, Juvia, Gajeel, Lisanna, Master, Cana... They all look the same. My eyes catching the onyx eyes that I've seen since joining.

"Natsu-san..." Clenching my fists at my side, down-casting my eyes. "I can't believe you're all home..."

Jerking my head up, giving a closed eye grin, wiping my cheeks again with my fingertips.

"Welcome Home, Minna!"

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