8 - Christmas Break & Draco's first concert

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Tomorrow is finally the day where we can go home for Christmas Break which I'm excited about, Draco did say sorry but I'm still staying in my new seat for potions as James is quite a funny guy and is also good at potions. Mrs Norris got petrified to which Filch blames the golden trio for, Colin Creevey getting petrified did upset me though he's a great kid so I hope madam Pomfrey will be able to cure him. Due to this precautions have been put in place such as being escorted by professors classes and going straight to our common rooms after dinner unless you have detention. 

"I'm so glad to be going home tomorrow" I smile before eating more of my food

"Me too" Draco smiles

"What is everyone looking forward to the most" Crabbe asks 

"Presents of course, Father promised to get everything on my list"

"You still do lists? not even my siblings do that anymore and they're way younger" I chuckle 

"And what are you looking forward too then Star?"

"I'm looking forward to attending a concert I've had tickets for since they went on sale the beginning of the year" I state proudly 

"Oh a concert sound wonderful, is it a muggle preformer? me and father saw one in the summer in London. It was the Philharmonic Orchestra preforming The Mermaid. it was wonderful"

"Umm, I'm seeing the complete opposite music genre. Sorry Luna but not a fan of classical music I'm more on the rock side. I'm seeing Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens, VIP tickets so I get to meet them too I'm so excited" 

"That's all well and good but what is a concert?" Draco speaks 

"You really don't know what a concert is? there's concerts in the wizarding world too" I take a sip of my drink then I look back at his still confused face. "It's a stage, people sing and play instruments"

"Oh, I know what it is. Never been to one though"

"You haven't lived then, but don't worry all of that will change. you my friend are going to your very first concert and lucky for you you'll be experiencing it with me. The girl with the most concert experience in this whole school"

"I don't have a ticket silly"

"There's a little thing called magic silly"

"Ok, then It's settled then. I'm going to this concert" 

I squeal and hug him then me and Luna leaves to do the remaining of our packing. 

Concert Day

"Star, Draco is here" Mum calls from downstairs

I run downstairs grabbing his arms and pulling him back upstairs. I stare at his clothes and look in my wardrobe "You need a new shirt" 


"It's not concert type. Wear this" I pull out a Sleeping with Sirens shirt throwing it at him 

"I'm going to get dressed in the bathroom" I take my clothes and leave 

I get changed into my black ripped skinny jeans, converse and Pierce the Veil shirt. I go back to my room and I smile at Draco "You look great. we need a photo of this" I smile pulling my camera out

He looks at the Polaroid confused 

"Muggle photos don't move silly" I smile pulling my wand out, I make a duplicate of the Polaroid so we got one each.  

"What do I say to these people?" 

"You just say Hi, shake their hand then pose for a photo, unless you wanna be like me and hug them to death" 

"Handshakes are fine"


"I'm so excited" I smile keeping my arm linked around Draco's

"I can tell" He chuckles as he hands the guy his ticket 

"You're going to love it, I promise" 

We get inside and join the cue for the photos. 

"So the first one is the ones on my shirt?" 

"That's correct, don't worry I'll be right by you" I smile 

We get to Sleeping with Sirens and I do my thing hugging Kellin the longest then we pose for the photo then we move onto Pierce the Veil doing the same 

"Soo, how was it?" 

"It was actually alright, what now?" 

"Merch stall" I smile pulling him to the stall

I do my usual buying one of everything and placing them into my bag, Draco just buys two shirts then we go back to the stage and get front row. 

"Oh yeah they normally throw stuff out to the crowds, like picks, drum sticks, water bottles,sweat towels and set lists. Try and catch them" 

"Oh, that's easy" He smirks 

Oh god I know what he's doing. He's getting the drift of how concerts work for us magical folk easily. I smirk back and sneak my wand out. Let's just say every concert I go to I get nearly everyone jealous of me as I always 'happen' to catch or get given one of everything. I love being a witch.

After Concert

"That was great, did you see all the evil looks you got" Draco laughs as we head outside 

"I'm used to it" I shrug and we look for Dad

We get home and I put all my goodies away and we go to bed, top and tail of course. 

Christmas Day

I look at the various presents I got and unwraps the one of Draco first. I open the box after unwrapping it and it's the photos from the concert, he managed to get them to be magical photos. I smile and place them on my pile of gifts and open the rest of my presents. 

This has been the best Christmas of my life. 

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now