Chapter Twenty Two

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"But what type of accident did she have?" Sting asks, rubbing his forehead as he plunks down on a bench inside the guild hall. A week having passed, and the guild is as lively as ever. The ground literally shaking with enthusiasm while spars radiate in different sections.

The bar fully operational as guild members bring alcohol towards the pool outside through the east sides' doors. "She said it happened when running home from a job, her body stumbled and according to those that found her, had a bad head wound." Rogue replies, tapping the table with his fingers repeatedly.

Frosche sitting beside his tapping fingers, greedily gulping down some milk from the glass in her paws. Lector laying down close-by, relaxing. However, listening carefully while Sting sits opposite Rogue. Yukino gone to get a drink for herself and Sting from the bar.

"However... It doesn't add up." Rogue continues, rubbing his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Did it happen straight after leaving us for the last time?" He lowers his hand and glances around the table, petting Frosche on the head who smiles, places down the glass and crawls closer to Rogue, cuddling his chest.

"Yet when asking around and papers that we located from many years ago to confirm her accident... It says that she reappeared on a date many months after leaving us." Sting finishes, just as Yukino sits down, slowly shifting some of the many pieces of parchment scattered on the sides of the table.

"Could it not have taken her a few months to reach Fairy Tail?" Yukino asks softly, sitting down at Sting's side who accepts the drink gratefully.

"No... By that time, she was easily able to shift into her animal forms. Our location wasn't far from Magnolia either, it shouldn't have taken longer than a day." Lector joins in, rolling over onto his front and sitting up with ears flickering.

"Did she lie to Fro?" Frosch mutters sadly, not completely understanding the conversation, yet still able to take different pieces and put them together.

"Ri isn't the one to lie... Maybe asking her personally will be better, these reports could be fake for all we know." Rogue concludes, trusting Valkeri will his entire being. Also the fact she couldn't lie to him... She physically can't.

"Fairy Tail dropped in ranks quickly as Sabertooth rose higher. Why would people even notice her absence? They could be fake for all we know." Lector mumbles, glancing up to Sting who takes another drink.

"She'll be here soon, we can ask her then, Alright Rogue?" Sting asks, however, Rogue just stands, holding Frosche tightly before wondering off towards the exit of the guildhall.

"She hasn't lied Frosche... She hasn't."

He hopes.


"Honestly... Stop with the racket Vard." A male mutters amused, his green leafed eyes holding no emotion besides enjoyment, his pale blonde hair slickly gelled back with a few traitorous strands to fall over his forehead. A tight turtle neck of red around his torso and long, thick sleeves till his wrists.

Baggy trousers of the same colour wrap around his legs and to top off his casual look, metal boots adorning his feet, as does a metal belt around his waist and matching gauntlets that vanish beneath his sleeves. "You're going to alert the others of our location you blithering buffoon."

Vard, in response passes a grin with hidden intent. His pale blue eyes gleaming with different emotions as he treads down the corridor. His arms extended at his sides. "Nuran... Do you not trust the walls that block the noise?" He comments blowing a long strand of brown hair off his face.

Druidess of Fairy Tail ( Rogue Cheney x OC Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now