Chapter Three - The News

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(I didn't know why it wouldn't appear, but I've fixed it now. This book is another Rogue x Reader book. Sorry that it didn't show to begin with. Whoops. Now on with the story! )

It's been a few days since the exam began and the contestants left. Only a day or two more before we are joined with a new S class mage. Gently placing a mug of beer in front of different members, I grin before wandering off to collect more orders. Now I know how it feels to be a barmaid like Mirajane. Right now, I'm helping Kinina as the hall is packed with many members who are all waiting till the Tenrou team return.

The days have been slow, and Fairy Hills has been really boring. I've gotten out of there early each morning. Then each day, I would end up helping Kinina, running around Magnolia with Romeo or just walking through the forest simply either training or with the animals that roam.

"I wonder who's going to become S class." Shaking my head, I crinkle my nose. Sitting cross legged on the bar, drying a mug with a cloth. I glance towards Kinina after she spoke. "Well. This year's going to be tough. I mean, fighting against any three of those S class mage's is going to take a lot of effort, the S class trails are never just one part as well. Mine had three." I glance around, seeing I've caught more than just Kinina's attention.

"Is it really that fair?" She asks, herself filling another mug with beer. "If you can pass these exams, you have the skills to do S class, if they were to be easy, you'd never survive an S class mission... Not that I've ever been on one." I pout. Placing the dried mug aside. "You're too young!" I hear chorused throughout. "Mhm..." Rolling my wrists I look back towards her.

"But, considering your question... I'm not sure. Master told me the first part, not that I can explain it... But the likely chances of only three to four teams will make it to the second part." Sliding off the bar, I grab the tray of drinks before walking towards Wakaba placing the tray on the table. "Here ya go!" He ruffles my hair, causing me to grumble. "Thanks, Valkeri!"

"That reminds me. Why were you told to stay behind?" I shake my head at Romeo. "Well... As the guild knows, my magic falters... I barely passed my exam. So, until I've got it under control... I won't be helping the S class trails or taking the missions." I give a faint smile. "But, I have all the time in the world. Besides... Erza-san agreed to help me along with Mira-san."


"Valkeri-chan... where's Carla and Lily?" I glance towards Romeo, raising my hand slightly while continuingly trying to make a milkshake. It's damn difficult when your height interferes. "I allowed them to go watch the exam. I mean, their partners are there. What harm will it do?" I get a few sceptical looks.

I sigh. "Don't worry, they won't interfere, they will most likely sit around with those who don't pass the first trail along with Master. Their eyes just showed they wanted to watch their comrades and perhaps cheer some of them up if they don't make it to S class." I look towards Levy's teammates. "Then why didn't we get to go cheer on Levy!?" They cry out. I shake my head. "Because you might distract her and Master wouldn't let you stay."

"Well. I'm going to take a job to help a restaurant down the road. See ya all soon!" Quickly grabbing the parchment, I skip out the doors. The cold wind whipping past me causing my shoulder length hair to cover my face. It's been quiet. Very quiet with everyone gone. No brawls, no cheesecake, no amazingly better milkshakes. I release a deep sigh, pushing open the door to the small restaurant, the bell above the door releasing a dingaling.

"Ahhhh! Valkeri-chan!" Ellawya, an elderly lady in her seventies runs this small restaurant. Her grey hair is curled and short, with a simple jumper and trousers, along with black gloves. I've been here more than once. I internally grumble as she squishes my cheeks. "Jowb" I gurgle out. Her hands leaving my cheeks before clasping together, stars present in her eyes. Grabbing my hand before dragging me into the back, throwing a different outfit towards me. "This shall be you're outfit for your job now chop chop! We have work to do!"


Cracking my fingers. I make my way towards the guild. The sky darkening as the deep coloured sky takes over the bright hues from day. The moon rising over the horizon opposite where the sun descended. With a slight spring in my step, jewels in a pouch which is in my grasp, the wind lightly whips through my hair.

With the doors a few metres ahead, the silence is unnatural. Slowly pushing open the doors. I'm met with a quiet guild. My eyes scanning multiple faces. Horror streaking each one. Tilting my head, I slightly wave. "Um... Ano... Everybody?" No-one turns to face me. Laki's face being the only one I see. Filled with grief.

Stepping down onto the main wooden floor, I swing my head slowly left and right, seeing tear stricken eyes. "Ano... What's wrong?" I ask out. Twiddling my fingers, I walk straight towards Kinina. "Um... Kinina?" she looks up from the mug that's being dried more than needs be. "The bar." She states quietly.

Tilting my head, I slowly walk towards it. Seeing a pile of paper which I'm suggesting is a newspaper. Slowly tugging myself up onto a stool, then onto the bar. I crawl towards the paper. Grabbing the folded pieces before looking around the guild hall. Their faces causing dread to spill inside me. My stomach churning.

My hands shaking. 'Tenrou...?' With a change of mind, I close the paper back, grapping it firmly before sprinting out of the guild hall. My ears picking up Romeo yelling out to me, but I simple ignore. Sprinting straight down the streets and over the bridge towards the deep green forests that surround our town.

With the foliage covering me, I slowly lean against trunk of a tree. The pulse from beneath the bark causing a tingling sensation to rise upon my back. Sliding down the tree, I land on my behind, taking deep nervous breathes as fear begins to strike me. Curling my shoed-feet into the soil below, with a deep gulp, I slowly peel open the paper.

The grief of Fairytail's members caught me off-guard. Their pain and agony making me run off as I couldn't read with the many eyes waiting for me to read. With cramps corrupting my toes, I feel the pulsing beneath the bark increase in speed along with my heart. The thumping not bringing down any of the fears that I've been feeling since entered the hall.

Scanning over the small print, I soon glance towards the left corner paragraph, my worst fears coming alive with the simple ten words that crumbles my heart.

Twenty Fairytail members have been attacked by Acnologia and lost.

Different guilds and companies have begun searching the waters that the Magic Council said the island was destroyed by Acnologia who has now vanished.

Chucking the paper forward, a cry escaping my throat as I hug my legs tightly to my chest. The wind picking up slightly as a salty taste lingers on my taste-buds. Rubbing my eyes with clenched knuckles, I feel the liquid that stains my cheeks and continuously leaks from my eyes. "Natsu-san! You promised!" expanding my fingers out, I grip my bangs with a tight grasp. Screaming out in pure rage.

Maybe its agony.

Maybe its disbelief.

Maybe its sadness.

Maybe its shock.

Maybe its anger.

No... It's all of them.

Slowly standing up. My legs wobbling and crumpling causing me to stumble forward. My balance off as I watch the pieces of paper split and slide along and hide behind the tree's. Imbedding my fingers into the soil after tumbling forward. My cries shut into sobs. Hiccupping and stuttering.

"You broke the promise..."

Druidess of Fairy Tail ( Rogue Cheney x OC Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now