Chapter Nine - Targetted

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His eyes... Those eyes hold so much yet are being covered by an invisible wall of imaginary stones. Blocking everything, all of his emotions off from the outside world. But for some reason, that makes me feel lost. Why? I don't know.

I can't seem to understand that myself. It feels like he's done it for a reason. Yes, he's part of Sabertooth, but he knew me... How? A job maybe? I don't remember. Perhaps he's known me as Fairytail's Druidess, but I know that's wrong.

No-one paid attention to us over the years everyone vanished, so why would a Sabertooth member know my name?

A member that has those stone... yes red gleaming eyes that resemble that of a baron red ruby. That colour of dark red feathers, of a blood red rose...


Shaking my head I curl my talons to rid of my thoughts of the hours prior, the wind whipping through me, the air filled with screams, yells and magic.

Flapping my wings firmly, I keep flying firmly overhead of Crocus. My eyes darting around quickly as I look for both Wendy and Carla who went missing and have now missed out on the elimination round. Elfman took her place on team A.

"Any sigh of them?" Echo's through my mind, all the search parties replying 'No',

"No, I've flew over Crocus, but I'll keep looking." I reply faintly, telepathically.

A caw leaves my beak as a body plummets to the ground, nearly hitting me out from the air. My feathers of my wings expanding in surprise as a grumble rumbles in the back of my throat. Raising my head, hovering in place, I look up to the large labyrinth that stays securely in the sky.

Bodies have been falling in heaps since the beginning. Yet, I haven't seen anyone I know yet besides Twilight Ogre. SO, I hope that's a good sign. I know that both Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus are here, I saw them before they vanished into the dangerous building above.

I even saw Sabertooth... I caught both dragon slayers eye when I flew away from them. Pain flashed through his eyes but was almost instantly vanished like he did into the labyrinth with his team. My heart continuously feeling now down, like it's barely even pumping my life fluid around my body.

Sighing, I fly towards the last place I have to check. The palace gardens. They were apparently sight-seeing, and this is the only place left. Landing on the gate, glancing down at the guards, I see Lisanna and Happy standing talking to the guards.

Not wasting time, I fly swiftly down to the gardens, my body glowing as my feathers shift into fur, my body landing on the ground in all fours. I can't be spotted by guards. My deep purple fur helping me hides within the darkness.

Running throughout the massive of rose bushes, statues and fountains. Stealth. Agile. Quiet. The three main points of being a feline that hunts prey, but in this case, hiding from guards and finding comrades.

My eyes darting around as my eyes land on two figures laying down on the grass. My eyes widening as my eyes perk up, sprinting quickly towards them as I confirm its Wendy and Carla. Both looking completely drained, not even moving, besides the faint rise of their chests as breathes are taken.

"I've found them!" I yell telepathically, my ears twitching as I shift up, slowly and carefully leaning down and picking Wendy up, soon followed by Carla. My head turning to see Lisanna and happy coming straight towards me.

"What happened to them?" Lisanna asks, worry lingering in her voice. I shake my head, not knowing myself. Lisanna takes Carla as Happy tries his best to wake her up, his ears flattened against his head.

"Let's get them back."


"So their magic's been drained?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. Staring warily at the pink haired female that came to the games to cheer us on... Well, secretly. Said women nods, her eyes glancing over Wendy and Carla who now lie within a bed, flannels over their foreheads.

"It's possible that someone's trying to take us out of the game." I mutter, wiping my temples with my fingertips. Dragging my hand down my face, exhaustion slowly beginning to grip me.

"But, who would do that?" Happy asks, worry for the love of his life. I shake my head, still confused, petting his head. "Perhaps someone sees us as a threat." I reply. Rubbing my fingers over his ears.

The search ended after my message through Warren, everyone was alerted and now know she's in good hands, but everyone's looking out for themselves. No-matter if they're participating or here to cheer them on. Team B have also been alerted.

My head raising a large alarm spreads across Crocus, announcing the end of the round. The amount of magical energy floating in the air slowly dissipating.

"Team Natsu should be on their way. Lisanna, Happy, I need to go rest. I'll be back in the morning to check on Wendy." I conclude, not wanting to stay staring at them any longer or I'll get exceptionally angrier at the culprits.

I glance towards the pink haired lady. Remembering Wendy telling me she's classed as the Grandeeney of Edolas. Nodding in appreciation, I slowly exit the room. Leaving the tense atmosphere.

My ears catching the sudden feet heading towards the room from the opposite direction, Natsu's voice head over the others.

"So, someone is messing with Fairytail? They'll pay."


Taking slow steps around Crocus, the elimination round over, I take deep breathes. Silence surrounding me like a second skin. My toes curling on the stone road. My fists clenched firmly at my sides.

It wasn't those dragon slayers from Sabertooth, they were in the elimination round, nor did I smell their scent anywhere around the area, and Rogue has a pretty distinct smell. Perhaps another member did it? But then again, I smelt no-one. My nose may not be as good as dragon slayers, but it's better than a normal wizards.

Silent footsteps catch me off guard as I wipe my head around, coming face to face with Rogue. Standing alone with his cape covering her body completely besides his shoes and head. Her head more dis-heaved than normal, and pulled to firmly cover his right eye.

My eyes still staring at the katana that stays hidden, but the end of the blade causes a bump in the cape. With a deep breathe, I turn my body fully to face him, tilting my head as I give a faint wave, his body not moving, but his eyes piercing.

"How long have you been part of Fairytail?" He asks, his voice slicing through the silence like a knife. Himself taking a few steps towards me, stopping only a metre from me.

"I've been part of Fairytail for many years... A few years before the incident. Why?" I ask, generally confused by his question choice. His eyes hold realisation, the stone wall broken for me, but instantly the stones rebuilding as he swiftly walks past me.

"I know why you never told us now... but why you've forgotten us is a mystery. I've promised I'll make you remember. And I don't plan on stopping till I do."

My skin buzzes, tingles and lights up with sensations as he passes, and I know for a fact it isn't the nipping cold that travelled with the wind.


New chapter! More like a filler... But, you'know.! A chappie is a chappie! See yah all in the next, Vote/Comment/Follow!xo

Druidess of Fairy Tail ( Rogue Cheney x OC Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now