Chapter Twenty Five

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The large blast of magic corrupts the air as the monument explodes, stones flying over the edge as the magic fired down from the sky above. The white light that's bright beyond compare begins to dissipate into a small stream as Sting begins eating it as quickly as possible from his position. It's solar magic – an attribute one can call holy, or light.



Both names called out simultaneously. Frosche crying out in fright and her tail being held by Lector to stop her from running up closer to the now rubble stone chimney. "Is it an attack!?" Some people call out in fright, getting ready to give orders to the guilds that have already arrived.

"You're an idiot" Valkeri hisses, her bare foot connecting with Rogues' chest firmly, both of them suspended in the air with the monument crumbling beneath them from the force of the solar blast of magic. Screams from beneath them eminent, near enough all voices recognisable as they rush to get away unscathed. Grey smoke and mist concealing the two.

"Enough Ri!" Rogue's hands snap towards her foot, removing it from his chest as gravity slowly begins to grab at him. Her eyes narrowing on him and his heightened hearing allows him to hear the firm, fast speed beating of her heart. Yet... it's strange.

His eyes narrow in concentration as her heart beat leaps and contracts inhumanly. Her veins bulging from her skin weakly above her left eye and the right side of her neck.

"You should've just stayed down on the ground with the others! This monuments destruction is your fault!" She screams, her fingers cracked into a tight, tense position. Eyes ablaze with rage.

"Valkeri, snap out of it!" Rogue growls, the female's eyes twinkling as her body begins to glow green – the natural colour of her magic. The green around her other foot pulsates stronger as it slams against his chest. "The hell is wrong with you Valkeri!?" The smoke from around them vanishing with the force slamming Rogue back down to the ground – yet he lands on his feet and slides against the ground using his hands for balance. Rubble tumbling to the sides.

"Rogue!" Frosche cries out, attempting to run forth, yet Lector keeps a hold of her tail.

"You don't know what they're doing! It's for the good of man-kind and you people can't see it!" Valkeri screams, a mass of feathers corrupting her body as her arms have turned into wings. A tail or two dangling out from the bottom of her spine along with the distinct ears expanding out of her wildly unkempt hair.

"She's half shape-shifted..." Mirajane murmurs, watching with wide eyes. "She shouldn't be able to do that Master!" The worry in her voice completely audible. "Half transforming isn't good for the body!"

"You call yourselves light guilds when they deserve that title! They are saving this world and you's are all planning on destroying the only chance this world has at salvation! Why are you all so blind, see the reason behind -..."

"You would never work with a dark guild and that's exactly what they are!" Rogue's voice silences her and her eyes snap towards him, a snarl radiates from her mouth as a snake like tongue slips through her lengthened teeth. "Valkeri always loved wondering through life with a smile and vowed to always walk in the light!"

Valkeri tchs.

"So who the hell is controlling you, Valkeri!? Your scent is different! Your attitude is different and when angry, you always just tensed and calm down! Never raising your voice!" Rogue's heart thumping firmly against his chest with all his bones and muscles tense. The anger firmly set on whoever is controlling her. "I bet it's whoever is down in that town!"

"You think I'm being controlled? How petty... A druidess controls the nature around her. A druidess controls the power of solar and lunar! I control the animals and they all heed my call! Humans are another type of animal... I am able to control them!" She cackles. "And what!? You think I'd walk in the light? I am! You are the one who works in the shadows, Ryos." "My child! This isn't like you at all! Explain your reasoning!" Makarov attempts to sooth her rage, in pain at seeing a child of his is such turmoil, yet not as much pain as Rogue.

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