10 - First encounter with a dementor

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Here we are again, back on the Hogwarts Express for our 3rd year at Hogwarts, this summer I spent the majority of my time which Draco and we've grown a lot closer. His mother is very nice too, his father however I'm still not too sure of, I know he's a bad person so I am being wary around him. I take a seat next to Draco and pick up the daily prophet 

"Who's Sirius Black?" I ask

"He's the one who got Potter's parents killed, along with the murder of 12 muggles and his friend Peter Pettigrew"

"That's horrible, do you think he would be after Harry?"

"I don't know, probably"

The conversation about Sirius Black ends and I end up leaning my head on Draco's shoulder as we all talk about the summer holidays. That was until the train stops. 

"We aren't here already are we?" Luna asks 

"No, unless the train had an engine upgrade to go faster" I speak sitting up and looking out the window.

"What the hell?" I jump a little as the window freezes up

"What's happening?" I ask as the whole compartment goes dark and the atmosphere goes from positive to negative. 

"Draco?" I ask as I feel someone's arms around me 

"Yeah it's me" He replies 

We see a dark figure, well cloak in the doorway and I turn burying my head into Draco's chest as I hear the door open but close again a few seconds later. 

When the lights come back on and the train begins moving again I pull away "What was that?"

"It was a Dementor" Draco replies 

"A what?"

"Dementor, they're guards at Azkaban. Probably looking for Black"

I remain quiet and make sure I got everything from the compartment of mine all packed up as we're due to arrive at Hogwarts soon. Hopefully. I will admit it, Dementors are scary. Very Scary.

Next Day - First Class

"Right you lot, less chattering and forms group over there. And open yer books to page 49" Hagrid speaks once we've reached a clearing in the forest

"And how exactly do you do that?" Draco asks

"You stroke the spine of course" Hagrid speaks and walks off

"Yeah Draco, God did you not learn anything when purchasing the book?" I chuckle

"Shut it you" he smirks and strokes his book whilst Nevile does the opposite and have his book go to him like some angry dog.

"Oh yeah terribly funny, really witty. God this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore has got this oath teaching classes"

Grab and Goyle laughs whilst I smack him on the arm glaring at him

"Shut up Malfoy" Harry speaks squaring up to him causing Malfoy to walk up to him. Will these 2 ever get along?

"Dementia demontia" Draco speaks pointing causing many people to turn around and me nearly freak out then him and other slytherins put the hood on their robes up and pretend to be scary. I grab my book and Luna's arm and walk off to the other side of the group.

A hippogriff appears who looks so cute, Harry volunteers to demonstrate, well we all stepped back and made him but still Harry steps up. Ok I've changed my mind, he's only a little bit below cute, he's kinda scary. The next thing Harry is flying Buckbeak, well I'm jealous.

"There you are" Draco speaks standing my me

"Go away" I say turning my back to him

"What's wrong with you?"

"Why do you always have to cause a scene? Why can't you just-" I get interrupted by Harry and BuckBeak arriving back and Draco walking over to it.

"Draco. Stop. It won't end well"

"Told you" I say as he ends up on the floor after buck beaks.

Hagrid picks Draco up and carry him to the hospital wing.

"He's killed me, I'm gonna loose my arm" he moans whilst they go past me

"Oh stop being so dramatic" I yell at him

Me and Luna make our way inside and go to have lunch. Thank god I have no more lessons today with Draco, in fact I have no lessons at all for the rest of today. After lunch Luna goes to the library to study with Nevile Longbottom, I think she has a crush on him and the same for him with her. It's cute and they would make a good couple. As for myself I debate about going to visit Draco but he's being over dramatic and I'm still annoyed with him for pretending to be a Dementor earlier. I end up going to the common room instead where I do my homework and attend my class before Dinner.

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now