chapter 11

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Zabuza jumped back, narrowly dodging a powerful blast of air from the angry jinchuriki.

Naruto was charging Zabuza at full speed, but without a tail Zabuza was still stronger. Unfortunately this was all the red chakra Naruto could use without losing himself.

"Naruto you need more chakra? You can hold this form for another ten minutes or you can use two tails, and end this within one minute. I will try to lessen the effects on your mind." Naruto heard the Kyuubi speak.

"Juice me, fox. I'm gonna destroy this ass hole."

Then everything changed. Two tails made of red chakra sprouted from the red aura around Naruto, a gust of wind blew dust in all directions, trees were blown into splinters, and the two jonin just looked on in shock.

Zabuza brought his sword up on instinct, barely blocking a punch from the young blonde. The punch left a burning dent in the metal, and made Zabuza skid back.

Kurenai was frightened. "I shouldn't have told him to use that power, he could lose control! "

Naruto spun, smacking Zabuza with his tails and knocking him into the air, then the chakra around his arm stretched out and caught Zabuza around the waist, and hurled him into the ground. He exploded into water on impact.

Naruto couldn't find Zabuza, angering him further and starting a third tail. "ZABUZA!!!!!WHERE ARE YOU?!?!"

The power he radiated saturated the air around him, but it was too late. Zabuza was gone, probably to lick his wounds.

Naruto seethed, the red chakra pulsed angrily, making his appearance even more imposing.

Kurenai stepped forward. "Naruto, calm down. He's gone. We're safe!"

Naruto snarled and was about to charge in the direction he thought Zabuza had went, but the Kyuubi forcibly withdrew his chakra, making Naruto fall to his knees in exhaustion. "Dammit fox, what gives?"

"The man is gone, you'll just do harm to yourself if you chase him." Naruto felt the Kyuubi retreat back farther into the seal.

'Behind you!' Naruto spun at the sound of the voice, bringing his Kunai up, stopping a hairs breath away from stabbing his teacher. "Kurenai-sensei.... I'm sorry. I wasn't strong enough..."

Inside he could feel the dark laughter of his hatred.

She hugged him to stop his shaking. "It's alright, Naruto. I'm here..."

"I...I'll need to go see Hinata and Shikamaru. I don't want them to hate me, but I promised to tell them." Naruto and Kurenai then sped up to catch up to the rest of the team.


"Zabuza-sama, I don't think we can beat them." A young femine boy said to his long time master.

He had long silky dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin, and he wore a kimono.

"And why not, Haku?" He asked gruffly as he applied healing ointment to his burned torso.

Haku handed him a wet wrag. "Because he's the jinchuriki to the Nine tails. Each tail he uses boosts his power exponentially, and he out classed you with only two. I think our only option may be to run while we can."

"'re sure there's no way for us to beat him? What about your ice mirrors?"

"We may as well throw a handful of snow at him for all the good it'd do. Even when he didn't have a tail he was strong enough to break my ice. I fear this will be our first failed mission." Haku replied, genuinely saddened he couldn't help his master succeed this time.

"So a lowly genin scares the great Demon of the Bloody Mist. I guess you're just a baby demon after all." A short man in an expensive suit sneered as he walked into the room, followed by two samarai.

The samarai palmed the hilts of their swords, ready for almost any attack.

Haku blurred forward, taking their swords in one smooth quick motion, then pressed the blades against their throats in reverse grip. "You will not disrespect Zabuza-sama. We are leaving, but if you'd like to try and stop us be my guest...but be prepared to meet your maker, and pray he is more merciful than I. "

Gato glared. "Fine, but you won't be receiving any money. I'll also be hiring someone stronger, more reliable."

"Heh, go for it little bastard." Zabuza stood and grabbed his sword, preparing to leave.

"Sounds like you're in need of a couple strong ass ninja. How bout us? The immortals of the Akatsuki." A couple of men stepped into the room, each wearing a black cloak with red and white clouds.

The taller one had white hair slicked backwards, a red scythe, blood red eyes, and a crooked psychotic smile plastered on his face.

The shorter one had teal colored eyes, black corneas, dark skin, and a black mask.

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