24 - I miss you

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I get on the train and make sure Lucy is ok along with checking on Michael. I have no idea if Draco is going home for Christmas but I'm not going to look for him. I can count on one hand how many times we've we've spent together and had an actual conversation. I still haven't been able to find out what's going on with him which is just making me worry more. 

I find Hermione in a compartment along so I go in sitting opposite her. "Hey, you ok?" 


"Why aren't you with Harry and Ron?"

"Lavender is probably there" 

"You don't like her?"


"Why? oh wait I know. You like Ron?"

"Yeah, it hurts too"

"I know the feeling, I was the same when Draco was with Pansy"

"How did you manage?"

"I avoided him as when I was around him he'd always talk about her or just focus on her so I'd be the 3rd wheel. It'll be harder for you to avoid him though due to being in the same house and Harry of course"

Christmas Day

I wake up to an owl perched on my desk wit a small gift box and envelope. I know that owl. I take the letter and open it carefully. 


Thank you for my present, I hope you like yours too. I'm sorry I've been distance and we haven't spent much time together at Hogwarts. I'll make it up to you. Meet me in London, the houses of parliament on the 18th at 11am. 

Draco x

I open my gift and gasp in shock, it's a beautiful necklace (pictured above). I've read about them before, they're so expensive as only a certain amount was made. The blue charm in front of the moon protects you from danger. It matches too with the fact I'm in Ravenclaw which I like. I grab a parchment and my Quill then I begin writing my response 

Dear Draco, 

Thank you so much for my necklace I love it, you really shouldn't of though I know they are expensive. I'll meet you on that day where I hope you'll tell me what's going on. You've changed a lot Draco and I'm worried about you. You was distant all summer but I shrugged it off and now in Hogwarts you're even more distance which seems silly as we're in the same castle.  

I miss you

Sammi x

I send the owl off with my response after giving him a treat then I put the necklace on and get dressed. Once I'm dressed and half way through doing my hair the owl returns 

I can't say what's wrong, it's for your own safety. I promise you I will when it's safe to. I miss you too but I promise it will be ok no matter what happens. 

I love you

Draco x 

I stare at those 3 little words, those 8 letters then I smile. It's the first time for one of us to say it, I've wanted to say it for a while but of course I'm too chicken to. 

I love you too

Sammi x 

I send the owl off again then I go downstairs where everyone is having breakfast. 


I get to the Houses of Parliament and see Draco stood there watching the world go by. "Hey" I smile and hug him

"Hey, you look great" He smiles hugging me back then he kisses me.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise" He smiles taking my hand into his as we begin walking

"Fine, how have you been anyway?"

"I've been ok. Yourself?"

"I've been good"

We end up at Clos Maggiore, thank god I dressed good. This is one of the most expensive restaurants in London.

"Draco, this is way to expensive"

"No it isn't" He smiles holding the chair out for me

"I love the flowers" I smile looking up at the ceiling.

"Eh, they're alright"

"They're beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as you"

"Cheese" I chuckle as I look back at him

"Only stating the truth love"

I smile and when the waiter arrives I place my order whilst Draco places his afterwards. Food tasted amazing, it's close to beating Hogwarts food. Once we're out and back onto the streets of London we walk around being typical tourists.

All in all today has been great and Draco was back to his old self which was amazing.

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now