Chapter Eight - Who are you?

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"So it was first master who saved you?" I asked, watching them all pack their suitcases and bags for their catch up training trip, which I won't be going to. I chose not to anyways. I train alone within the forests, they're going to a beach. Sounds abit to relax-y... Huh?

"Yeah! It was so cool!" Natsu grins, jumping up and down already filled with energy, he suddenly stops, tilting his head. "Why aren't you coming with us?" He asks, his flamed up fists suddenly dying out in confusion.

I laugh. "Natsu, you're going to a beach to train. I've caught up to you in strength, and besides, I train in the forests. Not a place with hot sand and salty waters." I finish, grinning ear to ear.

"But-... HEY!" I watch Erza suddenly drag him towards the magic mobile. Suitcases piled high on it and attached on a trailer. Uh Huh... Erza.

"Well... Keri, we have three months. Be sure to come to us if you want!" Lucy yells, waving her hand over her head. I copy her action before walking back into the almost dead guild hall. Everyone wanting to take part in the Games.

The games... A dangerous week to become number one guild. Something I never took part in... And my heart aches for the fact I didn't fight for my guild. But, even with years after my accident, I still can't fathom what makes my heart continuously ache like I've lost something. I mean, my guild members returned, shouldn't it have stopped?

Shaking my head, I walk up to Master. Smiling lightly and giving a cupped wave towards Kinina who's cleaning the tables with a rag. "Valkeri! I was just going to find you before you left for training!" Master hiccups. A beer in his hold.

"Is something wrong Master? I was just about to go train." I tilt my head, confused. Master waving his spare hand up and down.

"No, No, No!" He grins, hiccupping again. "You're not in trouble, I was just saying, you going to be a reserve on team B!"

"Huh? Team B what?" I grab my bag from the ruggedly bar, slinging it over my shoulder. Zipping it up tight and adjusting my attire and headband.

"Team B for the games of course! But, don't tell anyone else! I'll tell everyone when they get here." I pout faintly.

"Isn't 'B' slightly insulting though?" I ask, now adjusting my tendrils of hair and my bangs. Master shakes his head. "Of course not! Now go get training! If team B beats A, you will get to ask one thing from the team A!"


Taking a deep breathe. My body on all fours, my panther form. One of my strongest shapeshifts. My body sprinting through the shrubbery and jumping over falling fences and logs. Three long months have passed.

My training has gone exceptionally well. I already feel stronger, along with a slight harden of my muscles. Although, I lost track of time, and now I'm late. The games begin tomorrow so I have to get there quickly in case someone backs out. The sun high up indicating midday.

Pushing forward, I mew faintly, jumping up onto the wall that leads into Crocus. The streets alive with joy and excitement. The claws on my paws clinking as they press into the stone wall. My tail swaying for balance.

Natsu and everyone should be here by now! With a buzz filling my organs, yet not touching that missing piece of my heart, I carry on. Passing people in a blur as I take calming breathes. My ears perking, catching all the talking surrounding the streets. Coming to a halt at the end of the wall. I glance around.

Getting multiple glances from the townsfolk and those coming for the games. Digging my claws into the building closest to me, I slowly drag my body up onto the roof. Glancing down. I shift. This will take too long like this.

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