Chapter Twenty-Two - The Sun Also Rises

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"Are you awake?" Damon whispered in my ear.

"Just about," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "What time is it?"

"Early," Damon replied.

"Then why are you waking me up?"

"I want to show you something."

"Can't it wait until later?"

"No. You have to come and see it now."

I sighed, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and reluctantly standing up. I looked over at the digital clock. Six in the morning. What...?

"Why are you getting me up this early?" I asked.

"I want to show you something," Damon repeated.

"What is it?"

"Follow me," Damon smiled, heading over to the window. He opened the latch and squeezed his lanky torso through the small gap. Using the ledge for support, he raised his arms as if he was grabbing hold of something and jumped.

"Where are you?" I called. "Damon, are you okay? What have you done?"

I myself headed over to the window, opened it wider and popped my head out, looking up. Damon was leaning over the top of the roof, smirking.

"Come and join me," he suggested.


"Do what I did. Climb out the window and jump up."

"What if I fall?" I suddenly felt like an idiot. What was I saying? If I fell, then I could get straight back up again with no harm done.

"Then you'll just have to jump all the way up."

I hesitantly stood up on the ledge then fit my body through the gap. Once I was stood pressed against the wall, I reached up and got a tight grip on the gutter before I bent my knees and jumped with as much force as I could conjure up. I was convinced that I would have an agile landing. However, I was wrong. My face smacked onto the tiles onto the top of the roof. Damon laughed.

"Ouch," I moaned, using my arms to push myself up into a sitting position beside Damon. He threw an arm around my shoulder.

"That wasn't too bad," he complimented. "Though you could have done better."

"Sorry," I chuckled. "I forget that you're the only perfect one." I let out a long breath. "What are we doing up here?" I asked. Damon's finger pointed out the horizon, which was glowing a beautiful shade of amber.

"We're here to watch the sun rise," he said softly. "Last night made me realise that life's too short. One day, I will be killed, and I've got to make the most of the fact that I am immortal. When I was a human, back in the nineteenth century, Stefan and I got along perfectly. Until Katherine got in the way. And then, after Stefan prompted me to feed and complete the transition, I spent too much time hating him to realise the benefits of never getting old. I'm trying to experience things that I should have experienced a long time ago. Only, now I get to experience them with you."

We both sat in silence for a while. I took Damon's hand in mine then stared at our interwined fingers. This moment seemed so perfect that I could hardly believe it was real. Though, to ruin the mood, one question still lingered in the back of my mind, trying to push it's way to my mouth.

"Damon, why do you love me?" I gave in to the desperation of wanting to ask that question. It had been inside of me for so long, and letting it out felt almost illegal.

Damon paused before answering. "I don't mean to offend you, but I sometimes wonder that myself. I've never been one to seriously love someone. I think that Katherine is the only girl that I've ever loved. I've been in many relationships, but very few of them have turned out to be real."

My Love Affair With Damon - A Vampire Diaries Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now