Truth of the Curse

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Arashi sat down on a lot, with Naruto next to him. "I guess the only way I can tell you why it's a curse is to tell you a bit about my life. I unlocked my bloodline a few years younger than you, not much was known about the Uzumaki Wildcard bloodline-...


"Dad look!" A young boy with dark red hair ran up to an older tattooed man with a dark red beard and samurai armor, minus the parts meant to cover his chiseled chest. Fuinjutsu markings covered the armor and many of his tattoos were overlapping seals.

The young boy brought a knife across his palm and his father watched in amazement as it stitched itself back together as fast as he'd been cut.

The large man knelt before the boy, smiling happily. "A strange ability, but powerful nonetheless. How would you like to learn to be a samurai, Kaiza?"

The boy nodded excitedly.

______ten years later_____________

Kaiza stood in a dojo against his father, a katana in hand. His body was lean with muscle, his eyes focused but he was still losing this fight. Only his regeneration kept him up and fighting. This was his life.

Every day he fought, trying to prove himself to his father, and every day he proved that he wasn't a ruthless warrior like his father.

His bloodline meant his father didn't have to hold back and so he went all out, even when Arashi had been a child.

"Kaiza-kun, are you there?" A girl in her early twenties climbed into Kaiza's room through his balcony.

Kaizas smiled as he got out of bed to see her. She had beautiful dark hair that curled at the ends, dark blue eyes, and pale skin. "Minami-chan... I-"

She cut him off by pressing her lips to his.

Kaizas wrapped his arms around her, enjoying her warmth.  "I'm happy I get to see you, but why tonight? We agreed to hold off on visiting each other because our fathers could find out. The last time the Raikage saw me, he wasn't exactly kind, ya know?"

"Please, like your dad is any better, Kai-kun... Truth is we are in danger every time we do this... do you care?" She whispered softly as he lead them back to his bed.

"Not for myself, no. For you though I-..." He trembled at the thought, he couldn't bring himself to say it.

Minami grabbed his hand. "I've got something to tell you Kai-kun..."

"What is it? You're kinda freaking me out, ya know?" He kissed her cheek, trying to get her to relax.

"I'm pregnant."

Kaiza and Minimi agreed right then that the best thing to do would be to leave. Though Kaiza still went to his father.

"You don't understand the position your putting me in, Kaiza...." The Uzukage looked at his son sadly. "We've been at war with Cloud for generations. We can't just erase all that hate because you are infatuated with one of them."

Kaizas clenched his fists. "Dad... please, I-"

"You love her. I'm aware. I'm a sensor. I've known you have been having a woman in your bed, I'd just thought it was someone closer to home." The old man sighed. "When can I meet the young lady?"

Kaiza looked up shocked. "Y-You-?"

"Don't give me that face. I'm still your father, ya know?" Then he smiled. "I'm going to be a grandfather..."

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