Chapter Twenty One

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I feel the heat rush to my cheeks as his fingers slide across the nape of my neck. A shiver corrupting my spine which causes me to shift ever so slightly. The cold sheet of the chain pressing ever-so-softly onto my neck and as I look down, the emeralds are scattered, surrounding the moon charm that hangs just about my breasts. The sunlight gleaming down upon my new feature.

"Thanks..." I murmur gently, my grown ears hearing the click of the latch which only proves my earing abilities when the fingers slide away from the chain and down my arms before caging me in. His warmth consuming, and so... so... what's the word... Familiar...

So soothing.

His hands clasp together in front of my stomach causing me to jump in surprise, my eyes clenched shut as my hair dangles down my shoulders. My feet yet to touch the ground... Rogue chuckles, causing my eyes to peek open, his arms tight around my tense stomach.

His chuckle vibrates right beside my ear as I slowly turn my head. My eyes meet his which are afflicted with longing. My heart constricts. I made him wait... Think I was dead, long gone. Yet a pathetic accident is what kept us apart. It's what ruined my memory.

Did I trip? Fall? Stumble?

Did I gain head trauma? Yet, I produced even more trauma to him... Heart trauma. His eyes say so.

Tilting my head, I press a gently peck to the corner of his lips. Our position barely even allowing me to do that. I feel the air slightly shift as my eyes keep locked with his. His feet slowly moving, twirling up around until I release a soft hum, detaching our gazes, allowing me to lean perfectly against him, my neck stretching up on his shoulder. Darkness slowly shutting out my vision.

A darkness with a soft pink hue.

"Hold on." Rogue mutters, my mind not registering his words before feeling his body shift, an arm detaching from my stomach and latching underneath my legs, hoisting me up higher, a squeal of surprise. Coldness creeping through my layered dress and pressing against my thighs.

"You could've just asked for me to move myself." I mutter, placing my hands against his kneecaps. His legs trapping me in. Yet our view perfect. The day slowly coming to an end. Our position? A foreign street, lined with stone walls that provide a perfect view of Crocus due to our vantage point.

"How long have you been a part of Sabertooth for then?" I enquire, watching my vine-wrapped feet as I swing them freely in front of me through slightly closed eyes. The vines having small bulbs of flowers that has yet to bloom. They need water before exploding into flowers that match my dress and headset.

"A few years... Right after you left us for the last time." His voice solemn. "But you're here with me now. Valkeri." His nose nuzzles against my neck causing a chuckle.

However my mind clicks to something I've been... Needing to ask.

For my body won't feel right until I do.

"If I ask you something... Will you promise to answer me?" I ask, bowing my head and adjusting my position. His fingers that returned to my stomach stroking the thin material mildly halt their movement. His body that cocoons mine suddenly tensing, as if sensing that my question might ruin the fantasy area we are relaxing within.

He releases a breath through his mouth, his body slowly yet surely released of its tension as I place a calming hand against left bicep, my back still pressed against his front. "I'll answer anything, Ri." He finally replies, yet the slight panicked tone is still audible.

"I was going to ask earlier... But I wanted to ask you in a more secluded, private area." He makes a noise in the back of his throat as if to say 'Carry on.' "I need to know... About what happened during the games... With Yukino and everything... Would you really chuck me aside?"

He sighs deeply. "I never enjoyed the thought of Yukino's pride being stripped from her during Jiemma's reign... We were nothing but soldiers that obeyed his every command." My fingers gripping the sleeves of his attire in sync with his fingers that tighten again my stomach. "We were to obey everything he said, no weak mages was a rule that was absolute."

"Our bond is too strong though... I wouldn't have chucked you aside. There is no questioning it. No-matter what, I wouldn't have allowed it." My heart leaps. "Sabertooth isn't perfect... I know that now... But even before these Games if you had of joined Sabertooth with us, I would protect you."

I shift my body slightly and place a finger against his lips, silencing him. "Alright Rogue... I believe you." I lean up and press my lips against his before snuggling my face into his neck, my body now side wards in his hold, my legs bent over his left that still dangles freely over the side of the wall.

My ears flattening against hair as his own head nestles down upon mine, my body now snug against his, the heat keeping all of the cold, creeping night chills away from my bare skin. "Comfy?" His voice low, as if to accommodate the relaxed atmosphere surrounding us.

"Absolutely." I murmur in response, my ears flickering against his cheeks. "How about you? Am I'm giving you pins and needles?" It's only kind to ask, I mean, having the position we are currently in will produce these annoying little pricks and clicks underneath the skin due to lack of blood supply.

"Your fine, Valkeri." He insists, yet it doesn't stop me from shifting to left and right, however the subtle groan causes me to stop instantly and mutter a swift 'sorry'.

The sky darkening as the wind only whistles every few minutes. The street lacrima's slowly turning on causing embers to alight the area. The moon slowly rising into the air. "Shall we aim for the moon, Rogue?" I ask gently, slowly shimmying out of his hold. Standing up on the wall at his side, and extending a hand to him which he gratefully accepts.

I extend my right arm, keeping it straight out, while he extends his left arm. Our spare hands attaching together. The tingles across my skin sharp, yet natural as a large, green mist spreads out at my fingertips, a pressure coming from my left as a shadows corrupt his.

"Our heart are strongly bonded Rogue. Aren't they?"

"Yes, Ri, we are bonded for eternity."

My ears perk up as I feel a tail materialises, the green mist and shadows suddenly begin to merge. "I remember the memory of our first unison raid, taking down some bandits a few weeks before meeting Sting, huh?" He nods.

The shadows and green mist suddenly fire – creating a large blast of mixed hued magic that dissipates when it gets far enough. Our arms detaching from our sides. "One of our weakest unison raids, Ri."

I chuckle gently. "True Rog-..."

"Rogue!" A voice calls out, our heads jerking away as she turn and glance down, Frosche running up the street with her arms extended, eyes tired, yet full of life at seeing us. Lector running after her, slowing down after seeing us. He scratches behind his ears.

Sting, and Yukino appearing from around the building the two exceeds appeared from. When noticing us, they grin, and smile timidly before waving. "Our trains leaving earlier than normal, Rogue."

"That's my cue, it's late, so I better begin to fly off home."

"It will take a few days, maybe even a week or two to complete my mission. But, I'll come collect you on my way home. Alright?" He nods his head, my body, in a flash growing feathers as I hover above the ground, running my beak gently over Frosche's head.

Rogue picking up my satchel from the ground beside the wall, allowing my talons to tightly grip its strap. A caw escaping my beak. "Fro see you soon, Valkeri!"

"Bye Valkeri-sama."

"Bye Keriiii!"

"See you soon, Ri."

Farewell. Rogue, I'll see you before the fortnight comes.



Hellu everyoneee!

Instagram - Kireina_Vontune

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