Forty Four

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New years eve rolled by quickly and Louis couldn't be more happier that he was fucked all the way to next year

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New years eve rolled by quickly and Louis couldn't be more happier that he was fucked all the way to next year.

It was mid-January and the snow was beginning to subside but the cold temperature was still around which made Louis sad since he has been dying to go skateboarding all month. He knew it would be a little while before he could go but he was getting antsy.

Everywhere they went, he would spot a place where he could do a trick or just cruise. A smooth sidewalk would come into view and he would talk about how great it would feel on his wheels. A staircase with a metal railing would appear in sight and he would talk about how sick it would be to ride the railing which Harry took completely different of how he meant it.

"If you want to go crack your head be my guest." Harry hummed as he looked down adoringly at his partner who was biting his lip as he looked up at the sky. The grey had vanished to become a light blue, much like Louis' eyes. "But if you wake up with amnesia i'll tell you your name is my bitch."

"Oh please," Louis scoffed, looking up at his lover. "You're my bitch. You get all panty when i fuck you and you don't want me to stop."

"I've only bottomed twice, Honey." He snapped, "And because your dick is huge." Harry bluntly said, holding open the door for the smaller man as he walked into the warm bakery that smelt of chocolate cookies and coffee.

"So would you say you only love me for my dick?"

"Yup," Harry smiled, leaning down to place a kiss on his cheek as they took their place on line. "And that sweet ass of yours," he growled in his ear, grabbing onto his ass tightly causing him to squeal and blush as they walked up to the cashier.

"I'll have a caramel mocha please," Louis hummed, swatting at Harry's hand that seemed to remain on his ass. He looked up at him shyly to see him already smirking down at him. "And a blueberry muffin."

He smiled as she told him the price and he slid her the money against the counter before heading towards the waiting section. "Would you quit it?" Louis snapped, squeezing at his wrist only to groan as his hold on his bum tightened once again.

"You don't tell me what to do." Harry purred, gasping as he felt someone bump into his leg so hard that he moved to keep his balance. "What the hell?" He mumbled, releasing his hold on Louis to see a little girl smiling up at him with a pacifier in her mouth and bright hazel eyes that contrasted with her straight blonde hair.

"Gemma!" A woman called out, drawing his attention from the little girl to the woman who he instantly recognized. "I'm sorry," she smiled obliviously as she picked up the toddler and rested her on her hips, not remembering her own son.

Well, it has been three years. One part of his mind debated while the other retorted, But you should always know how your children look regardless.

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