Chapter Fourteen

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"It seems Fairytail aren't just talk." Minerva muses, her mind reeling already on how to show Fairytail, and everyone in Fiore how strong Sabertooth are, and how they act and defeat people trying to beat them.

"Orga could have easily done the same as that red headed girl! It's nothing extraordinary." Lector smugly replies, pulling his paw up and down a few times. His open buttoned vest fluttering in the sharply passing wind.

"Fro thinks so too!" Frosche replies, a tilting head as she keeps her eyes on the green haired girl on the arena floor. At her angle, Minerva noticing the small exceed's eyes follows them and suspicions rise. Rogue continuing to stand off in the shadows of the stands.

MPF continues...Orga getting in the three thousands and Jura in the eight thousands. Pure worry, yet not showing it, grips at Rogue's insides as he steps forward slightly.

"I wonder how strong this little Fairy is then." Minerva speaks, a sour, yet amused tint in her tone. Sting leaning his elbows against the stone wall beside his partner as Rogue presses his back against the side of the stands, his eyes looking closed to the outside world, yet he's actually watching his beloved closely.

The one who had an accident and forgot everything.

"Finally, Valkeri Missuni! Or, as you all might remember her as the Druidess of Fairytail!" Amazement fills Rogue as she performs one of her more energy consuming spells, one she could never get right all those years ago when they trained. Then again, she's older, stronger.

Rogue can easily tell by the look in her eyes... Yet the distaste and disappointment last night filled him with an exiled dread.

'I'll definitely make her remember... Definitely...'

Valkeri PoV:

Waving my hand above my head, I allow the cheers to burn in my ears as the damage to the arena floor is cleared. I mistakenly might have left not a completely shattered MPF device, and made the sandy arena floor uneven.

With holes being burned into my side, I halt my strides, lowering my hand to my hair and adjusting it as my gaze lowers to the ground before trailing up stands where I haven't looked at all morning since the beginning of the games.

There they are. My eyes instantly locking with his baron red. The familiar yet painful eyes that belong to a boy who's in an enemy guild. A boy who knew me before my accident, yet in a guild that holds no comrades and care for each other.

Shaking my head, I break the contact, sprinting out of the stadium after realising I was the last one in the arena. Cracking my fingers the moment I entered the tunnel, I sigh deeply, pressing my back against the stone wall as darkness in cases me. Chest heaving, eyes closed and a slight swab of sweat coaxing my temples.

Clutching my head in a tight vice grip, I hold back the tears that are threatening to spill into my vision. Agony. I try so hard to remember. Those eyes haunting. Why can't I remember?

"You alright kid?" Jerking my head up and loosening my hold, I spot Laxus standing there with his arms crossed. I give a fake, and tight smile. Standing up to full height as I nod my head.

"Just... used up too much magic. No need to worry! But, I'll be heading up there now... Good luck! You'll win." I conclude, blubbering and tripping over my words as I hold up my hands as Laxus raises an eyebrow. My toes and fingers curling as I scurry past him.

"You did good kid." Laxus calls out, causing my movements flutter, close to making me falter to the floor. Pride swelling me, but barely pushing away the thoughts of Rogue. Laxus being like a big brother to me ever since I joined. No matter the fighting festival, he is my big brother.

"Thanks Big Bro!" I call back, raising my index finger into the air. The sign Laxus created years ago and a symbol of unity and the easier way to say, 'We are with you' or 'we believe in you'. "Defeat that Raven Tail man!"

Passing through the occasional person in the corridors, I finally feel my animal grows vanish, including my extra ears and tails. "Valkeri." Swiftly spinning around, I'm faced with Rogue, his head lowered, bangs shaggy and one eyes gleaming.

"You scared me... Rogue. Is something wrong?" I mutter, crossing my arms over my chest as I feel my shoulders sag, my body refusing to act threatening in just his presence. A gasp ripples through my mouth as he embraces me tightly, I bury my head into the joins of his neck and shoulder.

My arms wrapping around him as if my life depended on it. "I just needed to hold you." Rogue mutters into my bare shoulder, the place his face is buried in. I run a finger through his hair... It's softer than it looks. Shaking my head internally. I won't allow yesterday's news to cause my body to fall into his.

Unwinding my arms, I raise my head and step away clutching my hands in front of me. "I'm sorry... But yesterday's events are not normal. You can't do that to comrades..." I begin, giving my back to him as my head lowers, my arms wrapping around myself.

"Comrades are family... A guild is supposed to be like that... You're master isn't nice, he's not what a proper master is meant to be like... I'll try my best to remember you, cause I know my heart wants it... I want to remember... You make my mind at ease and I feel relaxed around you..."

"But if I do remember... do you plan on chucking me aside like your guild did to Yukino?" I murmur, glancing over my shoulder, seeing his eye shined with sadness and regret.

"I don't want to be a toss aside..." I conclude, my eyes narrowing on the master of Sabertooth's daughter whose staring at our exchange. I roll my neck, feeling my glow tingle and glow as I leap onto all fours, my panther ear's flattened against my head as I release a dejected noise.

Noticing the absence of the daughter all of a sudden...

Leaping in the opposite direction of Rogue, I don't pick up the noise that leaves his mouth as he leaves seconds after. Heading straight towards my stands, my paws slide against the stone floor as my head lifts high, my claws slicing against the cobble.

Swiftly forming back, I tilt my head towards the deep purple haired girl who I now remember her name, Minerva. Something about her doesn't feel right, I feel my teeth and claws lengthen in defence.

"I see you and Rogue have quite the connection... You'll be a perfect asset. You'd also be harmful against Sabertooth, so this is necessary." I tilt my head to the side, confusion lining me. My eyes widening as a strange mix of colours swirl around me. Purple, greens and blues.

"Enjoy." Minerva mused as I yelp, feeling a slight drain of my magic as I launch my eyes close, reopening them seconds later to see nothing from before. The stone, and cobble completely gone as I stand within the void. Nothing for miles as shake my head, thinking this is nothing but a dream.

I feel my legs weaken, two thick strands of a swirl of colour wrapping around my legs that pull me to the ground. Feeling my energy drain as quickly as possible. Painful as I feel traitorous tears prick.



It's shorter than most, but I hope you enjoyed!



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