Sixty Four

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Bold are flashbacks

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Bold are flashbacks. Remember that.

Harry smiled as he looked at the sleeping man beside him. He loved the crinkle of his nose when his feet got cold and the slight part of his lips as he snored quietly. Not only that but how he took most of the space on the bed to a point where when he would get up to go to the bathroom, the man was already in his place.

He just loved him. Maybe because it was a day of love or just that he was so attached to him. Especially after all that they've been through.

With a content grin he got up and tiptoed to the kitchen, taking out the needed ingredients for the pancakes and bacon he was making for the man.

He cooked silently, knowing that he wouldn't be awake for quite some time which allowed him to finish making the food and pouring some juice into a glass before putting the items onto a wooden tray that he carried carefully to the sleeping man.

"Louis," he whispered, kicking his feet playfully only to watch his eyebrows furrow and the man to move away. He whistled a few times, making him groan and cover his face with a pillow. "Baby, i'm going to eat this if you don't."

"Eat what?" Louis grumbled from underneath his shield. He lifted the pillow slightly to peek an eye to see what he was talking about which only woke him up quickly because he loved when Harry made him breakfast.

Louis sat up quickly, resting his back against the headboard as he smiled up at Harry who was putting the tray on his lap gently. "Thank you," he beamed, grabbing the fork that was handed to him before eating the pancakes that already had a fair amount of syrup poured on top. "Happy Valentines." He giggled, feeling proud that he had someone to celebrate with.

"Happy Valentines," Harry hummed, taking a seat on the edge of the bed as he watched him eat. Not creepily. He just had nothing else to look at and why cant he watch his boyfriend?

"I bought you something." Louis gasped, motioning towards his night table. His blue eyes watched as the curly haired man rounded the chest and bent down to open the drawer before pulling out a black jewelry box.

"Oh, Louis," Harry smiled, "I at least thought I would be the one asking." With that he flipped open the lid only to see a silver ring with dancing bears engraved as a design. He looked up at the man with a furrowed eyebrow because it was just so...random.

"I saw it when I went thrifting with Niall and I thought you would like it."

The red eyed man saw the happiness in his eyes as he explained to him which made him shake off the questionable and ungrateful attitude. He stretched his fingers out and slipped the ring onto his middle finger on his left hand, a dimpled smile spreading on his face as he saw that it fight snug.

"I love it." He breathed, leaning his arm down before placing a kiss on his syrup-tasting lips. "We have a date tonight. I would like for you to wear that yellow dress, please."

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