Chapter Four - Meeting Him

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A month has passed. A month and the guild are still not losing hope... Well, I have. Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus have been search with us. Yet, not a single trace of the island is there, nor the ruins underneath the ocean. No bodies, no tree's, no animals, nothing. Not able to sense any of the three exceeds, have set my heart into pieces.

I refuse to enter the guild hall. Refuse to listen to them. Refuse to cry anymore. Refuse to believe my promise was broken. Refusing to believe my guild, Fairytail has lost everyone I'm close too. Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Wendy, Gray, Levy, Master... Everyone.

I've left Fairy Hills and with my magic have created a small treehouse, far in the depths of the forest and far from the forest paths that are used daily. The house created high in the emergent, above the thick branches to block my existence. Vines hanging down loosely, but when approaching the tree, they connect up to create a ladder that blows softly in the breeze before uncurling and falling down again to block my cover.

My guild mark now covered up by leaves almost like a collar and my bangs pulled down to frame my face. My body travelling towards the guild hall that's lost all emphasis. Lost all cheeriness. The townsfolk of Magnolia looking at me with glazed eyes. Everyone's seen the news. Heard it, and now everyone in the guild is getting pity looks and sympathy rolled to them.

Pushing open the guild doors, I'm greeted by barely anyone. Macao now the new Master... He shouldn't be replacing him. The one who saved me. "Hey Kiddo." He greets, his smile not reaching his eyes. "Please Macao... No fake smiles." I reply, clenching my fists as I travel towards the one place I've barely been. The Job Request Board. 'When they return... If they do... I'll be stronger. Stronger than ever before.'

Snapping a piece of parchment off the board. I scan over it before grapping a few more. Not caring what they are. "Hey... I don't think you're ready for that many." I ignore him. Macao is a friend... but this is the only way. "No, Macao. I'm going. Don't even stop me." I narrow my eyes before heading towards the door. "At least take someone with you!" I shake my head, him only seeing the back of it. "No. Macao. I'm going alone. I'll be fine..." Trust me.

With the doors closing behind me. Parchment in hand, I don't hear anyone chasing me as I deep sigh. Now, for my jobs. Out of town, further than Clover. Further than I've ever been allowed before.

To get Stronger.

To expand my knowledge.

To meet new animals.

To prove to myself. That my magic will not falter forever.


The train has been travelling for ages now. Shirotsume town. A town far north west of Magnolia. My first job is in the Spa Town Hosenka, half a day's walking distance from Shirotsume according to the station back in Magnolia. The job request asking to take down a few bandits that have been stealing from the tourists and employee's. Paying well for a first job, it shall be experience. Let's just hope I don't mess it up...

With another hour or two, the train finally stops, slinging my bag over my shoulder. The other job requests in there. It's light. Getting off the train, I'm greeted by a small town, this station on top of a hill while the town is downhill. A main road with all the houses and shops along the sides of the road. The sun only rising, Levy told me that means morning.

Slowly beginning to walk, I make the travel down the hill and through the town, people bustling about and happy. Unlike Magnolia. The small town has made it quick to pass through, and soon, I'm passed it and now heading down the bare roads towards Hosenka. The breeze light and the foliage and fields surrounding me are bursting with life. With butterflies and soil insects hiding or blending in with the grass and flowers, I feel it all.

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