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"Oh my god," Louis sniffled as he walked around the kitchen with the blankets covering him from head to toe

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"Oh my god," Louis sniffled as he walked around the kitchen with the blankets covering him from head to toe. He was completely covered by the bedsheets to a point where only his face was visible which made him feel warm while he was ice cold. "I want to die."

"No, you don't." Harry laughed, padding towards the fridge. He opened it and grabbed a water bottle, closing the door to see Louis struggling to reach the bag of chips on the top shelf. "Does someone need help?" He cooed, reaching effortlessly and grabbing the bag.

"Shut up," Louis nasally retorted, snatching the chips from his grasp before hurrying away. He shut the room door and flopped down onto the bed, causing the taller man to laugh and shake his head at his boyfriend.

He went to go sit down onto the couch, grabbing the tv remote and turning it on only to hear a light knocking at the door. He grumbled as he stood up, chugging down some more water before opening the door to see Zayn standing there biting his finger nervously. His golden eyes searched Harry's red ones and he continued to bite on his finger until Harry let out a deep breath.

"What the fuck do you want?" He snapped, crossing his arms over his bare chest. "Louis is sick so he doesn't want any visitors."

"I-I'm here to see you."

"Let me just put on a shirt." He mumbled as he walked inside and grabbed the hoodie that was thrown over the recliner. Given that it was Louis' it was tight on him which made him more annoyed. He was already dressed in a pair of sweats so he just stepped out of the apartment and closed the door behind himself. "What?"

"I-I don't k-know what to do." He stuttered, beginning to pace which made the curly haired man grow extremely angry. "I love Niall. So much. And if he were to find out what I am and what I did to you-"

"Here's an easy answer. Change me back." He growled, running a hand through his wild curly hair.

"I can't."

"Then I don't understand why we are talking." He snapped, turning on his heel to leave the dark haired man but stopped when he felt a large amount of pain in his side. He gripped onto his waist and winced as he toppled over to see Zayn hovering over him.

"You can be an asshole to me all you want." Zayn seethed, "But that just gives me more reason to hate you. I honestly don't know why I came here."

"Because you're a little bitch."

"What does he fucking see in you?" Zayn spat, shaking his head in disgust. He twisted his wrist and suddenly the pain was absolutely unbearable for the man. "Have fun with more cravings, you dick." He sang before walking off with a smile on his face because he was feeling much better.

Harry clenched his jaw and stumbled as he stood up, looking down at his shaking hands that were already tingling. Fuck, he mentally cracked as he looked around frantically something was changing in him and it was freaking him out.

He hesitantly turned the door knob, being welcomed with the smell of popcorn. "I'm going to watch a movie, wanna join?" Louis hummed, glancing over to his boyfriend. "You okay? You look really tired."

"Yeah," he coughed, wiping his twitching hands on his thighs. He could feel his heart racing in his chest. His eyes felt like they were on fire while he looked at the smaller man and it was beginning to worry him. "I'm just going to go take a nap."

"Okay," Louis smiled, opening the beeping microwave and taking his bag of popcorn before running into the room once again.


Something is off, Harry thought as he woke up in a daze. That was normal because he always felt confused after naps but something was new on him. He could feel it.

He grunted as he sat up from the couch, noticing that it was dark outside from the lack of light seeping through the shades and he was surrounded by darkness. He blindly made his way to the bathroom, flipping on the light switch to see that his dark circles had darkened to a dark purple which made his crimson eyes pop.

He rolled his eyes and turned his head to see if anything else was on his face which there wasn't. Just the usual group of acne he always gets on his forehead. But when he pulled on a smile thats when he saw it.

He had fangs. Like actual fangs.

"What the fuck?" He muttered, opening his mouth to inspect the pointy ends on his teeth. They didn't look like the fake ones kids put on Halloween, no, these were a bit longer and sharper.

He rubbed his tongue along the edge, wincing when the small muscle was poked with the razor sharp tooth. Louis cant see these, he noted. It was already hard coming up with fake stories as to why his eyes were this way but now he had to come up with something for his teeth.

He wanted to continue to look at the new addition to his devilish appearance but was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. "Can you hurry up?"

"I just got in here," he snapped, wincing when his teeth cut into his lip as he talked.

"I have to pee," Louis whined, grabbing onto his crotch while he danced in a small circle. He actually had to go hours ago but he was being lazy.

"Fuck," Harry grumbled, opening the door only for his shoulder to get bumped as Louis ran past him to the already raised lid.

The curly haired man was livid as he took a seat on the couch while his tongue brushed over his fangs. God he had fangs. All he needed were horns and he would be the devil himself. Or at least a demon.

I'm going to fucking kill him, he mentally stated. He clenched his jaw as he thought about the ways that he would end Zayn's life. But he first had to find out when is the next time they will cross paths again.

"Hey, Lou?" He called out, earning a hum in response. His dark red eyes glared at the fists by his sides as he then asked, "When is that double date happening?"

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