Twenty One

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Louis blankly looked up at the blurry ceiling with his hand on his bare chest and his naked waist was covered up to his protruding hip bones while he thought

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Louis blankly looked up at the blurry ceiling with his hand on his bare chest and his naked waist was covered up to his protruding hip bones while he thought.

The night before was fun. He was happy about that. He was happy that Harry was passed out beside him on his stomach with scratch marks lining up all over his ivory back. But he wasn't happy about how they were.

They had sex at least 30 times and they still weren't dating. He knew what a friends with benefits was but friends with benefits didn't involve feelings. So what the hell were they doing?

"Harry?" He whispered, turning towards the mess of curls to see him still passed out with his hands buried deep in the pillow. "Harry?" He tried again, knowing that it might not work at such an early time in the morning.

With a sigh he got up from bed, padding towards the bathroom only to hear a low grumble that he recognized as his morning voice.

"Where are you going?" He asked, raising his wild curls from the pillow as he looked at the man.

"Just to the bathroom." He mumbled, blushing lightly as he remembered he was still naked. His hands shyly went to cover his dick while he waited for a response so he could just go to the bathroom.

"Are you sad?"

Louis' breath got caught in his throat as he looked at the blurry figure of Harry. He couldn't see his face without his glasses but he knew that he was being serious. "Just a bit." He honestly answered, "But i'm not going to."

"Okay," he sighed, laying his head back down but now facing the other way as he heard the bathroom door close. His eyes were closed yet he was still waiting for Louis to come back before actually going to sleep incase he was in the mood to talk because he could feel him toss and turn for the past two hours.

He let out a deep breath as he felt the bed sink and he opened an eye to see Louis' back since he was turned to his side. He smirked at the multiple hickeys and bite marks he left on his tan skin.

"What's on your mind?" His deep voice rumbled, watching him as he turned on his back and faced him.

"I feel easy."

"How?" He furrowed his eyebrows at his response, turning his head so his cheek was pressing against the pillow as he looked at him with both eyes now.

"Because we've had sex so many times and we've only been on one date."

Harry raise his eyebrows at that before sitting up and moving the sheets so his bottom half was hit with the cool air of the room as he stood up and padded towards his dresser.

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