Naruto vs Swift Kira

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Hinata Hyuuga vs Sakura Haruno

Yeah, not even gonna describe the ass kicking that just took place. It was almost sad.

Shikamaru Nara vs Akimichi Choji

"Yeah, it's too troublesome to fight my best friend, I forfeit." Shikamaru sighed.

Shino Aburame vs Sasuke Uchiha

"I forfeit as well." Shino said, obviously angry with himself. "Why? Because my kikachu insects have a severe vulnerability towards fire, and I am currently low on chakra."

The Referee was getting mad. "Is anyone actually going to fight?"

Naruto Uzumaki vs Kira Taichudo

Naruto grinned as he flipped into the arena, cushioning his fall with a fierce blast of wind from his feet.

Kira kissed the young Arashi on the cheek before diving over the railing. "Ara-kun doesn't like you very much." She noted amusedly.

Naruto looked to see Arashi glaring at him with glowing blue pupils. "Yeah about that, what's his problem?"

Kira shrugged. "He won't even tell me. I hope you're stronger than you look..."

Naruto scoffed then crouched. "That's it!"

"Begin!" The referee called out.

Then something happened Naruto didn't expect.

His head rocked to the left, pain coursing through it sharply. A kick hit him in the back, sending him forward roughly. Then his feet were taken out from under him. This took place in the time span of a single second.

Then he felt Kira sit down on his back. "Wow your head is hard, I actually hurt my hand... Did you even see any of that?"

Naruto threw his foot towards her face, transitioning into a flip to land on his feet. Only for her to move at nearly the speed of sound and pin him to the ground with her foot on his throat.

"W-What the hell?" Naruto coughed as he rolled out from under her and to his feet.

She looked amused. "Can't see me, huh? That's too bad, Arashi can. He usually win when we spar. Swift release let's me increase my speed for the time span of a second or two at a time, as you just saw thpugh...its usually more than enough."

Naruto began going over options in his head, he'd have to fight sma- OOF!! she vanished again, planting both her feet into Naruto's chest and sending him flying.

Naruto skidded to a stop in front of the wall, looking up, just in time to see everything slowed down and Kira in front of him, rearing a fist back and grinning wildly.

Time was slowing down, giving our favorite blonde the ability to at least see his assailant.

Naruto forced his head to the side, taking a shallow cut on his cheek from her lightning fast punch but he's done it, he'd dodged. He couldn't let up though, Naruto summoned two shadowclone who charged.

Naruto watched in fascination. She was almost moving at normal speed while he was in slow motion.

Kira spun and round house kicked both clones easily taking them out.

Naruto hadn't been hoping they'd get her though.

Kira smirked as she easily took out Naruto's clones. I wonder why Arashi hates this guy?

Suddenly the smoke was blonde apart as four Naruto's charged Kira, each with a rasengan in hand. Her eyes widened for a moment as she saw the chakra.

Right before the rasengans hit her though she blasted to the side, hurling a handful of shurikens at the Naruto clones.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if someone with swift release threw a shuriken or kunai?

The Kunai never even slowed down as they all kept moving and stuck into the stone wall.

The Naruto clones burst into smoke, all except one.

The shuriken  entered Naruto's left side and excited cleanly through his right. The sliced many of his organs in half.

Then for Kira the world went black.

The real Naruto had hidden as soon as she took out the first two clones. His bleedong vlone actually dodged and used henge to lokk wounded. Then when she had her back to him he jumped. His fist connected with the back of her skull and knocked her unconcious.

"Winner by knock out, Naruto Uzumaki!" The referee yelled.

Before Kira fell to the ground, Arashi appeared, catching her easily. "Not bad..." Then he was gone, taking his place back in the stands.

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