Chapter Sixteen

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Pain. Agony. A rippling sensation that feels like a spreading wildfire against my body as the mass of colour continues to tighten around my thighs, forearms and neck. Each vein like vine trying to grasp a hold and suck away my magic, yet the slight transparent scales coaxing my skin sub-consciously stop my magic from being stolen, however the void stopping all forms of magic that can help rip through this place that makes your magic swirl with hatred.

Seconds... Minutes... Hours... Perhaps even days I've been stuck here. Weak legs that barely hold me up. Limp arms that need to be cracked and a throat that's parched, cracked with a difficult, suffocating swallow. Only a deranged mind could survive this void...

I felt it. The sudden instincts to rip free. I couldn't control it. Yet... Those baron eyes brought me back. His mesmerising red. I can't believe I thought he'd be part of my capture... It was pathetic of me to think lowly of him... He's done nothing but have sad-cast eyes.

The moment I saw him when Minerva opened the void set my heart into a fast acceleration. The pure shock in his baron red orbs told me immediately that he knew nothing of my position... However I felt at ease after seeing him which instantly vanished the moment she closed it again.

"Valkeri-san...?" Shaking my head as much as I can, I glance to my left, the wrapping around my neck tightening, yet I don't care. My eyes gaze over Lector as I pass him a soft smile. The pour exceed was 'secured' in here by Minerva after something happened with their master...

Yet he continues to ensure me she saved him, not captured him.

"Yes... Lector?" I ask, yet I don't even recognise my own voice. Scratchy and hazily. My head lolling back, toes weakly curling. "Are you finally-... Finally going to tell me about Rogue?" I ask, for the third time since he's joined me in this never-ending mass.

"Well... Valkeri-san..." He begins, scratching behind his ears. Watching him lazily from the corner of my eyes as he waddles... or floats before sitting down in front of me, tail curling around in front of me.

Lectors mouth opening and closing. Obviously trying to think of ways to explain my forgotten memories, or trying to create an excuse like he has ever since he appeared. He begins moving his paws as if trying to explain his opening and closing mouth.

My ears twitch. Yet I hear nothing. They strain yet still... Nothing. My fingers cracking as I tug softly against the void like ropes. Lector too busy speaking which doesn't reach my ears to notice my A smash of pain aches my gums as I snap my eyes closed.

My mind burns as does my organs. A feeling of being shredded from the inside out.

Feeling a brush of fur against my nose, my eyes peeking open to see Lector hanging onto my attire and waving his paw in front of my face. My sight catching the sudden shock decorating his face, yet it doesn't mask itself. "Valkeri-san? Are you okay? Your eyes were completely black for a second after you opened them."

Giving a slight smile I watch Lector pull a claw to the wrapping around my neck, before slicing ever so slowly through it. My mind reeling as in to why he hadn't done it earlier. "Oh... Lector, it was a trick of the light. No need to panic... However, hurry up and get these off me... I will do my best to get us out of here then."

Lector nods reluctantly. Using more of his claws to begin slicing through the void that begins to flash white as it dissipates, a harsh breathe entering me as I finally can breathe easy. Now beginning to slice through the tendrils around my thighs and forearms.

Yet my drive isn't just to get out of here before my mind begins to allow the monster in... it's to see his face.


With the large explosion erupting in the centre of Crocus on another landmark, Erza lands perfectly, two swords out. Kagura landing opposite her with her sheathed blade held firmly. Minerva landing high on the rubble with a glint in her eyes, followed by a smirk.

Extending both her hands out, she causes an uproar within the Stadium as all lacrima turn towards the two swashes of void hovering at her side with two distinct females. Milianna in the left, facing Kagura with tendrils around her wrists and ankles.

Valkeri on the right, with feral eyes. Fairytail yelling towards the commentators about a hostage who's not in the Fairytail team. The other members of Fairytail team looking at rage as they see their comrade through the lacrima. "There was no rules against hostages, besides, I captured this one when she was still a part of their team." Minerva calls out, smirking to the lacrima as they conclude no rules were placed.

Rogue narrows his eyes towards Gajeel before his eyes turn towards the closest lacrima. His body shaking as his heart beat increases. Aching at the sight of her. Alighting his fists in shadow he turns his burning gaze towards

Knowing she won't last forever... As animals hate to be in cages.


Panting harshly, Rogue's eyes stay trained on the ground. Gajeel with crossed arms in front of him barely beaten and a studded eyebrow raised. A slow presence making its way to their destination in the columned corridors of Crocus's landmarks.

"Frosche is my comrade... Definitely..." Rogue mutters, having listened to Gajeel's words clearly. Slowly but surely getting to his feet. Shredded clothes and bruised skin. "But... I can't give up fighting you... For her sake." He continues, the dark entity attaching itself to Rogue's shadow un-noticed as his eyes go wide.

"Her?" Gajeel asks, seemingly interested to Rogue's other reason for fighting against him. With clenched fists Rogue keeps his gaze lowered to the ground. Shame filling him to the brim, knowing if he can't defeat him...

"If I don't defeat you... I'll never see her again."

A malicious voice filling Rogue's head as he yells on agony. Scales rippling out of his skin, eyes blazing as shadows rise off him in cloaks. "I'll lend you my power Rogue... To kill Gajeel. Then Ri will be safe..." A demonic voice concurs. Grinning evilly, with swift speed, easily slicing his hands past Gajeel who flies back. The shadows ready to consume him.

"Your death will do well and have her returned without a scratch."


"You're a witch... Deranged... I-..." I snarl, yet being cut off by the thick tendril of magic that wraps around my mouth, spreading and covering most of my face, including my eyes giving me nothing to view but a mass of deep blended colours. Lector was over beside Milianna, last I saw.

The girl wounded, magic stolen and was Minerva's play thing for torture and hostage.

"Now now... If I hadn't of entered the void, Lector, you and the little Kitty girl would've gotten free. I don't underestimate your power, Valkeri, oh no." Minerva coos. Yet my ears pick up the viciousness behind her words.

"You power is incredible, yet you'd be a hazard against us. However, not only was I able to keep both that girl against both Erza and Kagura... But you're an extra advantage against Erza, Rogue even seeing you're alright on the Lacrima's I can assure..."

"I guess you aren't interested in that.... Huh... Valkeri?" The tendrils tighten around my chest making it difficult to breathe.

"Rogue's taking down Gajeel... I hope you realise it's your lover... against a comrade."

I felt my heartbeat flutter at the simple word.



Sorry for the long wait!

And sorry for its shortness.. Atm there isn't much RoRi I can write while shes captured. But I have up till chapter 19 planned! So see yah there!


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