Chapter Twenty Four

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"I'm fine... Idiot." Rogue grumbles, pressing his hand against Sting's shoulder and shoving him away. The blonde dragon slayer sheepishly rubbing his neck in an apologetic manner after composing himself from the rough shove. "Stop getting so close." He finishes with a roll of his eyes, adjusting the sash around his waist and shoulder.

"He's just excited to see Valkeri-sama again." Yukino smiles softly, standing at Sting's side and aiding him in regaining his balance. A jingle of the celestial keys upon her hip filling any silence that comes across them. "His excitement is just getting the better of him."

"Fro thinks so too!" Frosche giggles raising a paw in the air at Rogue's feet, the zipper along her frog costumes' spine. Lector with crossed arms at her side. The sun above burning intensely causing sweat to align their furry cheeks.

A month has passed... A two week job, and a week of not having her stalk through Sabertooth. A month of not seeing Valkeri and its doing nothing, but causing with-drawl symptoms. "He's also worried, if memory serves me correct, she's forgotten you four before..." Rufus mutters, keeping his fingers pressed against his forehead.

"True, he's nervous just in case it ever happens again." Sting grunts, seemingly annoyed at the thought of it. "I don't think I could see you struggle like that again." His gaze turns to Rogue from Yukino with a teasing smirk on his lips. "Rogue and Ri, Sitting in a tree-..."

"Don't call her Ri, Sting!"

"They certainly are becoming more childish by the day." Yukino muses softly, raising her hand to her mouth to hide the giggle. Rogue glaring while Sting passes him a childish grin –earning a harsh smash on the noggin' causing him to whine and complain.

"How far, Rufus?" Someone calls out from behind the group – someone blending in with all the other Sabertooth members as the guild treks up a fairly steep mountain pass into a highland village which has been evacuated for safety, and to be used as a vantage point for the plan against the dark guild uprising.

"The town is around the next bend." Rufus replies coolly, tilting his head forward to indicate the bend which turns left within the next 100ft. "I can track multiple people, all graced with different emblems."

"I can already hear the commotion from here." Sting groans still rubbing his head from the harsh smack. "The scents, I can already tell Fairy Tail are there." He smirks at Rogue, leaning down and picking up Lector to place him on his shoulder.

"And Valkeri's scent, it's faded but lingering." Rogue mutters, leaning down and taking Frosche into his arms – this action stopping him from scratching at his arms which has been hazing in the back of his mind ever since he 'missed a step' back in the guild hall.

Yet, even waking up during the journey... he's subconsciously scratched his arms raw, with some clear wounds. Hence the long sleeved attire adorning his body to hide them. There will be times when the itching sensation gets stronger, yet fades over time.

He can't seem to figure out why.

"Fro can't wait to see Keri! Fro excited!" She chants, clapping her paws together in a small, melody fashion. Almost like a child. "Cause Keri can be a big kitty!"

"The correct term is shapeshifting, Frosche" Rogue corrects gently, smiling softly towards the small exceed who shuffles in his arms just to look up to him. "But yes, her panther form is quite magnificent."

"Fro thinks so too!"

"They didn't need to get so many different guilds, Sting-kun can easily beat a dark guild." Lector states proudly, high fiving his partner from his shoulder. "Then again, seeing the other guilds will allow them to see how far Sabertooth has come in the simple month since the Games."

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