1 - The Letter

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I was peacefully eating breakfast alone enjoying the silence in the house, that was until Topaz our owl arrived with the mail. Mother immediately rushes downstairs and into the kitchen looking through the mail.

"It's here, everyone it's here" she yells with joy causing my father and 3 younger siblings Lucy, Michael and Laura to rush into the room.

"Open it" Lucy smiles as mother hands me the letter

I take the letter off mother and carefully open it without ruining the wax seal on the back. 

"Dear Miss Star,

I'm pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find a list of all necessary books and equipment enclosed. Term begins on 1st September, we await your owl by no later than 31st July.

Yours Sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress"

"Well done sweetheart" Father smiles and hugs me

"We need to get all the supplies" I smile handing him the list of required items

"We will go soon so go and get ready"

I nod ok then run up to my room to get changed, I put on a floral skater dress and baby blue vans. I get my clothes from the muggle shops as they are so pretty and London is just the best place for shopping. I can't wait for muggle studies because I just love them and their way of life. Technology for example, I have them all and oh my social media is just incredible.

We finally reach diangole alley, we do the books and robes first getting the boring stuff out of the way. Now it's wand time, I'm so excited. 

"Ah Miss Star. I've been looking forward to you arriving" Olivander smiles appearing from wherever he was.

"Hello" I smile

He places a box in front of me and tell me to try the wand, I look at it and know it isn't right but I still try it. See I was right, a vase just smashed. The wand was a light colour and I just know a dark coloured one will work.

"Nope not that one. Try this one"

He places a 10 3/4 Laurel wood with Unicorn hair core in front of me. I pick it up and that magical feeling appears and the little sparkle. 

"The wand has chosen you" he smiles


Mother pays for the wand then we leave going to the final shop. The pet shop.

"Look Samantha, aren't these cute?" Father smiles at the cats 

"Yes but I want an owl, easier with mail"

I look at the many owls but I get attracted to one in particular, she's young but is very cute. Her big buggy eyes stare back at me with a twinkle in them.

"That one please" I say pointing at her

The shop worker get her cage and hand her to me 

"You're being called Twinkle" I smile putting my hand through the bars and petting her.

After a few more visits to get my supplies we get back home where I immediately take Twinkle to my room and place her cage on my desk. Luckily I got a few days to build a relationship with her before she has to go to Hogwarts. I place my trunk on my bed and start to pack everything, I can't wait to leave and begin this new chapter of my life. My life is now going to become 10x better all because of a letter Topaz delivered. 

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