Chapter Seventeen

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My body tingles as the tendrils that were wrapped around my body slowly begin to dissipate. My chest heaving as my mouth is released, taking in as much air as I can. My eyes blurred as I snap them open, feeling the heaviness from them leave.

However... My eyes close instantly from the sudden hues of colours that I haven't seen since she wrapped me up. Wrapped me up in a tight, constricting cocoon... I couldn't even hear Lector nor Milianna.

Yet I know Lector is still here from the paws that were pressed against my side in between the gaps of the tendrils. With the weight now lifted from my body, the sudden change now corrupting my whole body I slowly push myself up. Wiping my eyes with my knuckles, then the back of my palms as I peer around.

Eyes fluttering till my vision stops with the distracting blur.

The void rippling as Lector glances up to me with relief dragging in his eyes. Milianna beside us with some blood smeared on her attire. Her blood the main scent surrounding us. Heaving a sigh, I feel the unnatural tug at my insides. Pain residing within my bones and gums, along with the piercing headache.

Yet I ignore it.

"Lector... She's opening the void..." I murmur, swiftly scooping the exceed up and shuffling closer to Milianna just as the void ripples harshly below us. The cobble ground appearing as we are suddenly dropped. Releasing a small gritty noise from the back of my throat.

My skin burning at the sudden feeling of the sun brimming along my skin. Relief reacting in my mind as I tilt my head back to the sky. The pain vanishing as I place lector on the ground in front of me. Kagura on the floor wrapping her hands around her stomach and chest. "Erza..." I mutter, glancing up to her as she breathes heavily.

Yet my view of her is cut off as Minerva smugly stands in front of us. My eyes narrowing as I keep Lector hidden from the lacrima's. For I know if they notice Minerva having kept a comrade hostage... Sabertooth's reputation would plummet even more...

My heart doesn't want that...

For Rogue's Sake...

"Well, Kagura down. Erza the winner. So, I did as I promised. I released the girls from your guilds. The one who controls the pawns always succeeds." Minerva coos, her hands alighting in the swirling hue that is all too familiar with me now. Even seeing it makes my mind wish for some bloodshed-...

With the strength I didn't allow Minerva to steal, I feel my eyes shift colour, as my body glows. My teeth elongating as I shift Lector in behind Milianna to hide him from the lacrima cameras. Lunging up from my place on the ground. I shift. My fur sprouting from my skin as I land on all fours.

My claws clicking on the cobble my shift into panther form completes. My ears pressing against my head as I sprint out of view into the streets of Crocus. Passing buildings that are crumbled into nothing... I've missed so much...

A rumble of a growl passes through my snapping teeth. My paws slide along the ground as I spot a lacrima with someone I've been dying to see.

Lover... Against a comrade...

Minerva's words filter through my mind as I watch Gajeel walking away from Rogue who's laid on the floor with Frosche crying at his side. Whimpering lightly for an unknown reason, I swiftly turn in the opposite direction. Straight towards the forests surrounding Crocus.


"Locate him... Give me two minutes to regenerate every ounce of strength..." I mutter, keeping my eyes locked shut as the grass stays long as it wraps around my legs and arms, pulsing a bright green. Magic surging into my veins as another loud roar wracks through the sky.

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