Chapter Six - Each Memory fades

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"Rogue, its' strange isn't it?" I glance towards the boy, his beaming red eyes glancing around the street. The moon high above as we continue our search for some dark guild mages. Myself not really noticing the jobs I took over a month ago from the hall. "What's strange?" He glances at me with a raised eyebrow. "That it's already been a month... And I feel stronger than ever before."

"Has it really been that long?" I nod faintly. "Well, if it's rounded up. I'd say... With how many nights have passed, it's been about..." Raising my fingers, I count, bobbling my head and mouthing while folding my fingers over. "Around, four weeks... nearly five!" I shout enthusiastically. Yes, I can count. I glance down at Frosch that's cuddled up in my arms, wrapped up in a spare piece of cloth I've bought with the jewels. It's almost like a blanket.

"She's grown a liking to you." I jerk my head up towards Rogue. Grinning. "I'm glad! She's so cute!" I squeal, a faint smile rising to his lips before vanishes quickly, something I've come to realise he does often but only in mine and Frosch's presence.

The Memory Fades. A faint pang of pain erupting in my mind.

"Shapeshift!" Transforming mid-jump, my arms and body shifts, my body no longer skin but now feathers. The purple feathers, the same colour as the fur of my cat form. With sharp talons and beak. For my size is small due to my age. Rogue placing Frosch gently on my back. Flapping my wings quickly, the small wingspan of about 70 centimetres.

Hovering up in the air, my eyes following the enemy who's sprinting down the opposite road. Releasing a squee as I fly back down, flying only a metre above the ground. Rogue behind me sprinting after me quickly, Frosch holding on tightly. "Oh Crap! Boss! Their coming!" I would smile, but Frosch is giggling while holding onto my feathers.

"Shadow Dragon, Waxwing Claw!" With two large yells or as they could be classified as cries, Two falling down onto their fronts. Groaning out. Forming back quickly, Frosch on my shoulder, gripping onto my hair through her covered up paws. Stepping up beside Rogue, we tilt out heads at the last two males, only remaining.

"Can I?" I ask lightly, Rogue nods, taking Frosch from my shoulders. The fear evident in their eyes. "Druidess magic... Wrath!" My arms extending out in front of me, the bodies slowly retreating. My hands glowing a bright green as it fires forward. It almost looks like green lightning, but isn't. The male screams and the blurred bodies plump down onto the ground. "Go get the guards." Rogue states quietly. I nod. High-fiving both him and Frosch. Her cheers filled with joy, yet slight tiredness.

The Memory Fades. A slightly harder pang of pain erupts in my mind, the faint pang slight lingering.

With Frosch on top my head, my hair slightly longer now. A year we've been together. I tilt my head towards the crying exceed ahead. Tears brimming at his eyes. He looks no older than Frosch, Maroon fur with light pink around the belly, face and paws. Glancing at Rogue, he nods faintly. "Hi... Little one, are you okay?" I crouch down, Frosch still on my head.

"Are you going to laugh at me as well?" I tilt my head, petting his head faintly. "What do you mean by laugh at you?" I ask faintly. He looks up, wiping away the eyes. "People don't believe that Sting-kun killed a dragon!" I tilt my head, glancing up to rogue faintly. "Is he a dragon slayer?" The exceed's eyes widen.

"How'd you guess!?" I smile faintly, Frosch jumping up and down on my head. "Rogue is one too!" Slowly grabbing Frosch, I place her neatly on the floor. "How about you take us to see this... Sting?" A well needed smile lights up his mouth. Grabbing my hand slightly before pulling my along. "Come'on Rogue, Frosch." Rogue reluctantly nods, following after me and the exceed. Frosch jumping at his feet. "What's your name?"

"I'm Lector!" I smile faintly, himself pulling us out of town towards the hills surrounding the small quaint town. "Well, I'm Valkeri, this is Rogue and Frosch." I nudge my spare arm towards the two behind me. Lector leaving my hand along walks up ahead, the grass below my feet motioning a human somewhere up ahead.

Slowly falling into step with Rogue, I tilt my head. "Another dragon slayer, slightly nerving. Isn't it?" I whisper lightly. He shakes his head. "Not really." I roll my eyes. "Sting-kun! Sting-kun! People believe me!" I tilt my head towards a boy standing ahead of us. He looks around Rogue's age, with blonde spiked hair.

"Pleasure to meet you Sting." I tilt my head and wave slightly. "Rogue's a dragon swayer too!" Frosch giggles. Skipping around our feet. "Oh really?" Sting raises an eyebrow. "Cool-... We s-..."

The Memory Fades. A painful ache now emitting over the remaining pair.

"We'll be friends forever. All of us?" I watch all four of their heads nod, some eagerly, some lightly. "Always, Ri." I nod, clasping my hands together. All of us. Rogue, Sting, Lector, Frosch and Myself in a circle, the sun high above. All of us sat down, the lush green grass glowing a faint white where my skin touches it.

"We will train together." I state, holding my hand out towards the centre of the circle, spreading my fingers out.

"We will cuddle together!" Frosch squeaks out happily, crawling forward slightly before placing her paw on my hand.

"We will show everyone Sting-kun's power!" Lector grins, copying Frosch's movements and placing his paw on my hand as well.

"We will protect each other." Rogue states, Placing his hand underneath mine, allowing both exceed's to keep their paws on top. His eyes locking with mine. Determination. An emotion that flashes through his eyes as all four of us look towards Sting.

"And we will fight together!" A closed eye grin plastering on his lips before pressing his hand down carefully onto the two exceed's paws that lay on mine.

A magic circle embeds itself on the lush green grass below our hands. "For we will be friends, forever." The grass extends up, a few flowers growing and blooming in delight as the grass wraps around our piled hands. The grass tickling my skin, Frosch's eyes wide with amazement. The grass slowly untangles itself before falling back into the soil, the natural length.

"I'll never for-..."

The Memory Fades. A large gust of pain capturing my senses, leaving them numb after the pain slowly decreases.


I clench my fists, a headache wracking my skull which is accelerating my heartbeat. Squinting my eyes as I glance around the dark room. My back against a soft surface. My arms trapped by my sides, unable to move them to release a well needed stretch, perhaps cracking a few bones. The same goes for my glued legs, my toe's curling into the soft surface. Yet the dark room has the eerie creak that echo's around me every heartbeat.

Almost like someone lurking in the shadows. Yet my heart aches like I've done something wrong. I remember seeing the news of the Tenrou team... Crying and Screaming... And my plan to take jobs to increase my strength... But how'd I end up here? Did I falter? End up where... exactly?

"Glad to see you're awake." I close my eyes as a burning light flickers on in the room. "Jura... Lyon... Sherry...?"

Druidess of Fairy Tail ( Rogue Cheney x OC Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now