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Harry was shocked at himself

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Harry was shocked at himself.

He was seated outside of Louis' hospital room with his elbows resting on his knees while he looked at his bloody hands. In his hair was Louis' glasses since he knew he wouldn't be able to see without them. He felt strange holding them for him but he couldn't pull his eyes away from his hands. His fingers shook as he looked at them. He was scared not only if Louis would be okay but how he was acting towards the man.

He wanted to keep him at arms length but now all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around him.

What is wrong with me!

After he tried waking up Louis, he carried him bridal style all the way to the hospital which wasn't that far. The nurses took him into the ER and then he was placed into a room.

Harry hasn't washed his hands because he didn't want to leave the man but just the sight weirded him out. This was the first time he had blood on his hands that weren't from his doing. But he knew for one thing: He caused this.

He lead Louis to scratch and to almost bleed out not just by the denying of the kiss but the way he was acting. He was a douche to him.

"Mr.Styles?" A nurse hummed a few steps away from him, her hands clutching at the clipboard that was pressed tightly against her chest. Harry jumped up from his seat and made his way towards her, his face flushed with concern. "Hi, Louis seems to be doing fine but i need to talk to you about his, uhm, self-harming."

The taller man nodded, crossing his arms over his chest as he listened to her thoroughly. He couldn't care less that his shirt sleeves were getting dirty from his hands. He also couldn't care less that his red eye color was visible since he didn't have time to put on his contacts.

"It seems that he has been doing that for quite a while." She sighed, her soft voice sounding sad as she thought back to her examination of his body to see if anymore marks were there.

"How long do you think?"

"About two or three years." She replied, "We did a few head scans and tests and it seems to be that he is depressed. I know you must be thinking 'Well no duh, he cuts himself' but he will need to be put on medication. Just make sure he takes the prescription once a day at the same time every day."

She handed him the prescription that had the doctor's signature for medicine, smiling at him sweetly. "Its nice that you stayed out here for him." She complimented.

Harry merely nodded at that, "Was everything else fine? Was this all?" He asked, making sure that they would never have to come back to the hospital because even from the window Louis looked deflated.

"Yes, Sir. Everything else is fine." She answered, "You can go see him." She gave him another dimpled smile before walking into the room across the hall.

Harry's red eyes glanced over the prescription, a sigh leaving his lips before he made his way inside the room slowly to see Louis fiddling with his fingers that were on his lap.

He looked so small in the hospital bed. His hair going in all directions, the scruff on his cheeks and chin, the hospital gown that was too big on him so his collar bones were on view. Everything. His eyes looked icy since they were surrounded by dark circles and his cheeks looked hallow from not eating.

"I'm sorry," his voice cracked, a sniffle coming from him as he dared to look at Harry. "I'm such a mess. I'll move out-"

"No." Harry snapped, waving his hand in the air in denial. "You're staying with me. I'm not mad. This is my fault. I'm going to take care of you. But i need you to tell me what caused this." His fingers pointed at his thighs so he could know what he was talking about without him having to say it.

Louis was silent for a second. He gnawed at his dry lips in thought because he didn't want to tell him but the man did carry him to the hospital. "L-Liam." He stuttered. His blue eyes searched Harry's blurry face with a squint of his eyes for any emotion but all he could see was anger.

But Harry was livid. He knew that he was involved when the man said that he encouraged it but just knowing that he caused it sent fire through his bones. He removed the glasses from his hair and handed them to Louis before he stepped back with fire in his eyes.


"I'm going to fucking kill him." He growled, his jaw clenching tight as his finger tips tingled. Every being in his body was ready to just grab any sharp object and inject it into his neck. The urge to kill was returning and it was stronger than ever because he actually had a purpose to kill. Louis just thought he was saying it because he was angry but oh no.

He would definitely kill Liam.

"Please, just calm down." Louis begged, attempting to stand up from the bed to stop Harry incase he wanted to run out but the curly haired man quickly went to his side telling him to stay put. "Just please, don't start a fight with him."

"I wont." He sweetly said, smiling so his dimples made an appearance while he plotted in his head.


Harry was stood outside Josie's Bar watching from the window as Liam flirted with a young boy at the bar.

His hands were balled into fists and he wanted so badly to just smash his head into the counter but he calmed down once he saw that Liam and the boy were standing up and preparing to leave.

Harry didn't know where Liam lived. He just needed to follow him once and then the address would be in his mind. He couldn't just kill him at the moment. Louis was back at the apartment fast asleep and he had to be back incase he needed his help with something. The man was set on bed rest while his thighs healed so anything he needed, he would have to depend on Harry.

"Hurry the fuck up." He growled, puffing out a cloud of nicotine as he watched them stumble down the side walk. Liam had his arm playfully around the boy's shoulder which added fire to the flame in his body.

He followed them carefully, making sure to hide when they would drunkly turn around at the sound of his heels clicking on the ground and remembering land marks so he could come back when there would be numerous turns.

He sighed happily when he saw them make their way into an apartment building like his but not as clean. He noticed he would need a key to enter through the locked gate door which made him wonder if Louis still had his.

He waited until they were inside and the light to a second floor room came on, revealing themselves in the window as they began to get into a heated make out session. He left and glanced at his iPhone screen incase Louis had called him and in that moment he felt strange. He checked to see if he was receiving notifications to which he was but that added more to his suspicion.

I might actually have feelings for him.


*Cough cough I wrote a new Destiel One Shot called Oh, My Dean! Cough cough*

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