Fifty Six

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I can't leave you guys like that smh

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I can't leave you guys like that smh. But I seriously fucking love the support.

"His heart stopped..." Louis muttered to himself, collapsing onto his knees as he still stared at his unconscious body. "His-" he stopped himself, letting out a loud cry as he broke down into sobs.

Zayn winced as he heard how hard the man was crying, looking down at his hands that were shaking. He wanted to keep his mouth shut and not say anything but he couldn't help himself.

He could see how much Harry had affected him. And he couldn't just let that slip away because he wanted whats best for his friend. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Louis who looked up at him pleadingly.

"Can you do something? Anything. Please just bring him back." He begged, his bottom lip trembling as he looked up at him with watery blue eyes.

"Bringing people back takes a lot of power." He breathed, running a hand through his hair as he saw the deflated look on Louis' face. "I cant change him back to the way he was."

"Thats fine! Just please, Zee,"

Zayn let out a deep breath and nodded, crawling onto the bed awkwardly before straddling Harry's waist because he had to be comfortable while he did the spell.

"Do you have to sit on him like that?" Louis muttered from behind him, making him turn and glare at him.

"Do you have to be jealous right now?" He retorted, cracking his knuckles before grabbing the handle of the knife and tugging lightly. He whimpered as he heard the light squishing sound as he pulled inch by inch until the blade was out and a small amount of blood fell from the now opened wound.

He placed his hands on his chest, his eyes glowing into a light radiance before it intensified to a point where they were illuminated like lights. "Shit," he cursed, pushing against the man's chest as he felt the man shake with magic.

"Whats happening?" Louis worriedly asked from the foot of the bed as he watched with his nails already half bitten off.

Zayn shushed him, pushing once again and wincing when he felt the burn from the wound seek into his bones and travel through his veins. He could see the way his hidden veins were now turning into a dark color that could be seen by the frightened man behind him, wanting to stop because he has never done serious magic like this.

The dark haired man let out a piercing scream as he clenched his jaw and continued on with the spell that he chanted in his head, feeling the power flow through his finger tips to the wound that was gradually healing with each passing second.

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