Chapter Thirty-Six - What A Prick

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Once you'd looked past all of the wooden stakes religiously lined up beside his bed, and the way the windows were angled perfectly, allowing the sunlight to pass through murderously, you could understand what kind of person Zach Salvatore had once been.

My first impression, of course, was that he was a dedicated hater of vampires. That was something I'd already suspected, and wasn't surprised that a majority of the objects dominating his bedroom were ones harmful to vampires, and werewolves alike.

A small bottle was kept by his bed, and when I opened it, the toxic scent of vervain walloped into my face. I screwed the lid back on and rested the bottle back on the small table. Beside that were a few other objects used for defence against vampires, some of them similar to ones Alaric Saltzman possessed.

I rummaged through his drawers, finding more and more artifacts that I couldn't identify. When Stefan had warned me of Zach's hatred of vampires before I'd entered the room, I hadn't taken him too seriously, what with the fact that he knew about Stefan and Damon, yet he hadn't staked them yet. It seems that my doubt over his obsession was as far away from right as it could be.

It was just as I was about to leave the room with the stress that I'd found nothing but vampire hunting tools that my eye caught a glimpse of an oak bureau hidden away in the corner. My head was screaming that it was just more weapons, but as I lifted up the lid, I couldn't have been more wrong.

In the space under the lid was only one object. A framed photograph. As my hands shook, I reached in and grabbed it. Once it was in my grasp, I took it from the bureau and closed the lid. It took me a while to make myself look at what I knew I was going to see.

Sure enough, as I turned the frame over, I found myself staring down at a small blonde child standing on a winding staircase, clothed in a burgandy velor dress and tiny black ballet pumps. She was smiling cautiously, her green-grey eyes wide. A single tear dropped onto the glass enclosing the memory from so long ago. Mother had taken that photo on the day of my aunt's wedding. Back when my mother and father were still happily married. It seemed so long ago. It was so long ago.

Fury burned inside of me. Fury that Mum had even dared to send this photo to a stranger who I knew as Uncle Zach, the man my mother was just friends with. Just friends my arse. She'd screwed over my father and jumped into bed with this-this man whore, who was willing to screw a married woman.

I threw the frame onto the floor, letting the delicate glass smash into tiny slithers. I bent down and removed the photo from the broken frame, folding it up and tucking it into my pocket. Then I left the room, planning on never having to return.

I'd gathered all of the evidence and information I needed. Though I knew it would break father's heart to know Mum had had an affair, he deserved to know that I wasn't his daughter. I felt sorry for him. He'd spent seventeen years loving and raising a child who was never his. And, if by chance he did know that I wasn't his child, then he was a fucking amazing man for sticking by me all of these years.

I hoped that Zach Salvatore was rotting in Hell. I hoped that his death had been violent and brutal, and that he'd suffered great pain beforehand. If Damon had had anything to do with his death, then I trusted that my hopes weren't just hopes. If Damon had had anything to do with his death, it would for sure have been violent and brutal. He would have suffered a great amount of pain. And, for that, I was extremely glad.

I also hoped that Mum was rotting in Hell. No woman could cheat on someone as loyal as my Dad and get away with it. Though before any of this I'd felt blunt hatred for my Dad, now I felt nothing but pity and adoration. Pity that he'd even met Mum in the first place. Adoration that, up until their divorce, he'd trusted her, and perhaps even trusted her with my life once she'd dragged me to Virginia.

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