Chapter Twenty

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"Ro! Come'on! Let's go! The sweets in this village look amazing!" I whine childishly, acting five instead of thirteen. My attempts to pull him along futile as he just rolls his eyes, not looking impressed at all, even refusing to give me any form of eye contact. Frosche looking up towards us, and glancing between us with her large eyes, dampened fur and ears flattened against her head.

"We've just completed another job. The eleventh since we first began." He spoke, a tinge of a seething at the beginning, yet it vanishes within seconds. "Your magic faulted again. You should be training, not messing around with treats." His tone emotionless besides the anger radiating off his tense body.

Sighing, my body halts on impulse, arms wrapping tightly around myself in a vice like hold, nails creating crescent moons onto my pale skin where they snap. A sparse feeling of memories, smashed lacrima's and slippery oil sticking to my skin like its second nature.

A demented magic that the dark guild mages used.

A magic in which I've never seen before, or even heard off.

A magic only possessed by three of the mages.

Yet... They got away.

"I'm sorry Rogue..." I murmur, my hands gliding up my arms, shoulder blades before cupping themselves over my eyes, tears pooling in my eyelids as the liquid with a vile taste slides down my cheeks and slips into my lips. A bitter texture. "I didn't mean for my magic to fail again..."

"Fro was worried..." Frosche mumbles, her small body suddenly hugging one of my legs, yet so matter how much I try, the tears keep streaming down my face in their waves, my nose sniffling constantly.

Hands grip my shaking shoulders as I'm dragged across the ground towards the edge of the road and into a large back alley. My arms lunging around his shoulders as my face buried itself into his chest, while mine heaves, a lack of oxygen making its way into my body.

A small form still wrapped around my leg as a smooth hand slowly rubs circles. No words passing through us, yet I can feel curious eyes lingering on us from the passer-by's, yet all that matters is his hand running against my back. "I'm sorry for being a burden... every job... every stupid job has left me on a blank... This one just... destroyed me even more..." I sobbed, clutching the attire cloaking his back tightly.

"Pushing your hatred back and allowing it to build isn't good for you, Valkeri." He mutters, his hold tightening. "Let's halt the jobs for now." I sniffle a final time before glancing up to him, her baron red orbs gleaming, yet still standing with an emotionless ting, contrasting against the flashes of pain.

"What do you mean... Rogue?" I ask softly, wiping the traitor tears from my eyes.

"I wouldn't survive without you now, Valkeri, I'm going to help you. Help you train."

I'll never forget those mages that got away.

I'll never forget that they knew -...


"Valkeri," a soft voice coos, snapping me from my thoughts. My mind in a blur, as is my sight. My hands rubbing my hair and eyes.

"Oh, Sorry Mira, Lisanna." I murmur apologetically, taking a deep breath.

"Another memory?" Mira enquires gently, rubbing my back. Yet even with her kind and gentle nature, her hand's movements feel nothing like Rogue's. I nod. "Well... You did lose your memories on your fall. They will come back in sparse motions."

Druidess of Fairy Tail ( Rogue Cheney x OC Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now