Twenty Two

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Before the two knew it, the month of September flew by and they were now in the middle of October where places were beginning to be decorated with the usual Halloween supplies

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Before the two knew it, the month of September flew by and they were now in the middle of October where places were beginning to be decorated with the usual Halloween supplies.

The air was cold to a point where hoodies were needed and the leaves were starting to fall to get prepared for the upcoming winter.

Louis was constantly begging Harry to allow him to decorate the apartment saying that he "lacked the spirit" but it wasn't Harry's fault that he wasn't that interested in the holiday.

"Louis, quit asking me." He grumbled with his head buried underneath his pillow while the man straddled his waist in only a pair of briefs. It was still early in the morning and he wanted to get a few more minutes of sleep but the way Louis was bouncing on him was changing his mind.

"Please, Harebear," he whined, leaning down so his chest was flush against Harry's while he plucked at the wayward curls sticking out from underneath the pillow. "You aren't doing anything  Halloweeny and i'm not liking it."

"First of all," Harry's deep voice hummed, "Halloweeny isn't a word. Secondly, I let you put up those spiderwebs on the door."

"But i want to put more." Louis huffed, grinding his crotch against the taller man's so he could get what he wanted. "I want to put decorations inside the apartment."

"Who would see that?"

"Us!" He chirped with a grin, "C'mon we could even do role playing games. Like you be the cop and i'll be the bad guy or something." He used his pointer finger to peek under the pillow only to scream as Harry flipped them over so he was laying directly on top of the lad.

"No." Harry yawned, putting all of his weight on the man causing him to giggle and scream for him to roll over.

"That reminds me," Louis gasped, shifting under him so his head would rest on his chest and his body in between his legs while he combed his fingers through his wild curls. "Do you want to go to my friend's Halloween party?"

"How does me lying on you remind you of that?"

"I don't know. Just answer the question."

"I don't do parties." Harry sighed, thinking back to the first time he actually tried to go to a party with the curse he had. He couldn't stop himself from picturing everyone dead. And he couldn't stop himself from wanting them dead.

"It will be fun," Louis replied, smiling when he felt a pair of large arms wrap around his torso. "My friend Niall and his boyfriend will be there. We could do like a double date thing."

"I don't do double dates."

"You're such a party pooper." Louis pouted, "Can you please do it for me? I'll do whatever you want for like a week."

With that, Harry moved his head so his chin was resting on his chest as he looked up at him with glittering red eyes. "Whatever I want?" He hummed, making Louis slightly nervous because the way he was looking at him was absolutely strange.

He shyly nodded, watching him was his eyes fluttered shut and a smirk spread on his lips. Oh god, what have i done.


So this isn't so bad, Louis thought as he looked at the planner Harry gave him for that week where he must do everything he says. It was the week before Halloween which gave him time to go search for a costume since he dresses up every year for Niall's party.

He honestly felt weird about going because it would be the first year without Liam. He didn't know if Harry would do the apple bob and dance contests with him. Could Harry even dance? Well he would find out in a week.

"What are you going to be?" Louis asked as Harry was sat at the table paying his bills. The smaller lad padded towards him and sat in the chair across with his water bottle in hand and a bag of popcorn that he was planning to eat when the mood came. He shivered as his bare thighs touched the cold chair underneath him since he was dressed in only a shirt and a pair of briefs.

"Do i have to dress up?" He exhaled, sparring a glance towards him to see Louis smiling.

"Yes you do." He stated, "You could be Harry potter and-"


"Well then I don't know what you could be." He huffed, standing up from his seat because he had to go to the bathroom. Once the door was shut Harry smirked and mumbled, "Maybe i'll be a serial killer."

He admired the silence until Louis came up to him with a smile on his face. "Why don't you be the cop and then i'll be the prisoner?" He suggested, rounding the table to take a seat on Harry's lap with a smirk. "We could use the handcuffs when we get home after."

"Thats not a bad idea." Harry hummed, his hands grabbing a handful of his ass while his lips went to work on his neck because he loved when Louis straddled him.

"I have to go call Niall." Louis moaned as he felt Harry nibble and suck at his collarbone. His small hands went at his chest to push him away before things got too heated.

"Call him later." Harry whispered, biting harshly at his skin causing him to yelp. His large hands held onto his back to hold him in place while he marked him up. He loved seeing the marks while the man slept. It reminded him of how rough he actually could be.

He was actually feeling quite strange because he hasn't killed in a few days. He actually hasn't killed in a few weeks which only meant that the urge would be worse when it finally came along.

"Harry," Louis gasped, wanting him to stop before he looked like he was attacked by leaches. He was never good at covering hickeys and if he walked into the bar tomorrow with those all over his neck then there would be a lot of questions. He could tell that Harry wasn't letting up so with a sigh he tangled his hands into his unruly curls, "Daddy, stop."

With that, Harry pulled back with swollen lips to see what he had left behind which was numerous bite marks and forming hickeys scattered in his skin.

"Do you have plans for the rest of the day?" His deep voice asked, his fingers that were squeezing at his ass was now resting on Louis' thighs. He couldn't help but glance down to make sure he hasn't hurt himself again.

"No..." He hummed, his breath hitching in his throat as he felt Harry's hands hold onto his thighs as he stood up from his seat and walked them towards the bedroom.

"I hope you had enough to drink because i'm going to need you for a while." He smirked, placing a kiss on his button nose before bringing them inside the room where he shut the door with the back of his foot and set Louis down on the bed.

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